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Whisper Caverns 3rd time's a charm. - Printable Version

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3rd time's a charm. - Namara - Dec 28, 2013


Ever since their acceptance, Namara had spent all of her time skirting the edge of Whisper Caverns territory. She was learning it all, Ash had been busy leading so she took time for herself. She knew full well that he would think of her while he went about his duties, and she would remain on the edge of his territory and mind. For he was in her heart and she in his, she felt happy now, content,and hoped very much that such a thing could last, for such things little often did. Namara was slipping into an easy role, one she head learned while chasing Ash and being chased by Ash throughout Poison Path territory. She would be the ghost of the caverns.

Namara was strong and she was loyal to Ash, and thus the Caverns pack. At least for now her loyalty lie with Ash, soon however she hoped to meet some of the members of this new pack. Namara could be glimpsed every now and them moving through the trees now, silently, and if one looked closely enough they would see it. The slightest abnormality in her gait caused by one crooked paw, from a fall that seemed to have happened lifetimes ago. Namara Laylani was so very far from the wolf whom had fallen from the trails on the mountain of dire. She had been reborn and forged in the fires of love and pain, loss and hurt, and hate.

Her eyes matched the tempered steel of her soul and her grey and brown hued fur Shown against the snow in such a way that even as stealthy as she was one could tell exactly who she was. But of course, if you didn't know her you could be startled, which is exactly what happened when Namara stumbled quite literally upon a wolf bent and searching for herbs beneath the snow, Simaea.


RE: 3rd time's a charm. - Simaea - Dec 28, 2013


Things were going better ever since Simaea had survived her near starvation and malnutrition. She had regained health just before the winter threatened to take it away once more. Even through all of the strange things that seemed to happen recently, Sloane and Narime's disappearances and the pups seemingly coming and going as they pleased, her sanity remained intact. Simaea had once more proven to herself the strength of her will to carry on, so very much like that of her brother. Even still there was always work to be done, and these days, she spent hours in the cold until she was on the verge of frostbite just searching for herbs. There hadn't been an injury in so long she worried, the next could simply be a death.

So Simaea's head was indeed buried beneath the snow when Namara came along and caught a paw upon her neck, forcibly removing her from her search. The dark healer tumbled a few times before getting up and backing quickly into a tree, her haunches set low and her head rolled back with her teeth bared. "W-W-Who are you?" She snarled the words shakily, staring blankly at a set of silver eyes which quite frankly scared the shit out of her. Simaea did not like the situation and hoped very dearly that some wolf would come along soon and help her, before she got hurt, or worse, killed. Simaea was not sure what would happen but she threw her head back and howled for someone, anyone.


RE: 3rd time's a charm. - Ash - Dec 28, 2013

Ash had been doing a decent job of getting to know his new territory, but not so great of a job at finding subordinates to meet every once and awhile. As of yet, he had only truly met with Inali, who seemed to be quite fair of a woman, not like those whom he had been with in the mountains, savory for Belladonna, Namara, and Treena. The thought of the young girl made a frown form upon his face, his ears flattening down slightly. She would be so much older now and even more beautiful than the last time he had seen her, he was sure. However, Ash’s thoughts did not remain dark for long, for the thought of Namara brought a lighter mood upon him. Content with his thoughts over the woman in his life that could make his thoughts come out of the dark, he came to terms with the fact that neither of them had seen the other since they had joined Whisper Caverns, it made him make sure to seek her out soon, though, he would find out soon that it would be much sooner than expected and he would definitely not be the one to execute the call.

When he had been on the borders, a panicked call from within his lands caused the brown, earthy male to whirl around, his mossy green orbs wide. He didn’t recognize the voice, even though it did not surprise him, but started sprinting in the direction of the call none the less. His large paws thundered heavily against the snow covered around, his eyes taking in the area around him and skirted around a tree, slightly shocked. Shit, I totally forgot that was there. Snorting softly, the male continued on, coming across a scene that shocked him to his core. Looking between Namara and the other nameless female, he was absolutely sure that it was the unknown female, that had bare the mark of Whisper Caverns on her, that made the call. Lifting himself up much higher than both females, he looked towards the girl his slanted eyes narrowed, which almost made it look like he was closing his eyes, <b style="color:#261a36 ">"What seems to be the problem here?" He tail swayed high above his back as he took in the area carefully, noting the upturned snow near them, but didn’t clarify that as enough to ensure that there had been a struggle. He cocked an eyebrow at the healer in question.

STOCK: WolfC-Stock @ DA - LucieG-Stock @ DA &
Table by PuppyThief

RE: 3rd time's a charm. - Inali - Dec 28, 2013


Padding through the snow, Inali was doing her usual thing--marking the borders. She was at the far edges of Whisper Caverns territory, placing her scent among the others of her pack mates. One that she smelled fairly strongly was of Ash, and then of an unknown female she did not know the name of yet. Her mind was soon consumed with other things, like the need of organizing a pack hunt.

The day that Nari had returned to them and she came back from her last scouting trip, she had smelled the deer. It really was a gift from the Fates, because from the crack of dawn to late evening, she had traveled all over Southern Eden, trying to find some source of food. She had noticed that herds were scarce, and that had scared her because this winter would seem to be a harsh one. She had come top bear the bad news to the pack, when to her surprise, Narime was home. After they all left so Nari could have some rest, the girl had caught the faint scent of a mule deer herd.

The scent only grew stronger as the days passed. So Inali, figuratively speaking, had to be quick on her feet so they wouldn't miss this chance that she felt wouldn't come so easily as they arrived deeper into winter.

A fearful call disrupted her from her thoughts, and she recognized the voice. It was Simaea, the healer of the pack. Immediately, the woman whipped herself around and ran in the direction of the call, taking as many shortcuts as she could remember to get there as fast as she could. Even with her speed and knowledge of the lands, she still arrived seconds after Ash, snow splaying all around her as she jerked to a sudden stop beside him. She probably looked like an ant compared to him, because of his large size. Opening her maw, she spoke gently but firmly. "Simaea, hon. I know were not close, but I need you to calm down." Staring at the woman who was practically shaking, she continued. "These two are new to our family. Minka has a good judge of character, and if she acepted them into the pack, then I believe she knew what decision sge was making. So therefore, we have nothing to be afraid of. All right?" Turning to the two, she greeted them both with a nod and a warm, brief smile. She had come right after Ash had asked his question, and her eyes flickering briefly between the two women. It was just in her nature to be peacekeeper at times.


RE: 3rd time's a charm. - Namara - Jan 02, 2014


"Shit!" Namara spat as she saw her paws above her head and felt the white powder cover her back. The she wolf recovered quickly and spun to see whom she had encountered. The she wolf was met with a snarl and question to which she simply stared back bewildered at the sound of the voice. It was menacing, and grating, very.. very rough. "Namara! I'm Namara Laylani!" She barked hastily back just as Ash arrived on the scene. Good, at least now I can act like this isn't weird. Namara thought as the wolf who held her heart strode up. Soothed just in his presence, she visibly relaxed. "I stumbled across this she wolf here, and it would seem she doesn't know us." Namara tried to smile gently at Simaea but it seemed that the she wolf's face had gone from surprise and anger to fear.

Soon another she wolf came through the trees and spoke again to calm the now terrified she wolf. Namara opened her jaws once or twice as if she was trying to say something but couldn't get it out. So she clamped her jaws shut again for a few moments, something struck her as very odd about the she wolf, Inali had called "Simaea". Not in a bad way but in a curious one, why had she been so fearful and defensive so fast? Why was her head still set back so that her neck was obscured, and what in the world was up with her voice. It was as if someone had scorched her vocal chords. Namara just cocked her head to one side and waited on some kind of answer to come from the Healer.


RE: 3rd time's a charm. - Simaea - Jan 02, 2014


Simaea was frozen solid, her mind when a thousand miles an hour, she had no idea who the silver eyed she wolf was, and only just recognized Minka's scent marked her. It did not help when Ash appeared as she didn't know they had a new a leader, for she had only just recovered from her crushing and deep depression. "I don't know either of you, what are you doing here!?" Her teeth clicked together with every word that came forth from her muzzle. Simaea was putting on what was probably a bigger show of fear than anything, as hard as she tried, she was still weak at heart from losing a friend and nearly her own life to misery. She only relaxed when Inali appeared.

Simaea listened to her pack mate, and latched onto the familiarity like a pup and scooted to Inali's side. Shuddering, she started to control her breathing. In... and out... in... and out. Eventually the young Healer relaxed enough to speak properly, she rose and extended her neck, revealing the scars that still stretched across it. "Sorry, you both scared me. My name is Simaea Nite, I am your healer. If Minka accepted you, then I will trust her judgement." Simaea's voice had grown strong now and she spoke with as if what she said was final. Which it was, Simaea would trust these two unless they gave her reason not to, as she had learned from Minka. Even if she herself had broken that trust.


RE: 3rd time's a charm. - Ash - Jan 06, 2014

The Hervok’s eyes continued to move between the two woman, his brown head tilted slightly and patiently waiting for a response, but this was broken when another subordinate that he had begun to know and found that she was a respectable young woman and appreciated that he knew someone that he might be able to trust in the future. He words were calming to the out of paw woman that seemed to be slightly in shock, something that shocked him when he recognized the familiar scent of herbs that clung to her pelt. From what she had seen from his sister, when it came to healing, she was the perfect picture of calamity and his other female subordinate seemed to have the exact opposite effect than his sister, and he briefly wondered if she had not had proper training before. Finally Namara spoke up, and the usual affectionate mossy green eyes were cold, just as any proper leader’s eyes would be in this situation. Just because he loved the woman did not mean that he would give her any special treatment, but he was sure she knew that and there wouldn’t be a problem.

The other subordinate, Simaea, finally spoke up, and Ash turned his gaze towards her, nodding his head in greeting, and confirming his dark thoughts. She definitely was a healer…and a fearful healer at that…something he knew he would not be able to appreciate. Biting on his cheek to keep from making a crude remark, he took a deep breath and spoke, <b style="color:#261a36 ">"I am Ash Hervok, current alpha male…you are a healer…and yet your nerves get fried easily, have you had lessons?" He question was not a biting one, but one filled with curiosity and concern. His sister would be a likeable choice and if someone looked close enough, they would be able to see the similarity of their eyes due to their unique way they were slanted. Flicking his tail and pleased with how things had seem to have calmed down, he waited patiently for the girl’s answer.

STOCK: WolfC-Stock @ DA - LucieG-Stock @ DA &
Table by PuppyThief

RE: 3rd time's a charm. - Simaea - Jan 28, 2014


"Why don you wait until you are bleeding out to ask me such a question!" She snapped, her nerves may not be solid in social situations, but no wolf could ever deny her abilities otherwise. Even when she was flustered, she knew if one of these wolfs was stricken suddenly ill she would have no problems springing directly into action. It was not like the she wolf to get defensive, but no one insulted her ability to heal.. No one. Still seething she spoke again, "I am a capable healer, I have knowledge from when I was barely more than a pup, up to the training I received from Nina Reinier of Secret Woodlands." She wouldn't be able to explain how she reacted to dire situations as after her display like that no one would believe her anyways.

Simaea had settled down now before suddenly turning to look at the herb she had found, crushed and already browning from the collision. "Well there goes that, lets hope no one steps on anything sharp, because we'll have a pack full of three pawed wolves." She said nearly inaudibly. Now her afternoon was ruined as for her herb gathering expedition, even though she had gotten to meet the new pack leader, now the girl was just plain pissed off at everything, if it wasn't one thing it always seemed to be another. It wasn't often that Simaea Nite actually became irritated, but it would seem Ash had found the one thing that could piss her off.
