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Adiemus Freedom - Ash - Jan 20, 2014



He had been within the confines of Whisper Caverns long enough to know a majority of his way around the territory, but his time spent learning every nook and cranny had taken its toll on him being able to spend time with Namara. Alas, the only time that he would be able to see her is when they would both retire for rest. No time had been spent speaking to one another. The alpha missed her dearly and wished that somehow their paths would once again intertwine. He flicked his ears back as he walked throughout the depths of his territory, looking around for any food that could have been lingering around. The children needed substance and for days now the man had been desperately trying to find food for them all. There was no way some of the older members would survive in this weather should it continue, and Ash worried that his dear woman would reach a similar state of coldness, that of both mentality and body.

He yearned for her by his side once again and wished to hear her voice once more, delicately in his ear. Letting his tail flick out behind him in impatience, he watched the sun which was now slowly starting to set and sighed deeply before going into the confines of one of the caves that he had noticed bare no mark of any other Whisper Caverns wolf visit quite often. Looking up at the sunset he shook his head, clearing it of any dark thoughts of how this winter would end for them all. As long as his new family got out of this famine alive, he would be fine with it. If need be, Ash would be the last one to eat a meal wherever it was due and he knew that he would stick to this. In the meantime though, he took the chance to rest and laid his head down on his paws, staring at the dark wall in front of him, feeling familiar with the shadows that he had gladly sunken into.

STOCK: WolfC-Stock @ DA - LucieG-Stock @ DA &
Table by PuppyThief

RE: Adiemus Freedom - Namara - Jan 25, 2014


Namara trod along an old trail of hers, heading back to the cavern, a ghost as Ash had once been. She made her way back into her new home, as strange as it was she felt as though she were getting used to the lack of sight within the confines of the cavern. She could Smell Simaea's herbs lingering nearby while she tried to scent for Ash, irritably the she wolf shook her head before setting off down a dark tunnel. looks like somewhere he'd go. Soon enough she found herself following his scent, and picking up speed. The scent strengthened and the large female slowed her pace so that she could sneak up on him. Soon however when she rounded the corner, she saw him staring at the wall of the cavern. Her heart dropped with the look upon his face and softened as it always did ever since she confessed herself to him.

Her eyes traced his every hair and both ears, and lingered on his eyes for as long as she could stand before she had to be at his side. "Mr Hervok. Sir, I request your presence." She approached him, her tail wagging slowly behind her and the cold air filling her lungs. She stopped next to his ear and whispered "I love you Ash Hervok" before winding herself around him and settling next to him. Namara truthfully liked it back here with no one to disturb them, she could say whatever she wanted and never be judged by others at her relationship with the alpha of the pack.

The silver female wanted nothing more at the moment than to stay here with him, and lay forever into eternity, just so that she could feel his fur and have his scent forever. "What's wrong?" She asked, knowing full well by his behavior that everything was not okay.


Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Jan 25, 2014

There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health

RE: Adiemus Freedom - Ash - Jan 25, 2014

He lay there, his gaze never leaving the same spot that he had first laid his eyes on. Ash was so tired of fighting the feelings he got, and now he was finally able to get himself alone to think about the way he was feeling. He sensed another presence, but brushed it off as nothing, as he knew that no one else came down here. When he heard the words though, his pulse froze and his breathing hitched. Treena? ...No she couldn't come back here now...not after she left for so long. How did she find me? Trembling slightly he clenched his jaw as the woman came up behind him and whispered in his ear. She couldn't be here now though for he had Namara to think about and with that in mind whirled on her and shouted, "You can't be here!! You shouldn't be -" he froze mid-sentence once he realized who was in front of him and with wide eyes stumbled back, blinking away any confusion that might have been remaining.

This wolf in front of him was much to large to be her, this was his woman...Namara not the lost girl that he had once fallen helplessly in love with. Taking deep breaths to calm himself he spoke, his voice trembling, "Na...Namara, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize it was you..." he stuttered over his words, watching her with an unsure gaze. This was probably the most vulnerable she had ever seen him and he fought with control and eventually found it in his state of peace, clearing his throat to answer her question. "I was thinking about the doesn't seem as if this one is going to be kind to all. The children will starve if I can't find enough substance for them." He knew that his attempts to brush off his outbreak would be useless and waited for the on-slaughter of words that would soon be to come from Namara's mouth.

RE: Adiemus Freedom - Namara - Jan 25, 2014


Namara was moved quickly as Ash spun on her, startled her hackles raised and her teeth bared for a moment before she realized what was going on. her gaze darkened as he stuttered. It sounded as if he thought she was another she wolf, Is there another she wolf? Namara could feel the rage build in her belly and her eyes flashed for a moment, until she took a breath and close the steel orbs. "I'm just going to assume that you thought, I was someone from the past." She said with exceeding venom, the she wolf knew of Treena of course but the thought hadn't crossed her mind yet. So far she was concerned that Ash was falling for the leader of their new home.

A small growl vibrated her throat as she spoke. "Ash Hervok, the children are fine, everyone is fine, even the crazy healer is doing okay. What is wrong... and do not lie to me."Namara gazed coldly at him, she had come here intending on giving him her heart but now she was enraged. How could he mistake me for someone else? It almost hurt more than anything, but she wasn't aware of that, at the moment Namara just wanted to gnaw off his boy parts and send him packing. Stupid males, can't get out of their own way. Namara took a step forwards waiting on his answer and somewhere deep down fear began to seep into her gaze, she dearly wanted this to be something easy.


RE: Adiemus Freedom - Ash - Jan 26, 2014

He knew that he was going to regret his reaction to Namara, and found his hypothesis to be correct when he saw the familiar prick of anger spark in the depths of her eyes. Clenching his jaw tightly together, the Hervok listened to her spark words and mentally cursed himself for not thinking that it might have actually been Namara that had been behind him the whole time. He was about to respond when she spoke again, and though what he had originally said was the truth, he had also missed her dearly, but his reaction when she had come had foiled his point of admitting how he was feeling. Closing his eyes for a few moments to collect his calm and thoughts, he turned his face away from her for a moment and into the shadows of the caves below them. Snapping his gae back ot her after several long moments, he opened his mouth to speak again, "I've missed you...we haven't had any time to spend together."

The large man took a few hesitant steps towards her until he was standing near her, slightly bigger than the woman in front of him. Looking down at her,he ran his muzzle along her cheek in affection and whispered quietly into her ear, "I must apologize for how I reacted. Treena...she use to address me formally, in a teasing manner, just as you did." He didn't bother telling her that she looked much to close to Treena's form because he knew it would do no good for either of them. Honestly, the only difference that he could find between the two women were their size and name. Pulling away from her then, he whirled around with his back to her and quickly let himself dissolve into the shadows around him in embarrassment. Once again he was succumbing into the night, and he watched her from the dark shadows, wondering what she would say to his ghostly form.

RE: Adiemus Freedom - Namara - Jan 28, 2014


The she wolf kept a steel mask while Ash explained himself. Namara's assumption had been correct, of course it would be that Treena character. With a sigh her jaws opened when he dissolved into the shadows, at ;east he seemed to realize what he had done. She could read the embarrassment in him.... Namara could almost always read him. Somehow or another she knew if he was mad even when others could not read the flat mask he liked to keep on his face. But Namara could, she lived under his skin, buried next to his heart, and he lived in her the same way. Which is why instead of ignoring him, and being irritated at his strange mood she calmly followed him into the shadows until she finally found him.

"Ash, I have a question for you... what shall I call myself?" Namara had her muzzle pressed to his with it's tip next to his ear. She smiled at him and winked before weaving around him in an affectionate manner wanting to take his scent with her. She wanted to carry him everywhere she went, and always have him there. But the female knew that she would inevitably have to settle for nothing more than the scent he carried, and if this went properly... she would have his name.


RE: Adiemus Freedom - Ash - Feb 02, 2014


The male was accustomed to the darkness and could easily see her, whereas he was sure that she could not see him by her wandering gaze. He didn't dare say anything more, already embarrassed enough as it was. He did not know how he hadn't been able to determine the difference between Treena and Namara...they were definitely two different wolves and Ash needed to get that through his head. He couldn't believe that she had witnessed him so vulnerable and he didn't like that fact that she had bared witness to him acting so out of control. He watched as she searched for him, but he remained still and silent, not wishing for him to find him in the comforting darkness. She eventually did though and as she felt around for his shoulder, he watched her closely her eyes unfocused while his were firmly planted on her. When she spoke confusion flooded through him as he stared at her, no emotions crossing over his face as he pondered her question. She had muttered a similar qurtion when they had been back at Darkwater Rapids.

Curling his head around her check to bring her closely to him, he calmly breathed, letting the silence surround them and enclose them into the blackness, even if Ash could already easily see into the darkness, even if those around him didn't realize this. Pulling back slightly away from the woman, he spoke gently in her ear, "What is it that you wished to be called? You are....mine." He muttered this aggressively in her ear, as if begging her to challenge his word so that he could prove to her that his words were true. Ash was, none the less, not a liar and she knew that, but he knew how to be harsh when he needed to be and wouldn't hesitate to follow through with actions that would cause even deeper feelings to arise.

STOCK: WolfC-Stock @ DA - LucieG-Stock @ DA &
Table by PuppyThief

Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Feb 02, 2014

There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health

RE: Adiemus Freedom - Namara - Feb 02, 2014


Namara grinned wickedly at the words coming from his muzzle. Now she was going to tease him. Namara slid her neck away from him and continued to weave around him. Flicking at his face with her tail, she was feeling playful at least until she strode around to his front and face him. Suddenly serious, she met his eyes intensely, her steel grey boring into his emerald green. "Namara Hervok" She whispered to him. She held her breath now, more than anything the she wolf wished for him to say yes, she needed for him to say yes, she needed to hear him tell her he loved her, to say that is exactly what he hoped she would say. The Grey hued she wolf hoped in her heart of hearts she could have this.

Behind her eyes images of the two of them strolling off into the dark flashed behind her eyes followed by pups and the loving embrace she would give as a mother. Then she saw age, as the pups grew and herself and Ash did the same. She saw him lying beside her as they took their last breaths. Namara Laylani saw the rest of her life when she stared into those Emerald green orbs. She loved what she saw as much as she loved Ash and all she could think of was how badly she hoped he would say. "I Love you Namara Hervok." Just the thought sent chills down her spine and shot fire and electricity dancing across her skin. She felt supercharged.
