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Roads Untraveled - Newol - Jan 23, 2014

Ooc:// @Anouke here ya go.
Roads Untraveled - Linkin Park

The brown furred male sat at the edge of the tree line. To his right was a grove of Cherry bushes, dead in the winter cold, but he learned his plants quick. And to his right where the trees, also locked in winter. Before him was a big empty field that he took into account. He didn't dare go out into it, there was a pack very close to his position. Another one. He wondered if this one held another name in simple words like the other two that he'd been told about by that pretty female he'd met the day before. But this place was his home now, for at least until the end of next summer. He'd made his mind up on that fact. He planed to stick around to see this place in the green season before he made up his mind weather or not he'd stay. A just and sound choice. At least for now he was close to Sagacity, an old lost friend of his, and he had a new friend to add to his list. Naia. Both of them where pack wolves, and he still couldn't figure out why that notion tasted bad in his mouth when he tried to apply it to himself. That's what plagued his mind as he sat stairing out at the field before him. Why did he like this world so much? Because of the creatures in it. Them alone. Who they where. Not who their title was, but who they personally where. The variety in that place, all the different colors that made one's soul.

He sat on his rump, eyes out distant across the field, ears perched to warn him of any sounds that might happen around him. There was a pack right there. Right across the field. Why didn't he want to go across and join it? He was a wolf, wasn't he? A creature meant to be in a pack. But he didn't want to do it. At least, not yet. There was so much of this land he still wanted to see before he tied himself to it. Like he knew, all too well. Home wasn't a place. Home was a family. And a pack was a very set thing. Some you couldn't just walk out of. He wanted to make sure he picked the right one. Newol was sure it was here. He'd already had a good first couple of days here in these place. Surly he could make that last. But he just had to find the right fit, not for himself, but for this place. He had to make sure that He fit. This place was beautiful, and he wasn't going to damage that.

Reflected on the walk here, he reckoned that his answer laid somewhere in there. Somewhere in finding out who he was. A long walk through the world with strangers at your side made you see things differently. Once again, he found the stories his mother and father had told him in this moment. A walk through the world was something lots of wolves in his bloodline had done. It was fitting, he supposed. But that didn't mean he was destined for greatness. No. He was just a lesser child of the bloodline. He didn't want greatness. He just wanted to leave a few things better than the way he found them.

RE: Roads Untraveled - Anouke - Jan 23, 2014

Extremely sorry i didn't reply sooner! Have a long post to make up for it <3


Padding slowly along the border – at a slow, stretched out trot to be precise – Anouke looked around, seeing nothing but a white thicket surrounding him; branches and bushes on either side – covered with snow, and sharp thorns littered everywhere that stung as he stepped on them. His pads were not used to them yet, and it would take a bit before he could walk freely without feeling any pain. Pain meant one was weak, and when one was weak, they were not fit to survive in the cruel world. Only those that were strong willed and minded could endure on without worrying about what lay ahead, or what happened in the past. Those that did, would have a hard time living life freely, and lucky for the Young Hellion, he could and would survive.

He froze when a crackle and a loud thump sounded from somewhere ahead; pricking his ears forward, bright amber eyes narrowing, head lowering to protect his neck, and after a few moments, slunk forwards in a crawl, his belly just a few inches above the ground. It didn’t sound like a wolf, but he wanted to make sure, and soon enough, Anouke came upon a slight heap of snow with twigs and leaves sticking out awkwardly. It seemed like a branch had broken under the weight of the heavy, icy snow. Standing up straight, a slight frown on his devilishly handsome face, he turned away from the snowy pile and continued on his way, pretending that it never happened. Unexpected happenings were dismissed by him if they weren’t of importance, and what just occurred clearly wasn’t.

The Young Hellions border check was so far uneventful, and so when he came to the edge of the thicket, he paused for a few minutes, closing his eyes and letting the cool sun wash over him – what was seen of the sun from the clouds that blocked it from view. His dark fur almost glistened under the sun’s weak rays and patchwork of white and blue that lay spread upon the canvas above. A soft, whispering breeze tugged and pulled at his long, pristine pelt, as if it was tempting him to dance to a sweet melody. But that was not all the wind brought to his attention.

Eyes opening slowly, Anouke stared ahead, his dark head and shoulders lifted up with practiced ease. There was a shape not far ahead, one that looked like a wolf, which would most likely beg to join his pack. But the moments passed, and stretched into a minute, then two, and still, the figure did not move. Curious, he started forward, padding slowly towards the wolf – if it was – neutrally. He wasn’t on his pack lands, so he had no dominance over it, in their view, that is. He held power over anyone who was too weak or idiotic to handle the power and authority. But he could not walk around showing off his prowess, they would not understand.

Coming up behind the male as silently as his large frame allowed him to – which was very well as all he had to tread on was a slight covering of snow on the grass – his bright amber eyes studied the wolf. Clearly a male, the stranger sported a dark brown coat, fading to a darker colour towards his legs, but as the male was sitting on his rump, facing away from him, he could not see the face the was perched upon the broad shoulders, and thus, he could not tell if he had the power within him. But it was likely that he didn’t, there weren’t many of his kind, even so, he would put the male through a test that any should be able to understand the hidden meaning, and know immediately who and what he was.

Cocking his dark head to the side, the corners of his mouth twitched up infinitesimally in a smirk as he stared at the brown male, gauging what he should say. After just a moment of thought, he announced his presence – unless if it was already known – to the male by coughing softly, before speaking in a deep, rich voice that had a slight tone to it, teasing, maybe. “Looking for a home?” Tough luck.

710 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.


RE: Roads Untraveled - Newol - Jan 29, 2014

Ooc;// I am terribly sorry for how long this took.
Right Where It Belongs - Nine Inch Nails

Newol was impressed with the other wolf's stalking abilities. But he was also no fool. He knew when he'd been made. It was his instinct to lead with friendship and only resort to hostility when he had to, but something about this creature behind him just didn't feel right, and so for now he chose to resort to nether. This situation was different. It was a little more tricky. Their was just something inherently about this wolf's presence that he just didn't like. So for the moment made no sudden movements at all. He simply remained facing forward out into the field, though his ears did aim back at the wolf behind him to gauge his movements. In this situation, Newol would be careful and give no more than he was given. Until he knew who this creature was, he would nether be friendly nor hostile.

However, the creatures first words only made his feelings worst. It was something of a taunting tone. Belittling was certainly one of Newol's pet peeves, and so it didn't help him very much, but he grit his teeth and buried it inside himself for now. Rising to his feet, he turned to his left to face the creature behind him. The wolf he beheld did in fact seem quite capable. Something about him just struck a key deep within Newol. He carried pack scent on him that matched the closest pack to where they both currently where, so the male reckoned that he'd been caught by a border patrol or something of the sort. After his initial pondering was over, he fixed his green eyes on the other male's. His face stayed perfectly neutral as he situated himself back into a sitting position facing the other male. Finally he found his voice, his tone just as neutral as his expression. "In a manor of speaking, yes. Home isn't a location for me."

His words where the truth. To Newol, home wasn't a place. Though, the thought that he might not find his home here did strike him as an awful pity. The Wildwood had proven to be one of the most beautiful places he'd ever seen in his life. He wanted to spend a good deal of time here. But if it wasn't meant to be so, then there would be no point in staying. Still, it was too early to tell.