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Don't Mess With Ouija Boards - Printable Version

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Don't Mess With Ouija Boards - Aeolus - Jan 26, 2014

Challenging @Hati for rank II. Subordinate

Aeo took large and long deep breathes at a constant rate as he patrolled the borders. He was exhausted yet unfazed. He had something to prove and he intended on getting the point across to Astra. He was a loyal and hard working fellow. What had happened to Pitch Pine Trail would never happen again on his watch. His gleaming orange eyes narrowed at the borders as he formulated a plan. He had been second of Pitch Pine Trail before it fell and he intended on holding the Second rank for Cut Rock River as well. A small grin on his muzzle when he realized he had to challenge the silent bastard who left a bad taste in his mouth. Revenge was a dish best served cold.

The dark tawny man lurked the borders making sure all the scents were fresh and up to date. He had screwed up a lot in his life but he had also overcome the challenges thrown at him. Surely he could work his way around everything. He would have to challenge the silent wolf above him and then he would have to challenge the unknown second. He didn't want to lead, he was no leader and so he would never challenge Maksim. Aeolus knew that it was the truth but deep down he did have the hopes of leading a pack some day; some days he even daydreamed about it. But past experiences proved that it would never happen. A small sigh from his muzzle as he carried on.
