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on a neck, on a spit - Damascus - Jan 20, 2011

A light snow fluttered down from the overcast sky, adding already to what laid on the ground and covered the trees. Damascus stuck out like a sore thumb between the dark and snowy wood, not that it bothered him much. So deep in the grove gave him a sense of peace that he had found when he had first come to the region. It was quiet, peaceful, and left him to ponder and debate the finest of the world's wonders if he so desired. Which he did off and on, mostly trying to decide if that Great Something was truly here or not. Never once had he considered how he would come about to figuring out what the indication that he had found it would be.

A young doe bounded ahead of him down an unmarked path, kicking up tufts of snow as she fled. He barked sharply after her, but didn't give chase, knowing that she had probably been separated from her herd. With Swift River so close by, the thought that perhaps there might have been a hunt or some scraps to scavenge from other hunters crossed his mind, but once again hunger wasn't really on his mind. He had snagged a young grouse at sunrise and that had been enough to sate his hunger.

on a neck, on a spit - Indru - Jan 20, 2011


When he had been a pup the Sacred Grove had always been one of his favourite places, he found it much more soothing than the wildness and discord (especially now) that the Wildwood gave off sometimes, where his parent's had chosen home. It had seemed a logical step that when the fire had struck and destroyed Hidden Tree Indru had sought to bring the remainder of his family here, starting a new pack for them, the peaceful forest always ideal for it's close proximity to their old home. The grove was where Indru most frequented, whether it was for solitude or even to patrol by the boundaries, and now it was even more comforting with the scents of his family running freshly through the trees.

A fresh scent was carried to him by the wind, made all the clearer by the snow dampening some of the usual cacophony of scents, and Indru recognised the familiar smells making him as a Swift River wolf. Yet, though the smells of his pack were easily recognisable, he did not know the wolf they clung too, one of the newer members Ruiko had spoke of maybe. With an air of curiosity for the wolf, afterall the pack mainly consisted of their family; Indru followed his scent quickly with the intention of meeting him. It wasn't long until Indru could see the wolf in question, his tawny fur sticking out quite clearly against the snow like his own, and he noted that he was not quite as large as himself.

Hello. Indru knew the other would recognise his scent and link him to the same pack, but was not sure if he would know him by name, I'm Indru Tainn. Ruiko's brother. Though he did not know the wolf, Indru did know he was ranked higher and as he neared him he curled his tail over his back, fur bristling slightly only to make himself appear larger as he waited for the other to either accept or challenge his higher rank. Hierarchy in a wolf pack was a delicate, but necessary, balance.


on a neck, on a spit - Damascus - Jan 22, 2011

Ugh, I've had a migraine for the last day, so this is really poopy in my opinion. :C
It wasn't too much further in his travels when Damascus was met with the sensation that he was about to be joined. And sure enough, he was, as a tawny -- a darker tawny than he -- form emerged from the nearby surroundings and came up behind the newly-accepted subordinate. Though his submission wasn't initial, it was only a second or two after Indru's greeting made it across the crisp air to him that he bowed his posture. Of course, it helped that his superior was the taller sort of wolf too, something that the vagabond gathered when he gently raised his eyes to have a proper look at him. But that too was brief; he wouldn't do very much to try his luck. Not with winter in full force, not with the possibility that he could still yet offend the Tainn's and their hospitality.

Besides, it had been just as Ruiko had said; when the water came back, it's very existence was totemic to their return, just as they were to Swift River itself. Truly, Damascus was out of place amongst them. "Ah, I've heard of you," Damascus said at first, smiling thinly. "Ruiko spoke of you, before you and yours return. I'm Damascus." At best he could tell that Indru and Ruiko were brothers. Size and appearance were certainly giveaways, but there was something in the way they carried themselves, too.

on a neck, on a spit - Indru - Jan 22, 2011


The male acknowledged Indru's higher rank, thus accepting it, and in response Indru's posture relaxed, pleased that his first meeting with the male had gone smoothly as at this time in the year each wolf was important. Damascus had heard of him and the rest of the family from Ruiko, he had expected as much, and he smiled in return at him, nodding, I had intentions to lead us home when the water returned. Though Ruiko had been prepared to try and wait out the return of the water and Indru would of most certainly stayed with his closest brother, he — as the head of the family at the time — had not been able to let his young siblings suffer the effects. There are more of us to arrive still, he explained, the pleasure in that thought showing clearly in his eyes, Indru loved his family and to have them scattered around as they made their way home was difficult.

What brought you to Relic Lore, and to Swift River? Indru inquired harmlessly, lowering himself down onto his haunches to show he was at ease. He wanted to get to know the new pack members that Ruiko had said joined during the winter period, some may intend to stick around and if they were loyal Indru didn't see that as a bad thing. Though he had been raised in a family-orientated pack, he knew the necessity of fresh blood.


on a neck, on a spit - Damascus - Jan 24, 2011

Damascus could feel the pride that radiated from Indru when he spoke of his family. It had to have been a nice feeling, especially when their pack was more or less entirely familial. Damascus hadn't been so unfortunate to come from a home like that, though the pack he had come from did in fact belong to his parents. But there had always been a fair mix of those who had nothing to do with their family amongst their ranks. Now he had gone and made that niche in Swift River, all thanks to Ruiko.

"I'm a traveller," he said simply at first in regards to how he had come there. "I have passed through many places since I left the place where I was born, so there was no specific reason as to why I came here. I stumbled across it just as the water began to disappear. A few days thereafter, I met your brother in the meadow." Every detail of that meeting was a bit fuzzy, but he remembered the day well. "I won't lie to you, part of why I'm here with this pack is necessity. It's hard for a wolf on his own to survive a winter, just as it's hard for a pack to survive without wolves." The road had gone both ways, and when Damascus had met Ruiko and learned of Swift River, he had been just as inclined to help him as he was inclined to help himself.

But as for what he would do once the winter ended? Damascus hadn't decided. He was still in search of that Great Something, but he wouldn't simply move on once the season changed. No, every region he had been to needed to be examined closely; appraised, really. And so far, all crisis's avoided, he liked what it was that he saw.

on a neck, on a spit - Indru - Jan 25, 2011


As Damascus explained he reason for passing through Relic Lore, he nodded, understanding as though Indru had not felt the urge to leave and travel himself (not truly, anyway) he had siblings who had decided not to stay in Hidden Tree and had left to find their own way. The wolf was honest with his reasons for staying with them and Indru appreciated that, he'd rather know the truth than have false loyalties, and it was this that made him aware that he wouldn't mind this wolf staying with them past the winter season.

I have other siblings who decided to travel and explore beyond Relic Lore, he explained, their parents had been successful with their pack and it had allowed them to have strong litters each year and build their pack's numbers. I have never really thought of leaving, but I do wonder occasionally. A small wistful smile was on his face, but he knew he would never leave here and never leave his family. Besides, it wasn't something that ever really appealed to him, but it was a thought that appeared when his departed siblings crossed his mind, it must be nice to see places beyond Relic Lore.

Thinking back to Damascus's explanation for joining the pack he asked, do you know if you want to stay past winter yet? It worked both ways, he might want to stay, but the pack might not want to keep him. At the moment though Ruiko had expressed no concerns and while Indru had not known him long he seemed okay on first appearances. Never the less he would watch him covertly from now on so when the time came for him to either depart or ask he would know what he thought of the idea. It felt strange when he realised it would not be his call now, it was more Ruiko's, and his shoulder's rolled uneasily at the thought. He trusted his brother, but Indru felt more comfortable leading. We see a lot of wolves pass through with winter, but some do stay. Not always in a pack though, instead returning to their nomadic ways.


on a neck, on a spit - Damascus - Jan 27, 2011

It pleased him greatly to know that Indru didn’t seem to have too much of a problem with the possibility that he may not be so gung-ho when it came to staying. His brother, to the best of Damascus’s judging ability, had been about the same. So in the end he did feel comfortable with being honest, having little feeling that he would be disapproved of for his choices. Perhaps it was also a helpful factor that Indru had siblings who had chosen the same lifestyle as well -- something that Damascus found he didn’t encounter but in places where finding other wolves was high.

Needless to say, the peppered-and-tawny nomad had been rebuked in far less lively places for his choices. “It’s too soon to say whether or not I will,” he explained. “I find this region to be enchanting in its own way. I can tell you that I intend to explore and attempt to discover its riches before I make a decision though.” He doubted he could find every little secret it had to hold, or even find what it was that made it that Great Something he was looking for, but he would try. Eventually something would jump out at him, he believed.

“Until then though, I have every intention of earning my keep here. Your family has already been too kind to take me in when things were less than ideal, and it would not be right of me to go without repaying you in some way.” A freeloader he wasn’t, not if he could help it. There were no angry souls in his wake on the road behind him. “Whatever I can do for your pack, just tell me and I will see to it,” he offered, indirectly curious as to what exactly Indru would have of him now that he was his subordinate. It was much more interesting to find out that way to him.

on a neck, on a spit - Indru - Jan 30, 2011


Hmm, so I guess if you wanted a pack role this could be a good time IC. Haha.

Unlike most pack leaders Indru did not see the need for unwavering loyalty from the wolves who joined in winter, he was used to the occasional wolf becoming part of their pack for the winter ease and then drifting off when spring hit on good terms with his father. If anything he found the wolf's truthfulness a sign of loyalty to a degree, he felt enough for them that he told them his true intentions instead of feeding them lies and doing the opposite of what he said. It was appreciated, especially as he had experienced this fake loyalty with his sister as of late. Though it would of been a lie to say he wasn't eager to see what decisions were made by the wolf and the pack when the time came; after all, when all their family returned would they want another wolf, a stranger at the moment, in their ranks? But Indru knew they couldn't stay just as Tainn's forever if they wanted to survive.

The majesty of Relic Lore was something Indru understood, there was much unexplored, but even what had been found around the Mountain of Dire was magic enough. It had captured his father, mother and uncle enough to start a pack here, and most of his family to remain and he couldn't see himself going much further away. It is very hard to leave Relic Lore when you have been here for a while; a smile was on his face as he spoke to show that it wasn't a threat but instead the appeal of the place itself. At least in Indru's experience, though it certainly didn't affect everyone or seemed to effect some almost instantly, that once you really got to know the forest, you never wanted to leave.

Damacus's offer — though expected, as Indru and Ruiko both would not allow a wolf to tag along and offer nothing in return — was appreciated and Indru nodded in thought. He was relieved at least that it didn't appear they would have a sour encounter later on when they demanded to know their benefits of his life in their pack, but he was aware that words were only words at the moment. Do you have a particular field or skill you excel in? Immediately Indru thought to his previous main role within the pack of Hunter, though it was ever a solo job taking on the role, it mainly was just an acknowledgement of your above average skill. Or do you prefer to flaunt all your skills instead of focusing on one? He laughed lightly and jovially, watching the wolf with curiosity, as he did feel it said something about the wolf on what they picked.


on a neck, on a spit - Damascus - Jan 31, 2011

Ooo, good idea. I was wondering just how to go about that, lol. And sorry this is so subpar, I'm sick and... apparently I can't sleep because I've been awake since 1PM yesterday, lulz. D: *goes in and out of consciousness!*
Damascus could attest to the fact that it was very hard to leave Relic Lore on a personal level. When the water had disappeared, he could have fled like so many others and turned his back on the region altogether. But he hadn't. Relic Lore, like a few places in his past, had sunk its tiny little teeth into him and wasn't about to let go. It also didn't help that winter had crept up on him, which had been a prompt to stay even longer because he never found it very wise to travel in winter.

"Often I do flaunt all my skills instead of just one," Damascus said with a thin smile. "But my time as a nomad has forced me to become better at hunting, at least solo, in order to survive." He had stolen from packs before, but didn't like to do that at all. Those times had purely been out of desperation more than anything, and he had been caught a few times and punished for it. But as a solo hunter, most large prey had been out of the question for him, so he had long excelled in the smaller, agile creatures to feed upon.

on a neck, on a spit - Indru - Feb 06, 2011


If you PM Rachel I'm sure that the ic meeting of Ruiko to ask could be solved OoC'ly and we could just say it happened outside a thread, haha. Also, I think we could end it here if you want, as if Damascus did go with Indru we could just say it happened or thread it. Up to you!

With the news wolves that the pack had been gained for the winter — wolves not part of the Tainn family — it made sense that new skills would come with them. Everyone was taught differently by their birth packs after all, and most of the Tainn's that had returned were not the ones able to excel in a particular skill area, they were still learning themselves. Like Damascus it seemed, Indru had too had a flair for hunting and he nodded thoughtfully, it would be interesting from his own part to see him hunt and see what he could learn. Well that seems a fair point, as his brief stints alone had given him a need to hunt more cleverly and intelligently too. I would go seek Ruiko and explain your expertise.

Though his distraction of the scent of Swift River on a stranger (to Indru at least) had brought him here in the first place, Indru now found himself wishing to return to his previous duties. He wanted to hunt to make sure that they had food at hand for when his siblings arrived, especially young Triell who was bound to be hungry. Talking of hunting has reminded me I was intending to do some myself. A friendly smile was on his face to show that he had enjoyed their small chat as he rose, shaking his fur roughly before curling his tail over his back in a small reminder of his dominance as he departed. You are welcome to accompany me if you want too, of course. Indru offered as an afterthought, it was a strange but pleasant feeling to know that they had others in the pack his age besides Ruiko, who most of their meetings (especially as of late) ended up tense and unsure in the light of the small rank change. The male paused as he waited for the others response curious as to what it would be.
