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In the night we'll wish this never ends - Printable Version

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In the night we'll wish this never ends - Lalani - Feb 06, 2014


Lalani stepped carefully over the crackling snow, her paws leaving clear prints in a trail behind her. The shadows beneath the trees were like black holes swallowing the light around them. They were absolute and Lani blended perfectly into their depths. Their darkness contrasted amazingly with the silvery light that filtered down from above. The moon was high in the sky, watching over the forest, nothing going unseen. The night was clear for once, the snow flakes no longer obscuring the view of the land. Lani's spirits were higher than they had been in weeks. She had always enjoyed the night and tended to be more nocturnal than some of her other furry counterparts. She enjoyed watching the moon and stars. The foul whether had kept many wolves closer to home. It was stupid to try to travel far with the way the winter had gone. But that wasn't the case anymore.

Lani padded stealthily near the boundaries of the territory, her eyes scanning the shadows carefully. If the clear whether was effecting her it was bound to effect others. After her run in with Jessup outside the borders, Lani figured that there was a chance that there would be others. After Maksim's rebuke, she wasn't sure whether she wanted to make up for it or completely ignore him.

As she made her way along the edge, she stopped frequently to leave scent makers. She also left scratches near more populated places. Every now and then she'd rub the length of her side against a tree. She wasn't sure whether she was over doing things but she figured it was better to be safe then sorry. She found that even though she was doing something rather than being idle, she was bored. She wanted to have fun.

The moon had begun to get to her and she was feeling antsy. Lani smiled slightly as she bounded across the snow, sending up chunks here and there. She could have fun while working right? While this pack wasn't horrid, she didn't quite feel as if she belonged. She often wanted someone around but there never was. Like now. She would mind having company to share the beautiful night with her.

RE: In the night we'll wish this never ends - Hati - Feb 18, 2014


Hati moved with astounding grace across the surface of the snow, slinking around patches of moonlight, much preferring the darkness that the barren trees afforded over the vulnerability of light. If he was not the only creature alive and breathing in this part of Cedarwood Forest, he would be the first to know, for he was like the shadows themselves. Quiet and black, among many other characteristics the mute river wolf was loathe to bring to mind. On this clear night the peace he felt did not welcome sad thoughts.

For a while he had been traveling like so, covering ground at a leisurely pace. It was not uncommon for Hati to find himself doing this even in the harsh winter season when the winds blew bitterly carrying icy snowflakes to transform his dark fur into white. Tonight, however, the weather was kind, the atmosphere calm and inviting, and the exhaustion that was sure would follow a long day had not yet set in. The only downside was the loneliness that the moon brought with it. But Hati barely noticed the feeling, as it had become a regular part of his life years ago.

Therefore, when the faint scent of a pack-mate came to his attention, his first instinct was to simply ignore it, as usual. But eventually his footsteps were moving in the direction of the dark female who always seemed to bring out his lighter side. Hati wasn't exactly sure why this was, but the time he spent with her always helped the darker emotions he had to dissipate. She was a bit goofy sometimes, but she seemed to understand him more than most, and that, he decided, was why he was now seeking out her company.

Once he neared her he kept his distance, letting the gentle wind do his introduction for him. It was the easiest way to announce his presence to those who were already aware of his perpetual silence.


RE: In the night we'll wish this never ends - Lalani - Feb 18, 2014

The night seemed almost perfect as Lani found herself bouncing around in the snow. She slipped between the shadows and the silvery light, becoming one with the dark, before bathing in the moons affection. Even if she didn't feel completely at home with this pack yet, she felt as if she belonged. In that moment, right then, she couldn't imagine wanting to leave. Even if she did feel lonely, the moon's presence helped diminish the feeling. The moon had always accepted her, even when no one else had.

Continuing on, she hopped and dragged her paws though the snow, drawing wild pictures as she went. Her mind swirled along with the snow, as she created her own little world. Her mind began to wander, and she couldn't help but picture a tall dark male. The one they called, "Taras." She could see him, his shadow dancing in the back of her mind. His one eye glowing in the darkness. He was the first she had met from this pack, and the only one to bother getting anywhere near her. He didn't treat her like some lowly welp. A small smirk quirked the corner of her mouth. He wasn't hard to look at either. She could almost smell him. Wait...

Jerking her head up, she swung it around, towards the source of the smell. She had to be imagining things. She wasn't. She was frozen in the moonlight, her fur shining molten silver under its beams. Her pale eyes, small moons themselves, locked with his. His dark coat blended easily with the shadows, just as hers had. It seemed the world had a funny way of working. Speak of the devil and the devil shall appear. She stood there, watching him, her nose quivering. Her ears perked, and turned in his direction. Was he going to come over? Would he join her? She lifted her tail and wagged it slightly. It was an invitation, but she wasn't sure whether he would take it or not.

RE: In the night we'll wish this never ends - Hati - Feb 20, 2014

Ugh...weaksauce post. So sorry. I just don't know what to do yet. :(


The dark female had not noticed his presence after several moments. Hati glided through the snow like a ghost parallel with his pack-mate, his right eye keeping a close watch on her movements. She was not still, but rather danced under the night sky, joy seeming to sparkle in her silvery eyes. It was the first time she had looked so happy, and Hati expected that the young girl was finally settling into the pack. He had been worried about her for a while; as the lowest ranking member of Cut Rock River, life would not be especially kind to a yearling such as Lalani.

Her movements ceased suddenly and he, like her shadow, paused as well, staring as her head turned and her eyes met his. For just a second amusement flickered within their depths, but it soon passed and was replaced with uncertainty. Her black tail wagged, and Hati's mirrored it, brushing back and forth just slightly. The night was too serene to disturb with more than that.

Lalani did not move, so Hati stepped towards her, glad to share the night with a friend. For just a second he let a small smile prance across his face, a clear statement of his friendly intentions. It quickly disappeared and his expression returned to its regular stoic nothingness. His posture regained its dignity; held high and proud, a declaration of the strength he had claimed as his. It was not a show for a subordinate, but the wolf he was.


RE: In the night we'll wish this never ends - Lalani - Feb 20, 2014

Waiting hesitantly, almost expectantly, Lani watched him, awaiting his decision. Finally his tail moved in a slight wag, almost identical to hers. Seeing that she wasn't moving, he approached her instead. She found she was anxious yet calmed at the same time. It was a rather strange feeling. This male put her at ease, she felt comfortable with him. It seemed he had become a friend of hers. He also made her very excited and yet nervous. She felt so unsure of what she was doing, which was not a normal feeling for her. She wanted to impress him, for him to like her. What is wrong with you girl? Since when do you care what others think? The words didn't change anything.

As Hati neared her, her heart jumped. So he had decided to join her. His dark figure loomed over her, but a slight smile played across his lips before disappearing again. I really wish he'd smile more. He was so stoic all the time. He raised himself to his full hight, and looked rather regal standing there. His one eye shined in the moonlight. He was rather handsome actually. Ugh. Stop it! Lani tried to fight off the thoughts but couldn't help but notice his strong stance or the way his muscles shifted beneath his coat.

Taking her first step towards him, she greeted him with a friendly shoulder rub, and an even friendlier lick to the chin. He was the only one that Lani willingly showed difference to. He was worth her respect. He didn't treat her like dirt, and had always been kind. He was strong, capable and had obviously seen his own share of hardships. Not to mention she wouldn't pass up the chance to get a little closer to him. She might have lingered longer than necessary and hoped that he wouldn't notice. Stupid! He's going to think you're some silly little girl. He'll pitty you. You are the lowest after all. Besides, he probably already has his eye on someone else. It was rather strange thought actually. Lani never saw many wolves around him unless they needed to be. She never quite understood why. Was it the lack of speech? Because she had managed to communicate just fine with him.

After she had stepped back, she recovered some of her dignity and asked, "What are you doing out here? Come to walk in the moonlight too?" Her eyes travelled to the forest behind him, where he had come from, and she wondered just how long he had been there. Eyes widening, she quickly kicked and scraped her feet, destroying the, no doubt, self incriminating drawings. There was no way she was going to let him know that he had been on her mind.

RE: In the night we'll wish this never ends - Hati - Feb 22, 2014


Hati felt a type of kinship with this dark female. She did not put too much expectation on words, and found no need to break the silence. He felt more comfortable with Lalani than with most wolves who were too focused on finding some method of communication; it seemed as though she couldn't care less. The time spent with her was refreshing, even more so than the hours he spent alone. Hati allowed another small smile and eased his posture.

He met her greeting with a touch of his nose to her flank, noticing that she stayed close to him for longer than what might be considered normal. He did not pull away however but let her linger, slightly confused, but also, in a way, pleased. She felt as comfortable with him as he did with her, and thought lifted his spirits. She had become a close friend in such a short time, she accepted him along with his scars and set-backs, and Hati had accepted her. So much had changed since he had become a pack wolf.

After the moment of closeness Lalani seemed to gather herself, stepping away from him and gently ending the silence with a few quiet words. He paused for a second before nodding just slightly. Suddenly an expression of fear flashed in her silvery eyes and she bounced in the snow, kicking puffs of white powder into the air. Hati cocked his head curiously. What had gotten into her? Once she had stopped moving he looked into her eyes, amusement dancing in his own. He could not deny that she had looked extremely ridiculous, but he would not razz her about it. Flea bite, perhaps?


RE: In the night we'll wish this never ends - Lalani - Feb 22, 2014

Lani wasn't sure why she felt so comfortable with her dark companion. After all, the only other people she had ever been this comfortable with were Anna and Caniri. She pushed away the hurt that threatened to swallow her. She couldn't change the past, it was time to live for the future. Perhaps the reason for her trust came from the fact that he treated her like she was worth something. Maybe it was the fact that he didn't feel the need to play the bully. He was kind to others, even if he was a little reserved. He was strong. He would have to be to be able to survive without a voice and only one eye. He had also saved her life. She didn't doubt the fact that she probably would have died, or at least lost a limb if he hadn't been there to help. She trusted him with her life. Not only that, but...she liked him. Her own feelings warred with each other. She tried to convince herself that her feelings were just friendly but if she was telling the truth, there was more to it than that. He returned her greeting with a touch of his nose, but her didn't pull away as she lingered. So maybe he hadn't noticed. But as she pulled away, she could see the pleased confusion flash across his features before he hid it again. What could that possibly mean?

In response to her question, he nodded. She purposefully asked yes or no questions because it made it easy for him to answer. There was no sense in complicating things for him. She was slightly pleased that he had come out. It meant that the moon had some kind of pull on him too. She wondered if he felt the same...kinship, as she did when it came to the moon. To her it almost felt like a friend.

Finishing her ridiculous kicking, she turned her gaze back to his and spotted the amusement in his eyes. Why must you always make a fool of yourself? It was necessary though. She would have looked even more ridiculous if she hadn't done it. Hiding her embarrassment, she brought her eyes to his, a small smile playing across her lips. Yeah, she looked like a dork, but in the end she didn't really care. She always did when she was around him. He must be used to it by now. There were certain times when she was glad he couldn't speak. He had had plenty of chances to razz her.

Turning away, she trotted farther into the moonlight, before darting back and nipping at his ruff playfully. She dashed away, before skidding to a stop, a few yards from where she had stood. What in the hell has gotten into you? She didn't know, but she almost felt possessed. She wanted him to chase her. How strange. Are you flirting with him? She looked back over her shoulder at him, from beneath her lashes and wagged her tail slightly, wondering what he was going to do. Yes I suppose I am.

RE: In the night we'll wish this never ends - Hati - Mar 08, 2014


"Mum, remember you said that all names mean something important, something that we don't always understand but is a part of us. What is the meaning of my name?"

"Your name is a strong name, young one. Your namesake is the reason the moon graces the darkness with its gentle light, for he herds the moon across the sky. You are the moon, you are the silent night, though exquisite speech has always been your forte." She chuckled softly. "Someday you will understand when words are necessary, and when it is better to stay quiet. Look to the night sky for the wisdom you seek. For now, go to sleep. I will keep you safe until you are big and strong enough to protect all of us."

"Yes mum." Hati grinned and curled up against his mother's side, trying hopelessly to grasp the meaning in his mother's words as he stared upwards at the glowing disc.

Hati let his eyes wander away from Lalani and up towards the moon, sadness and longing flooding his golden eye. Sorry to disappoint, mum. I never learned. He took a deep breath and sighed, wondering why the flashback had come so suddenly and forcefully. The memory was bittersweet. This world was not for him...he was for the stars.

For a moment Hati forgot he was not alone, but a nip to the fur on his throat jerked him back to reality. He watched as the young woman danced away playfully and felt a tiny smile curving his lips. It was good not to be alone tonight. It was too lonely.

Hati tossed his head playfully and chased his pack-mate, not caring how foolish he might look to her. He let his worries and fears slide away as midnight bliss took his spirit. One last time his gaze rose to the sky, and he made a wish. One day he wanted to help chase the moon, to make sure it never went away.
