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Blackberry Fields born like this - Printable Version

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born like this - Maverick - Apr 08, 2014


It was late evening when the sun began its descend below the rugged terrain along the horizon to darken the great land. To return to its usually nightly slumber like the sun always does at the end of a day. The eerie silence of the night faded as the grey sky above grew darker and darker. Small patches of stars shown through the clouds as a light gust of cool wind sent the new spring leaves in frenzy. Soft and quiet rustles from creatures of all different sizes could be heard as they had to bed for the night or wake up for their nightly activities. The once lively earth settled into the peaceful night, temperatures slowly dropped along with the brilliant sun to let the moon take over.

While wolves and other creatures would probably be heading in for the night, a fairly large sized creature trotted across the dense forest in a steady elegant stride as the canine swayed through the open terrian. Maverick’s steps were light as the lupus dark citrine digits flickered over the unsettled fields with uneasiness, the unearthly silent calls sent a chill down his spine as another gust of wind rushed over the fields and trickled his thick fur. Ears twitched when a low moan was heard and a low growl rumbled in the canine’s chest, Maverick swift pace slowed while he tried to find the source of this noise and a place to rest his tired worn out paws.

The black headed canine was lost once more, unfamiliar with the land he just happen to stumble on. Mav’s warm gaze shifted when he thought he saw a shadowy figure to his left. The four year old wolf halted in his tracks, another low grumble rumbled deep within this chest and slipped out of his slightly parted muzzle. His dark colored withers stood on end while the male tried to find the creature that stalked him in the night. Coal lips peeled back slightly to show the pearly white teeth as a deep snarl ripped through his throat, warm eyes darken as they followed the shadows in the distance.

But as the shadowy figure closed in on the tensed black and deep golden lupus, Maverick nostrils flared with intensity. The scent of a deer herd that has been through here was laced in the breeze, yet there were no traces of them now. His expression fell into annoyance as another furious snarl that ripped out of the canine’s throat, a low rumble of an empty belly whined for substance. A satisfied smirk softly spread across the lupus blacken lips as he returned to his normal stance, head high with pride and tail up slightly curled towards his back as the battled worn wolf held his casually very confident stance. It has been a few days sense his last little meal and yet, the male has not thought about food in a while. The black headed canine has gotten use to not eating that much. A softly chuckle came from the scared face creature before Mavii returned to his pace of a casual stroll, unsure of really where he was heading being already lost in the fields weaving back and forth.

TAGS ♔ anouke, will be open to others later

April - Spring - Late Evening/Night - Partly Cloudy — Current Temperature: 37° F/3° C

RE: born like this - Anouke - Apr 10, 2014



The Young Hellion’s stroll through the thicket was so far uneventful, and so when he came to the edge of it, he paused for a few minutes, letting the cool, night breeze brush by him and tug at his fur, bring along with it scents of woodland animals, and something else. Eyes opening slowly, Anouke stared ahead, his dark head and shoulders lifting up with practiced ease as his bright amber eyes searched the area before him, and his ears twitching for any abnormal sounds. There was a wolf nearby, possibly male, and he intended to find it.

Padding forward into the darkness, he followed the slight scent of wolf on the wind to its source, while also watching out for any dangers nearby. There was never any certainty that nothing was out there, for at any time, night or day, predators could be lurking, searching, waiting to pounce on any unsuspecting prey, and he made sure it wasn’t him.

He froze as a snarl rumbled from somewhere ahead of him, and his ears twitched back as his own lips peeled back slightly, but when nothing happened, he relaxed, although he was much more wary than before. The wolf was close by, and may have heard him approach which had most likely caused him to react like that, but one could never be sure, and so he started forwards again purposefully, but cautiously.

Nostrils flaring, Anouke caught an old scent of a deer herd that had once been nearby, but were now long gone. As another snarl came from the pale darkness, his expression became curious. Was the wolf warning him to stay back, or just voicing his concerns to the night? Either way, he wanted to meet said wolf, and one way or another, he would.

Moving at a quicker pace, he heard a soft chuckle ring out in the early nightfall, just before he saw movement ahead of him, in the shape of a large wolf who was casually moving forward in the fields, not going in a specific direction. His bright amber eyes couldn’t see the wolf’s whole body, but he did pick up a bulky yet short build, and the darkness of his head, the rich golden covering his main body and the slight cream of his underbelly, legs and tail, which was slightly curled towards his back. Anouke could also see that his head was held high, seemingly with pride.

Liking the male almost instantly, the Young Hellion hoped that he had the power and belief within him, for if the male did, then he could be a useful and powerful ally, or enemy if he chose. There were too few of them; they needed more in the world, or the rest of the wolves would just fall to pieces and act like savage beasts without the authority they needed to control their lives.

Raising his own head and tail with prowess, pride and dignity, Anouke swiveled his ears to face forwards he paused and called out to the tri-coloured male with ease and just a hint of curiosity. “A fine night for a stroll, isn’t it?”

522 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.


RE: born like this - Maverick - Apr 11, 2014


A cool night breeze rushed through the open field that sent the grass in graceful waves, the wind in brushed his face and the mingled with his fur as he took in a deep breath. The scent of the night air and the spring time swirled in his bi colored nose, nostrils flared when the scent of past wolves that have ventured thought here his him. The canine ears twitched, eyes filled with eager on who he will meet here. Deep down, the lupus secretly hoped he did not know anyone here. For if Maverick did run into someone he had met, they could only know his past doings and not want him to be any part of anything. Although Mav did have some allies and some good friends here and there, he knew he probably had several enemies for his young teen like behavior before. After all, there was a reason why the wolf had all the scars on him. He did not do it on purpose even though it did make him look more menacing.

As the breeze settled and faint rustles echoed around him, the male wolf maw opened wide. Lips peeled back as the yawn overwhelmed the large creature, his dark colored tongue curled in natural reaction to the yawn before his expression turned to normal. It was time to find a place to nap for a bit, Maverick could feel his eye lips droop and his aching muscles cried to take a break. For a moment, the canine was in his own little world as he lowered his head to sniff the ground in search for something to nibble on. But the male heard a masculine voice, the blacked headed canine swiftly whipped around to face the foe. The lupus’s ears fall slightly back and ebony lips ready to be pulled back, unsure if maybe he was on pack land and did not even realize it. Maverick was really tired overall.

But when his warm deep citrine digits landed on the wolf he did not recognized right away, the male quickly gathered himself before the dark colored male wolf. And just like the top dog creature he was, Maverick sized up his opponent. The male’s bright amber eyes met Maverick’s in a momentary gaze while the male tried to decide if this was an enemy canine or just another wolf. The younger wolf was shorter than him, but not by much. He looked to be more build than him, Maverick having more of an athletic tone than stocky. But what got Mav the most, this male has scars as well. Not as much as him, but the large wolf did have some. Of course, this analysis only lasted a few seconds for the lupus let a soft grin tug the edges of his coal lips.

“It is indeed my friend,” Maverick replied with a light chuckle as decide that his was not an enemy…. yet, “A lovely night for a stroll through the fields.” Another gust of wind whirled pass them as the male caught a faint scent from the male, being sure this was not a wolf that he has seen before. “Am I safe to assume you live in this area,” the tri colored canine inquired while his eyes flickered to see if this canine was the only one, “Or are you a stranger like myself?” The male could sense that this wolf might belong to a pack. And if so, his pack mates might be around here somewhere. Being caught on pack land was considered disrespectful to a pack and Maverick did not want to start trouble already, being new to this area.

TAGS ♔ anouke, will be open to others later

April - Spring - Late Evening/Night - Partly Cloudy — Current Temperature: 37° F/3° C

RE: born like this - Anouke - Apr 12, 2014



Staring at the tri-coloured male, scrutinizing him for faults and merits, he watched as the male whipped his head around to face him, ears falling back slightly, before gathering himself up again. From what Anouke could tell, the other male was sizing him up, and he stared straight back until a few seconds later a small grin tugged at the edges of his lips. It seemed he must have passed the quick inspection, and only when the other male replied with a light chuckle did he lower himself to neutral standings.

The other male’s voice sounded familiar to him, but he couldn’t remember where, and before he could think any further his thought process was interrupted as the male spoke again. Twitching his ears as a draft of wind whirled past them at great speeds, the Young Hellion let the corners of his mouth twitch up into the beginnings of a smile. “It is, for one who likes being alone.” Though he did not enjoy the company of wolves clearly below him, being completely alone for a long period of time was something he didn’t exactly enjoy.

With a slight shake of his dark head, Anouke let out a light chuckle, which was not something he did very often, or in fact, almost never. He felt as if he could trust this wolf, not fully trust, but more than the usual wolf he met. There was also the feeling that he knew the male, but he couldn’t join the features with a name or a place. “I reside deep in the thicket with many others, but I can’t say I’m not a stranger.” He hadn’t met many wolves, for he tried to stay away from the main den as much as possible. Being in a large group of wolves wasn’t what he would call ‘fun’, for they all liked to join in groups of three or more, and his mind’s inner workings could not work as effectively on a group than if a wolf was alone.

With the hint of a curious expression on his shadowy face, the Young Hellion ran his eyes over the tri-coloured male’s body again, but he still couldn’t remember, but it was possible that the male was just similar to another he knew, not actually someone he had met before. He’d find out soon enough, so he expatriated the stray thoughts to the back of his mind, and focused on the now.
“How long have you been on your own?” He queried the male, but instead of wanting to rush through it and get to the real task, Anouke wanted to know more about him, as he could possibly be a future ally for both him and the dark she-wolf.

455 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.


RE: born like this - Maverick - Apr 19, 2014


There was something about this male that ebony headed lupus liked. Although the canine could not put his paw on it, there was some kind of connection he felt with this male. Warm digits flickered over him once more, wondering if maybe he has met this one before. But after a moment and a quick flash through his memory, the thought of it was dismissed. Was it the scars that attracted the large creature to him? Mav has seen lots of males with scars, even some she wolf with scars, but scars are just scars. Was it the way the male stood with pride? A confident stance met respect and that he had some morals, but most over confident males acted like that. Was it something completely different? Mav just could not figure it out but liked him either way.

A light chuckle sound escaped the male’s slightly parted muzzle, a smirk tempted to tugged the edges of his blacken lips while he held the males gaze. “I would have to admit,” Mav laughed as a casual shrug rolled of his broad shoulders, “Being alone as some perks.” The male liked it when he was young, but now the need to be around others has let him lonely and wanting to have a family of his own. To be part of a pack once more, to live with others one can share their life with. “But..." the male gave a momentary paused before he continue, “It also has its down sides. Loneliness is a good brother that likes to be its shadow.”

It was when the male spoke of a possible pack in the area, when the male felt a slight uneasiness. The words of the she wolf he met only a day ago flashed through his head. He remembered the she wolf mentioning a pack lived on the other side of the thicket. This lupus must be part of the pack. But when the canine said he was a stranger to these lands as well, it could only mean he was in the same position as him not to long ago. But when the male questioned Mav about himself, it was hard to hide a hint of an impish grin. “I have been on my own for a while now,” the black headed canine informed smoothly as he eyed the male, “I left my home pack when I was only a young teen, uninterested in the boring pack life at that time and wanted to see what the world had to offer a wolf like myself.” The lupus held the males gaze, his warm hot gaze on his while he continued small talk with him. “Are you normally a male of travel or have you always been more of a pack type?”

TAGS ♔ anouke, will be open to others later

April - Spring - Late Evening/Night - Partly Cloudy — Current Temperature: 37° F/3° C
this one sucks. im sorry...

RE: born like this - Anouke - Apr 22, 2014



Bright amber eyes stayed locked onto the tri-coloured male’s face, watching as he chuckled, a smirk tugging at the edges of his lips. Anouke’s head canted to the side, a slight nod at his experienced words. Yes, the male thought the same way as he did, and that made him extremely invaluable to him. He would be the perfect wolf to have with him and the dark she-wolf. They would all work well together, but he first had to see if the male truly possessed the power, otherwise he would just be another pawn in his game, though one he would keep close at all times.

At the male’s reply to his query of how long he had travelled by himself, he nodded again, but still did not speak. He would only speak when questioned for an answer – only those that were crucial for survival or to work his way into their good graces – or when answering a question, though at times he did give a statement to see how one reacted, but not very often. But Anouke did not mind the chattering’s or continuous talking from the male, as he was seeing if there was something beneath his outer edges that could aid him in his quest. So far, the tri-coloured male was doing well, but he was never a wolf to assume something, and so he would wait until they parted ways before deciding.

The corners of the Young Hellion’s lips threatened to twitch up into a smirk as the male before him explained how he had come to be a traveler, and he could understand the reasoning behind it. If it wasn’t for the unfortunate accident, he would have been the same, though with the possibility of a friend. Dark ears twitched as the male queried if he was a wolf of travelling or a pack wolf. His isabelline leg lifting off the ground, flexing his toes, he thought deeply about the question. When he was younger he had been more of a pack wolf, letting others do the work and him just lounging around telling them what to do. But when the event happened that left him and his sister pack less, along with the events after that moment, he had grown up considerably, and thought of himself as a wolf of travel, never staying in one place for too long. Placing his paw back on the ground, Anouke stared at the tri-coloured male, the hint of a smirk on his face. “I was once a pack wolf, but life has changed me, and so now I live to travel. But when it becomes too much, pack life is briefly the better option.”

447 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.
