Ruins of Wildwood
Willow Ridge Young Steps - Printable Version

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Young Steps - Deacon - May 28, 2014

(Right in front of the main den, perhaps a father son thread @Angier? Or even a brother thread @Castiel and @Greer! Anyone is welcomed though.)


The prince had been working on his walking. Although he wasn't the best out there, he thought of himself as fairly well. Like a daily training program he had made sure to try and keep walking. By now he was able to walk around the den and outside of it like a pro. Or so he thought. Though still being a bit unstable here and there Deacon did have stumbles. Today was no exception, as the boy was merely walking around in front of the den. Looking at the ground he watched where to place his paws.

His eyesight wasn't also a great thing. Though his eyes would get better in time the dark prince was stuck with still seeing some make shift blobs. Deciding to lay down in the partial sun, Deacon slowly slid his body down to the ground. If one was to walk by and steal a glance at the boy he would look almost like a stone soldier. Head held up, legs laid out almost even, glance locked on something off in the distance. It seemed as if he was stuck in time. When really Deacon was just staring off into space. Thinking about child things. Such as when he would eat next or when his brothers would come out to play. Then there was even the thought of if his mother or father would come and play with him. Just his childish thought roaming about his mind. Deacon would grow into a rather serious man when he was older but for know he was simply a child. Enjoying the small things in life.

the princes of willow ridge
Deacon & Greer & Castiel

RE: Young Steps - Castiel - May 28, 2014



The Ridge Prince had slowly but surely start to walk around – mostly stumbling over his own paws and falling to the ground, but he was getting there, and it seemed he was not the only pup testing his motor skills. Another dark blob, the same size as him, which he was only now beginning to know as his older brother Deacon, had also been walking around the den, but he was also more adventurous in moving around near the den entrance. He had always wanted to follow his older brother, but the thought of leaving the sanctuary where his mother was kept him further back. It wasn’t that he was scared, no, maybe just a little, but he had only left the den previously because his mother had left them behind, almost daring them to follow, and like the pup attached to his female parent he had done so without any thought.

Deciding that right at that moment was the time for him to brave the outside world, Castiel put his paws beneath his furry pup body and pushed into a standing position, before walking – stumbling and tripping over his paws – to the den entrance, where he was greeted with sun. Blinking rapidly and dropping his dark golden head to look at the ground until his eyes adjusted, he let his sense wander, twitching his black nose at the different scents, and feeling the sun upon his back, as well as the tittering of birds among other things nearby.

After almost a minute, he lifted his head high to look around, but not so high as to look up at the sun, and at the sight of the less-blobby shape – his eyesight was improving over time – that was his brother, the Ridge Prince started forward, with what looked like a grin on his puppy face. In his rush to reach his older brother, Castiel tripped over a paw just a meter away and fell to the ground with an “oomph” escaping his jaws. Scowling at his paws, he lifted his gaze up to look into Deacon’s face, lifting a single paw as if attempting to bat him on the nose, or ask him for some help in getting back to his paws. Either way, he let out a soft bark to announce that he was close by if his brother hadn’t already noticed.

393 Words

the princes of willow ridge
Deacon & Greer & Castiel


RE: Young Steps - Deacon - May 28, 2014

One of his brother, @Castiel, made themselves known. Deacon had heard the oomph and yip insuring it was one of his brothers. Allowing himself to rise from his laying position he awkwardly made his way over to Castiel. Nosing his brother as if trying to lift him up. Though it seemed his legs had other plans. As his legs folded under him he tumbled on top of his brother. Giggling lightly Deacon tried to bat at his brother. "Casssss!" His voice held a sort of childish excitement to it. Anyone near them would be able to recognize what was going on. It was a brotherly bond of course! Although Deacon couldn't really say such things, deep down he knew Castiel was his favorite. Greer was usually to busy doing his own games or being with their mother to be social and moving around with them.

Rolling off of Castiel, Deacon laid on his back letting the sun warm his body up. It was almost like his mother's warmth but than again it wasn't. His mother provided fuzziness while the sun provided just warmth and light. Deciding to try and use his voice Deacon looked over to Castiel. "Caaass." He was still working on getting that other half. One day he would get it, he was sure of it. Though for now he was content with merely calling his brother Cass. Something short and simple for the young prince to call his brother. Though Deacon was slightly curious if his brother would use his own voice and call out to him.

RE: Young Steps - Castiel - May 28, 2014



Watching with wide, denim blue eyes as his older brother awkwardly rose to his feet and came closer to him, poking the almost duplicate Angier as he did so, and then falling on top of him. Squeaking indignantly, Castiel wriggled out partially from underneath Deacon’s darkly furred body, almost glaring at him as if it had happened on purpose, but deep down inside he knew it didn’t. Ears pricking as his brother made gurgled, childish sounds, voicing out part of his name, he frowned, or at least, felt the emotion that went with a frown; confusion, annoyance, a bit of curiosity.

Just then, Deacon rolled off of him and onto his back, seeming to soak up the sun, but the Ridge Prince continued to stare at his brother, making shapes with his mouth and murmuring softly until the word sounded correct, mostly. “Deeeaaackh.” No, that didn’t sound quite right. Brows furrowing, Castiel continued to make the same sound, attempting to get it just right. “Deeaakh… Deeeak… Deeek… Dee.” Grinning, he leaped to his paws and pranced on the spot, triumphant that he had said his older brother’s name – part of it – correctly. “Dee, Dee, Dee!” he chirped happily.

Glancing back at Deacon, now known as Dee, Castiel grinned at him, ears twitching at the other pups interpretation of his own name, Cass. It seemed the two brothers now had nicknames for each other, even though they did not realize it yet. In time they would learn to say the others’ name, among other things, but he knew somewhere in his subconscious that the current name for his older brother would always be a nickname for him, and possibly vice versa.

But what about Greer? Looking around curiously, the Ridge Prince wondered why his younger brother hadn’t emerged from the den yet. Maybe he was still sleeping, or maybe he didn’t want to play with them. Greer had always been the one to shy away from others, or at least that’s what it seemed like, but he wanted all three of them to play together, like a family.

347 Words

the princes of willow ridge
Deacon & Greer & Castiel


RE: Young Steps - Greer - May 29, 2014

jumping in late :c <3


The den was warm; it was comfort/ He enjoyed the darkness and how safe it felt. The brightness outside the den, however, was also enticing – as much as he wanted to remain within the walls of the den, he also wanted to explore the outside world. There was so much to see, so much to sniff; Greer wanted to see it all. Preferably alone, as well. As much as he enjoyed the company of his family – after all, they were his family – the long-legged pup also enjoyed being on his own. Rough-housing with his brothers wasn’t always his first priority; he would rather sniff out his surroundings and explore the area without their shadows following him.

Although he was awake while his brothers slipped out of the den, Greer remained where he was curled up against their mother. He watched them crawl out the entrance, their small bodies shuffling awkwardly into the sunlight. His baby blues observed the pair silently before he tucked his maw back into his forepaws, relishing in the silence that accompanied their absence.

The silence didn’t last long – nor did his effort to resist their squeals and yips coming through the den’s entrance. A soft frown dug into his maw as he rolled onto his back, stubby legs swaying in the air as he debated his options. He could either a) remain where he was and attempt to snooze, b) join his brothers in “playtime” or, c) leave the den, sort of join his brothers, and then explore alone. With a quick shake of his head the Archer boy quickly dismissed option A – with his brothers yapping outside there was no way he was going to be able to nap any longer.

Rolling back onto his stomach Greer pushed himself to a weak stand, his small body quivering atop his fawn-like legs. Quietly, and quickly, Greer made his way out of the den to see what his brothers were doing. He wasn’t sure which option he was going with yet; he would decide after observing Castiel and Deacon. His soft body slumped against the ground once his brothers came into view, his soft gaze filled with curiosity as he watched their playful movements.


RE: Young Steps - Deacon - May 30, 2014

EDIT: @Castiel and @Greer tagging you since it's been a while!

Deacon smiled wide when his younger brother managed to get part of his name "Dee, Dee, Dee!" Playing along with the chanting of names he laid next to Castiel. "Cass, Cass, Cass!" Happy with this chanting Deacon rolled back onto his awkward legs. Wobbling a bit he noticed something come from out of the den. By the size and darkness of it he was left to assume it was his other brother Greer. Perhaps Deacon would have some fun trying to say Greer's name.

Doing a weird walking movement closer to his brother he smiled wide. "Gee! No, no, that wasn't right. Deacon knew there was something else that was suppose to be in the name. Letting a small sort of growl roll out of his mouth, "Grrrrr-ee." Chuckling he tried to do that a bit better. "Grr-ee!" That was close enough for the young boy. Nudging his brother a few times he went to go swing a paw up. Yet he moved it too quickly for his body to balance. Before he knew it his body hit the ground. With a thump on the ground he looked up to his brother. Kicking his legs he let his front legs aim for his brother. Hopefully his brother would be willing to play this time. Deacon knew how much his brother preferred to be alone or stay in the darkness of the den while Deacon and Castiel were out exploring the world together. Sometimes the boy wished he could just spend his days with both his brothers. Though it seemed it wasn't that easy.

the princes of willow ridge
Deacon & Greer & Castiel

RE: Young Steps - Castiel - Jul 06, 2014

I'm such a horrible person for holding this thread up! :c @Deacon and @Greer


The Ridge Prince barked out in laughter as Dee chanted his own nickname happily and triumphantly, just as he had done so before. Now two of the brothers had nicknames, but what about the third? His denim blue eyes flicked over to the mouth of the den where a dark blob emerged, most likely Greer. Dee seemed to have noticed as well, and Castiel watched as his older brother wobbled and swayed over to Greer, while also attempting to say his name. His fluffy ears pricked at the syllables, and babbling softly to himself, he tried to also say the youngest pups’ name.

“Geeee,” he murmured before scrunching up his nose. Hmm, it didn’t sound quite right.

“Geeer.” Still no.

“Grrr-eee.” Getting better.

“Grrr-eee… rrrr.” Almost there.

“Grrree.” Close enough.

Happy enough with his poorly-said version of Greer’s name (well, now Grrree) Castiel looked up and giggled at what he saw. Dee was on the ground and swinging his front legs at Grree’s face. Playfully growling, the Ridge Prince pounced forwards, landing with his front paws on Dee’s tail before ‘savagely’ grabbing it with his mouth and tugging with all his might. “Dee ‘n Grrree pway wi meh!” He demanded, wanting all three of the brothers to play together like a family should.

Dark golden ears were pricked forward and his mouth was open as he grinned widely, inviting both Dee and Grrree (well, demanding them) to play with him. He hadn’t spent much time with Grrree other than sleeping in the den, and it would make everything so much better if he joined him and Dee. Maybe some of the other blobs that he had seen around could join them? Sadly, none of them seemed to be around at the moment, but he was perfectly fine with just the three of them. That’s if Grrree actually wanted to play.

310 Words

the princes of willow ridge
Deacon & Greer & Castiel


RE: Young Steps - Greer - Jul 07, 2014


The fawn-like prince did not move as he listened to his brothers attempt to say his name; instead, he watched them silently as the corners of his mouth twitched. Greer, too, had been practicing his name – along with the names of his brothers – but privately. Although he practiced in solitude, the lanky pup was confident that his speech was getting better with each word that rolled off his tongue. After Deacon, or Dee, chanted his name, Castiel chimed in with his own attempt. Greer clucked his tongue against the roof of his mouth as Cass repeated his name, his puppy tongue struggling to grasp the syllables. Speech was a strange thing… it was even stranger to think that he, along with his brothers, had been incapable of speech days ago…

Play? His slim, slender body groaned at the word, and the shadow prince remained where he was. He had only left the darkness of their den because Castiel and Deacon had been making too much noise, but it didn’t mean that he wanted to join them. His paws shuffled awkwardly as he adjusted his body; he did not move from where he was seated, and did not intend to. His dark lips were pursed together as he continued to observe his brothers – he would watch them, but he wasn’t interested in playing (at least, not right now). He was still tired, and grumpy that his brothers had roused him from his sleep. His baby blues rolled at the invitation/demand to go play, although a lop-sided grin was perched lazily across his small maw.
