Ruins of Wildwood
Riddle Heights the creed or the culture now - Printable Version

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the creed or the culture now - Liran - Jun 03, 2014


For Ruiko. Excite excite excitement~

Mountains had always carried a sense of appeal to the wayfaring Lael, though she couldn't have pinpointed why. There were too many reasons, and she did not fear the threat of falling from cliffsides or being buried away forever in an avalanche. But on the flipside of that, Liran had never experienced the threat of either of those things. Still, she had seen the mountain time and time again through her travels, the high standing peak that rose out of the dense forests had been a bit of a beacon driving her back to the Lore even when she had been well out of it.

Navigating the climb, where the trees began to thin the greatest, her slender form almost snaked along the ever increasing grade. She wasn't headstrong or surefooted to go climbing the mountain, so Liran settled for the foothills to get a lay of the land. There had to be something she could use later to climb up and see over the majority of the tree tops, if only to find something out there that would intrigue her more than the rest. The Lore was vast, and though she had not searched much of it, she was willing to find out what through it this time. No matter how long it took.

Tongue lolling freely from her mouth in the crisp morning air, the tawny wolf pushed upward when she found the forest started to close back in around her too much. Completely engrossed in trying to find that magical ledge or cliff to go peering off of, she paid little mind to anything going on around her. From startling a young fawn that had strayed too far away to sending a bunch of angry grackles airborne, Liran was set on her mission.