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Willow Ridge Star of Wonder - Printable Version

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Star of Wonder - Deacon - Jun 09, 2014


OoC: @Lunas<3

Deacon had only been growing more curious the more he left the den. Each time he dared to go a little farther, even if it was only by a few paw steps or so. It made him feel adventerous. As if he was doing something his siblings couldn't, though that wasn't true as Deacon had witness his siblings move and play with him. But just telling himself he could do things someone else did made him proud.

He had urged his brothers to go on a small adventure with him but it was obvious neither wanted to go. Castiel was to busy napping and Greer was to busy doing whatever it was Greer did exactly. So with a bit of a snort he had left to go on his own little adventure. So far he had found one small flying creature (a butterfly) and a climbing rock not much bigger them himself. Right now he was enjoying that climbing rock. He had been trying to stand on top of the thing but Deacon had found out it was easier just to lay on it. While it was not the most comfortable thing it was located in a sunny spot and allowed him to stay out of any extra dirt.

Dozing off lightly the prince started to fall asleep on top of the new rock he had found. Though soon his nap would be ended. Going to roll onto his side the boy fell off the rock with a sudden yip of surprise. Not figuring he had made himself fall off he looked around for what or who pushed him off. Puffing out his chest he let out a bark. Yet it sounded more childish than Deacon wished. But a bark was a bark nonetheless.

the princes of willow ridge
Deacon & Greer & Castiel

RE: Star of Wonder - Lunas - Jun 11, 2014


Willow branches stroked the man's copper fur as he walked alongside the border. Even as a scout, he still participated in the other duties of the pack, such as hunting and watching the borders. An extra body never hurt. Unsatisfied with the day's events, or lack thereof, the Axxya turned and made his way back to the main den. His paws itched to be running, but he had no message to carry, and it was safer to preserve his strength.

Lunas's thoughts strayed to the Willow Ridge pups born this year. He had joined right around their birth, and although he had greeted the pups before, his interactions with the pack's youngest generation were few and far between. In his mind, this year's litter was shockingly similar to last year's. He compared Greer and Sköll to be alike, as both were black, streamlined, and less bulky than their littermates. Asriel and Deacon were also similar: both first-borns with promising futures. Not that the others were destined for bad things, but Asriel and Deacon were especially privileged as the oldest pups of each litter. And lastly, although he barely knew her, Lunas had to place Morganna with Castiel.

Straightening out his thoughts had irrationally soothed the boy, so as he entered the clearing around the communal den, the copper man was very relaxed. Of course, he could be off and running in moments if he had a message to carry, but for the time being, Lunas was at peace. Perhaps one of the pups would be out and about...

RE: Star of Wonder - Deacon - Jul 03, 2014


OoC: Sorry for the wait @Lunas!!

His barking had worked! Or so he was left to think such things. As another wolf appeared Deacon tried to make himself look tough. Standing as tall as he could he held his head high. Showing his true pampered prince side and not his humble child side. Looking to the semi-stranger, he had smelt the scent before somewhere but never knew who or what it really, he barked again. Demanding this wolf's attention.

Shuffling through his growing vocabulary quickly for anything to make himself seem even more heroic he found something simple yet perhaps bold! "You!" He gave himself a small smile proud with his word and boldness for speaking to the stranger. Not knowing what else to say, since "You" seemed acceptable enough he waited for the other to say something to him. Or to maybe even apologize for pushing him off the rock! Deacon would never have thought that it was his own self who made him fall off his resting rock. That seemed almost impossible to the young boy.

Taking a seat he still managed to slightly puff out his chest. Deacon was determined to let this other wolf know that pushing people off of their resting rocks was not okay to do. Determining whether or not he should call his brothers, or at least Castiel. Maybe he would even call his father or mother! They were both rather strong wolves. He knew that his parents were strong enough to teach anyone a lesson!

the princes of willow ridge
Deacon & Greer & Castiel