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Oak Tree Bend Walking by them like they're stones - Printable Version

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Walking by them like they're stones - Zera - Jun 14, 2014

[dohtml]The pups are now a month old! Zera travels out of the den, lingering near the opening. Anyone is welcome to join!
Zera Tainn

Through filtered sunlight, Zera toddles from the base of the great oak. She's grown adapt to the way the wind winds around the den at night and the way the sun blares yellow spheres through the leaves. Milky eyes peer through towering grasses, every movement catches her attention. As far as she knows, @Darrah, the near twin, slumbers in the dark of the den. But little Tainn, though readily bold and eager, still finds it hard to face the world alone. She shudders beneath inky fur, slinking back into a patch of thick grass as a murderous crow glides into the oak's branches.

The world is loud with life. Developing ears sense the chirping birds, cradling the cicada orchestra. Somehow yesterday was so bright, the sun shone fiercely through the Bend's great oak -- but today Zera noticed, was dusky blue and the big, open sky filled with tinfoil clouds. She noticed the thick scent of rain, and the muggy weight it carried when she breathed. She wondered where her brother was and glimpsed over her shoulder to the den's entrance. She only saw the empty shadow of oak roots and huffed through her tiny, upturned nose. If her brother wasn't going to enjoy the new scent of muggy air, then she would by herself.

Zera lept right out of her grass shelter into the foggy air. At this age, when she moved it was with all the grace of a bouncy puppy, on near-nimble paws and bounding legs. She crunched through the grass, pausing to discover the veins of a shed leaf or a rigid stick's bark. Zera couldn't help but grab it tight in her jaws, realizing it was just to heavy to carry! She pulled back with all her strength, an attempt to drag the imposing branch back to the den, where she could show it to her mother. But with one last tug, straining every muscle she had in that puppy body, the rotten bark slipped from the wood and she tumbled back, flailing back to her high-grass shelter. Zera whined at the decomposing wood on her tongue and shook her head violently, giving her best effort to get it out of her mouth.


RE: Walking by them like they're stones - Darrah - Jun 20, 2014


Darrah heard what he believed to be his sister leaving the den, but was so exhausted he couldn't get himself to care. Had he been completely awake.. Or even just a little less tired he would have tried to stop her, or at least found his mother to make her halt this nonsense. He was truly a worry wart, or was he just developing a sense of 'tattle tail'? The young pup staid up far to late last night and was now feeling the consequences, so he supposed he'd let this slide just once.. Though he did feel a sense of wonder towards what she was doing as he slowly dozed back off into blissful dreams.

All was going well in the murky pups slumber... All until Zera of course. She was making noise again. Did she want him to miss out on a perfectly good rest? He shook his head in frustration and glared at his sibling.. What.. What was he looking at exactly? She appeared to have some sort of strange plantation stuck in her mouth? Darrah shot up and dashed toward her. Oh he sure was going to rat her out once he found out what she had. Mom would not be happy about this one bit. Going outside of their home and bringing back some strange nightmare of a thing. "Zewa Nohnoh!!!" he scolded her, trying to help her free her mouth from the branch. "Noh noh noh!" he grumbled, though almost completely mispronouncing the word "No."


RE: Walking by them like they're stones - Zera - Jul 04, 2014

Zera Tainn

The difference between Zera and Darrah is quite frankly, the amount of prudence . Darrah could easily, naturally find himself enveloped within the warm bounds of obedient good-doing - he fit there right from the start - quite a prudential individual. But Zera's audacious spirit will not stop seeing the world. She just couldn't let the questions and the uniqueness of everything out there keep her from finding it. The consequence of this was no matter, because nobody could stop the aching adventure in its tracks. Except maybe Darrah, who clearly had his way of dealing with it.

Zera continued fighting the horrible taste of rotten old-stick particles, while he made his honorable entrance. She could hear her name on his tongue, figuring mom wasn't too far behind. She grinned excitedly at her new find, hoping Darrah might just accept this one. It was ridiculously heavy and probably too big for the both of them to carry, but she hoped inside that he would try to help drag it back to the den. She was proud, even if he wasn't.

She believed it would be an honorable deed, perhaps she thought it may give back some sort of appreciation to their protecting mother. A suck-up for any adventures to come... But nonetheless, Zera still wanted to see her mother's smile at the fun adventure this was becoming.

Zera peered disappointingly at Darrah's scolding remark, slightly in fear of what he might say to mom back in the den. "Yuhs, yuhs, yuhs," she mocked back, too almost completely estranging the pronunciation.


Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Jul 04, 2014

There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity

RE: Walking by them like they're stones - Darrah - Jul 18, 2014


   "Zewa... he muttered. His sister was now apposing him, that was something that even at his young age he knew he didn't like. "Zewa I tell mumma!! I tell mumma cuz you bad!! Zewa nohnoh!!!" the shadow shook his head back and forth as to banish the honest to goodness sin his sister entangled herself in from it. Didn't work obviously, but to the pup it was worth a try.

He took a step back for a moment, watching the sibling struggle with the mass of bark. With dark squinted eyes, he noted his mother probably wouldn't hear his soft cries from all the way out here and that left him with no choice but tot actually help Zera bring this disaster inside. "Zewa we bring dis inside now. Show mumma. She say bad Zewa! BAD!!" he hissed at her, trying to make her see the evil she was partaking in.

Giving his head one last unnecessary shake, he strolled back over to the branch. "How do bring?" he demanded, trying to find the best possible way to drag this thing to mom with observation. Being so young he didn't see how impossible this task might be for the youngsters. Though even if he were able to understand the situation, the improbability of them actually being able to carry the branch wouldn't be important. What was important was bringing justice to the table, no matter how it had to happen. He glared at his sister awaiting a response.


RE: Walking by them like they're stones - Zera - Jul 18, 2014

so much sass <3

zera tainn

The bottom line was, Zera didn't want to get in trouble. She was learning fast that Darrah wasn't exactly on her side all the time, and he didn't mind watching his sister get into a little trouble. She didn't think it was fair that he got to have the big mouth in the family. Zera was out doing honorable deeds, like finding precious sticks and seeking the odyssey of exploration, preparing herself for that day when she'd be the lead huntress, or guardian. All Darrah ever did was whine and complain about all the good she was doing for the world. Of course, her good was all in her head, and Darrah might just be trying to keep her safe and sound. He was really doing just fine as an unexpected parent, getting all kinds of practice for when he might have his own young someday. And Zera did everything she wasn't exactly supposed to do. But it was all in good heart, as it was beating differently from the beginning.

"Zewa I tell mumma!! I tell mumma cuz you bad!! Zewa nohnoh!!!" Darrah's threats were becoming annoying nuisances rather than scary death-sentences. "Zewa" rolled her eyes pompously and gaited right back up to her stick. "I not bad for bringin' stick," she said before giving the rotten bark another try with her hardly grown teeth. One tug later and she had more bark in her mouth, scrunching her face up at the sour taste. "I just braver ten you, Darwa." She let him continue his little fit while she thought inquisitively about a plan to haul in her rewarding find. It was long and thick, but soft and damp. Too dangerous to bite down on, because the bark was just nasty - and too heavy to pull anyway. Zera marched herself around to the backside of the fallen limb, sniffing a blunt edge.

"Aha!" the child exclaimed as she began to nudge the stick with her head. It did hurt if she pushed on it too hard, but fortunately it did budge with all her might. From outside her focus she heard Darrah ask, "how do bring?" She lifted her eyes again at him. Finally he says something important. "Push like dis!" And she gave the soft branch one great nudge with her head, finally rolling the stick a little in the direction of the den. Her eyes filled with delight and triumph as she proved to solve the problem. She knew her mother would be proud now!


RE: Walking by them like they're stones - Darrah - Jul 23, 2014

Ikr ;u;!!

   "I not bad for bringin' stick, I just braver ten you, Darwa."
He scuffed at just the thought. She wasn't braver than him, he was just less tempted by bad things! Or so he liked to think.
With what little he knew about 'pride' at such a young age, he took pride in being the good child.. After all, he was petty positive it pleased his parents. Where he to tell on Zera whilst she was being extra bad, he knew he'd receive praise. He had high hopes that this would be a time like that. "Not braverer Zewa." fumed the shadowy ball of fur.

Darrah was definitely one to go over every possible outcome in a situation before the event(s) actually took place. He pondered over whether or not he would be delighted by the outcome, or if it would crumble on him and he'd get in trouble too. After all, was he not out here helping her? Was he being just as rotten? He thought it a bit to late to turn around now. The whole thing left his head feeling rather dizzy, to much to comprehend with so little life experience.He'd best stop worrying for now.

He didn't want to admit that Zera had any good traits in her, but she was an excellent problem solver. Not even he could deny that.. If only she'd use the skill for things other than getting herself into trouble. It didn't take her long to figure out how to overcome the gigantic obstacle, and that to him was quite impressive. "G-good job Zewa...." he muttered softly as he trotted over to help her.
