Ruins of Wildwood
Wild Cherry Orchard I'm too wrong to get right - Printable Version

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I'm too wrong to get right - Alphaeus - Jun 21, 2014

Early afternoon//Partly Cloudy — 66° F/19° C

Alphaeus did his best not to think about how his body was taking the transition from spoiled pack wolf to scavenging lone wolf. He put it out of his mind the instant self doubt began to rear it's ugly head;after failed attempts at catching prey, after realizing his energy levels had begun to wane, and all the hours he spent alone simply wandering about. Instead, he focused his energy on thinking of things other then his personal plight. Most of which were thoughts of the wolves he had met on the journey whom he had taken a fancy to, and what it would be like to fuck around with them all the time. To feast, and sleep in their company. But was he really a pack wolf?

Several cherry pits rattled to the earth as his salmon tongue evicted them from his jaw. Fruit wasn't really what he had had in mind coming here, but after his morning hunt had only rewarded him with two cedar waxwings struck dumb by courting, he had settled for easy access specimens. Taking a few steps he gathered several more ruby berries and began to crush them gently, separating the pits to one side of his mouth before they were expelt.

Alphaeus wandered through the agrarian setting like this, deep in thought. He couldn't promise to be loyal, unless he was certain he could say so without smirking or giggling to himself. He didn't have any skills to offer them. No food to his name. He was just a pain in the ass.


RE: I'm too wrong to get right - Falcon - Jun 22, 2014

Oh, she'd come too far North in her explorations. Falcon resigned herself to receiving another lengthy, loud discussion from Jackdaw, though she could hardly blame him. Her brother had the hardest time keeping track of her and she had taken to waking earlier so she wouldn't have to hear him snarl at her for roaming again, though it was already well past midday now.

At least her surroundings were brighter, happier, and more welcoming then the densest part of the forest she and Jackdaw tended to frequent. The songs of birds caught her attention up in the trees, but Falcon was content to leave them be until her belly gave her trouble and growled. She half thought of tracking down the beaver she'd scented not too far back, but knew she'd only be doing it for the thrill of the chase, and that was no way to hunt, as much as she loved to run.

The tawny female lay beneath the shade of a cherry tree and contented herself with cleaning mud from her paws as she contemplated her next move. At least here, the trees were more open and gave her a fairly good view of the sky. Her amber eyes angled up and noted the position of the sky. The sun was too bright and forced her to look away, but at least she had a fairly good idea of where to go next.

Falcon stood and shook out her fur, only to find she'd flushed out a tiny toad. With an excited yip, the female gave chase, her tail going wild behind her while she pounced repeatedly at it. When it lay still, Falcon cocked her head and pawed at it with a perplexed expression. She was certain she hadn't really hurt it! Her black nose nudged against it until the sound of approaching paw steps drew her attention.

Amber eyes lifted to catch sight of tall male walking amidst the trees. How silly of the pair of them not to notice the other until they were nearly on top of each other!

Automatically, Falcon lowered her head, her tail wagging low in welcome while her eyes stayed on his paws instead of his face. "Hello!" she greeted warmly. "Is this your territory? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. My name is Falcon."