Ruins of Wildwood
Willow Ridge Band of Horses - Printable Version

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Band of Horses - Deacon - Jul 03, 2014


OoC: I would really like @Angier or @Elettra to show<3 Some bonding time with the parents and son! Others welcomed too though

After meeting with his older brother Sköll Deacon had been itching to tell his mother and father about the new word, Buuurd, and about the taller male he had met. Standing out in front of his den he barked out hoping to attract his mother or father.

Sniffing around hoping to pick up their familiar scents the boy eagerly called out. "Muuum! Daaaad!" His voice high pitched with his young child voice. Sitting out in the open he waited for them to show. Deacon hadn't seen dad a lot. He was only left to assume it was because dad was busy with grown-up stuff while Deacon himself was out adventuring and learning new things. Even making new friends! The boy had grown happy with his little assortment of friends. He had even got some of the adults to be his friend. Wagging his tail at the thoughts of friends and other happy things he let out another anxious bark.

As the sun shone down on the Lyall Archer boy he started to get a bit warm. His dark coat taking in all the heat from the bright sunshine. He didn't mind though, it felt good. He didn't enjoy the coldness and darkness of his den. Sure his siblings kept him warm but if he was in there napping along he was usually cold. Returning his thoughts pack to his mother and father he wagged his tail in a motion where it swiped the ground. Deacon was certain that they would show soon.

the princes of willow ridge
Deacon & Greer & Castiel