Ruins of Wildwood
Whisper Caverns English, please - Printable Version

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English, please - Danica - Jul 04, 2014

For @Kassander
(Ok, I'm wanting to push Danica towards becoming a any knowledge he can offer is welcomed. :) )

Danica entered the caverns to explore; curious of the pathways. She stepped lightly, almost silently, as she walked around. It was early morning so she wished not to awake anyone. Like usual, she had finished her patrol just as the sun rose. The light she wolf headed away from slumbering boddies...eyes focused on one specific wolf momentarily.

As she entered a tunnel she immediately noticed the lingering smell of plants. Most note worthy (to her), the one Titan had showed her. Ergot? Yes, Ergot. She smiled at her ability to remember the name and scent. It made her feel clever. With a content sigh she continued on her current path.

Eventually she came to an entrance leading to the healer den. Unable to contain her intrest she peeked inside. She hoped to see Kassander. She knew Titan was teaching him something called English, and she wanted to help. She only hoped it wouldn't irritate her friend. However, she could see she had a bit of a walk.

Nervously she slipped in and padded towards the strong fragrance. It wasn't too long till she found the den. Hello? Is anyone there? My apologies if I woke you." She called out, not daring to enter without permission. So, she sat and awaited a reply...or perhaps, an invitation. The young girl was patient enough to wait for someone to come out or go in. Even if time passed...she wouldn't waste her day though! No way did she intend to stay here, sitting, all day long. She would rather better herself by practicing a skill.

RE: English, please - Kassander - Jul 06, 2014


Kass had been so drawn into the herbs that he hadn't noticed the scent of the female approaching but he had heard her voice when she spoke up nervously. It was a nervous greeting in English and he responded with better English then he had before he had first found the Caverns. "Hello! Come in!" He had gotten simple words down and it made him so happy to know that he could learn the language without having to study a single word for weeks on end. He had a simple vocabulary that might compare to that of a four months or so but he still had trouble grasping some of the titles like queen or ma'am or things like that in which he could use to give wolves the proper respect.

A small smile was on his muzzle as he gently stored his herbs before sitting down and looking at her with a slightly tilted head. "Are you hurt?" The words were coming easier to him which was a relief every time he said something that made sense. He started to examine her as he wondered what had brought her to the den of all knowing medicinal things that day. Did she just need someone to talk to? He hoped not because he probably wasn't the best for the job at that point. He calmed himself down with different song that his mother had sung to him. All the songs were being sung in his head and not out loud. He'd just look like a weirdo if he did that!


RE: English, please - Danica - Jul 17, 2014

As the friendly reply met her ears she stood. Light paws carried her frame into the den. Danica's emerald green eyes glanced around. She smiled at him shyly before she took in the herbs and surroundings. Her attention was brought back to @Kassander as he spoke. "No, I came beacuse I would like to know what English and Russian is. If you don't mind telling me? Plus if I Titan teach it to you...if you so desire?" She felt her belly flop at his name...the giddy feeling filling her. He thought she was pretty! She found him very attractive too. Bringing herself from distracted thoughts she eagerly awaited. Would he accept her proposal? She felt she knew this English thing.

"If not, I will be going now." She stated this quietly, hoping disappointment wouldn't result. Preparing for the negative response she stood. Hopefully this didn't seem threatening, but she greatly doubted that. Moving at snail pace she started to turn around...*Come on, come on, stop me and tell me I can help...please.* She thought pleadingly. Infact it seemed she was begging the older male within her mind.

As she came to the 'doorway' she stopped mid step. Danica glanced back to him, wondering if she should wait or say goodbye. If the later was to happen she owed an apology. She didn't wanna feel sorry for wasting his time. She wanted to be glad for the opposite. So she waited looking back at his face...not making eye contact, of course. However, Kass did have nice eyes.