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Spectral Woods Secrets - Printable Version

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Secrets - Vera - Jul 19, 2014

All are welcome to join! @Florence too <3
EDIT: Take it back, no Florence in this thread :P And supposed to be set in Spectral Woods right on the border... gonna get it changed now. @Jaden


It was a balmy day, one where she could explore her new home without shivering from the cold or overheating in the scorching sunshine. Paws flying across the ground, the diminutive ivory she-wolf scouted her new home, putting everything to memory. The shallow stream near the base of the red rocks to the northeast, the glade with a single old, majestic oak at its center barely a stone’s throw away from the stream, the sloping edge of the clearing where the main den had been dug beneath a cluster of angular rocks hidden in the thickets and the sparse dark forest surrounding her that allowed sunlight to reach the mossy ground. It was a beautiful place to live in, the only problem she might have was the occupants inhabiting the land. She would have no beef with them if they gave her no reason to, but when it came to sharing her Florence with the rest of the pack, that was when she became territorial and snappish.

However, she was feeling much calmer than normal, though only her larger companion would know. Vera just wasn’t the type of wolf to be able to sit still in one place for long periods of time, so she was constantly running around, but today she was exploring at a much slower pace, wanting to remember every inch of the Oak Tree Bend pack territory. If she wanted to become a scout, she would have to know the quickest ways in and out of her home and to wherever she was needed to deliver a message or whatever the leaders wanted her to do. For now though, she was content to lazily search through the foliage for any herbs that she could bring to Florence as she knew he aspired to be a healer someday. Maybe she could even find some herbs on her trips if she did become a scout. There was so many possibilities in the near (or far) future.

328 Words


RE: Secrets - Jaden - Jul 21, 2014

Soft steps were taken in absolute silence, the wolf was skilled at being seen but not heard. Jaden had a heavy heart. She was finally back in Relic Lore...but alone. She had failed to bring him back to their 'home'. She figured Brolla and Phinease wouldn't want her now. She had taken off after a crush foolishly, how could they trust her? Negative thoughts continued to swarm her young mind as blood dripped to the ground. Swaying from her jaws was a plumb bunny that she had stolen the life of. It was normal; brown, healthy, dark eyes. Nothing new at all to her.

Coming to a stop she looked up and smelt the air. A stranger pack was near...not her's. She could feel the hope in her chest deflate some. The two year old had started turning away when she saw a flash of white. Startled her tail tucked and hackles rose. A frightened face took in Vera's beauty. Was that Caniri?! Her heart pounded but she quickly realized the wolf was much too small and a girl. She frowned completely disappointed...why? Why was she to be tortured and tormented so?

Jade was going to leave, but decided against this. She dropped the bunny and barked. Maybe this woman knew about her dear Caniri? Or her way home? Smiling shyly at the other she pushed her bunny to her...a peace offering. "Can I please talk to you, Miss?" She whispered nervously. Silver ears were flattened submissively, head bowed, and tail tucked politely.

RE: Secrets - Vera - Jul 21, 2014



The diminutive ivory she-wolf had travelled farther than she originally intended, coming upon the edge of Oak Tree Bend territory without fully realizing it. That is, until a whispered voice called out nervously to her. Jumping almost half a foot into the air, she spun around to face the wolf, hackles raised and teeth bared viciously. What she saw was a wolf larger than her (why was she not surprised?), and yet, the strange wolf seemed to be submitting to her; ears flattened against her skull, head bowed, tail tucked. It was then that she noticed the bunny in between them.

Her hackles lowered and she stopped baring her teeth at the larger female, but she was still tense as she studied the female. Sporting a silver coat with black markings that rested on her flanks, shoulders and muzzle, as well as a peppering of white covering the rest of her body, Vera could see a light and slender frame beneath the smooth pelt, as well as jade blue eyes that were set into a dainty face.

She couldn’t believe she had been snuck up on like that, her! The diminutive female was supposed to always be aware of her surroundings, but maybe she had just been a little too much into her search for herbs for Florence. Raising her head to show dominance over the lone wolf on the edge of her pack’s borders – she still had to look up at her face – Vera slowly moved forwards to the bunny on the ground… a peace offering?

Standing mere inches away from the rabbit, she glanced up at the stranger’s face. Her stance didn’t exactly scream dominance, but she held herself upright so the silver female knew that she could defend herself if need be, and defend herself she would. Florence had told her many times that she had a vicious bite, and she knew it. “You may.” Vera said curtly, tail twitching behind her in an almost wag in an attempt to look friendly to the stranger. “But first I’d like to know who I’m talking with.” The silver female would have to earn her friendliness, it would not just be given freely to anyone that she met.

369 Words


RE: Secrets - Jaden - Jul 21, 2014

At the aggressive response Jaden flenched. Her whole body jerked back as she cowered. A flash of her own teeth was to just show she could and would defend herself. She rather not fight someone, but she would also like to live to see her first litter. If she ever chose to have one, that is. She didn't love the idea of leading a pack, but maybe she could find favor with an alpha one day? If not she was just as happy being a pack subordinate of the same family for a long time. She wished to find herself a permanent home...and right now- in her mind- that was Magnolia Glen. She just needed prove her loyalty and apologize big time.

When @Vera calmed she did as well, and remained ever so submissive. "You may have that, Miss...I think it belongs to your pack. I hadn't realize I was hunting so close. My apologies. " Her voice was soft as light eyes didn't dare to move from the stranger's paws. Just because she was a tiny female, it didn't mean that Jade should disrespect or even underestimate her. Anyways, Vera had the upper paw...being so close to her pack.

Noting how small the other was she lowered her body to the ground; your boss! Her body screamed along with: don't hurt me! When the permission to speak was given she told her plainly, "Jaden Reem or Dusk, but I go by Jade." Her tail cautiously wagged behind her. Hopefully this stranger wouldn't make fun of its lack of length. She was always ashamed of it...felt it set her greatly apart from others. "I was wondering if you have met a guy name Caniri? White fur, tall, muscular, gentleman, brilliant eyes. Also if you could direct me to Magnolia Glen? I'm trying to get back home...if they'll accept me. I've been gone so long looking for my...friend." Her voice held a bit of sadness to it, and the way she said friend suggested they were more then that or that she wanted them to be. And oh, did she ever. Her heart ached and longed for him. She wasn't sure why she was so hung up on him...they only knew each other just barely.

RE: Secrets - Vera - Jul 22, 2014



Ivory ears pricked forward at the stranger’s show of open submission and courtesy. Not that she minded, of course, but it didn’t happen often, if at all. Her own responses either made the wolf back away and walk off, bare their own teeth at her and shout insults, or stand there shocked. This female was doing none of those three. Not to mention the bunny did look pretty appetizing… No! She wouldn’t be won over by food and politeness; the female would have to work for her to be openly friendly to her, if she ever will. She just wasn’t very good with other wolves. At all.

“You did not cross the border, so no harm was done. But I nor the pack need it at the moment; it’s yours, this time. Another might not be so lenient, but it is only because we have enough food to go around that I am letting you have it.” Yes, she could have growled at the silver female for being so close and hunting prey near their territory, but she hadn’t actually crossed it, so she couldn’t see anything wrong with it. The diminutive ivory she-wolf dipped her head in a slight motion as the silver female introduced herself as Jade. “Vera Corvonic,” she stated bluntly, not bothering to say how nice it was to meet Jade because really, she didn’t exactly care. It wasn’t that she thought all other wolves were nothing compared to her, if they couldn’t do something for her, or prove their worth to her, she wouldn’t give them much thought.

Her lips thinned and pulled back in a grim look as Jade asked her if she had seen a missing wolf, and if she could give directions to a pack that she had no idea about. The silver female seemed laden with problems, and she would rather not get caught up with them, but she couldn’t see anything wrong in withholding harmless information. “I haven’t seen a wolf of that description, but if I do see him, I’ll tell him you stopped by. As for that pack… Magnolia Glen, I believe it is further north, though I haven’t been near it. Continue along the creek and you’ll eventually find it.”

373 Words
