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Ghastly Woods The Woods Have Eyes - Printable Version

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The Woods Have Eyes - Drestig - Jul 26, 2014

@Bellamy Here it is! :D

- Early evening, Partly Cloudy — 70° F/21° C


He should be heading home, in fact, he should have already been home! Yet he found himself trailing down the side of the mountain; the wrong side. As cliff met dirt and trees quickly began surrounding the black man, he wondered again, exactly what devil had gotten into him, but was once more left without answer.

The fact was, that Drestig Avalon had ventured through Serpent's Pass and crossed to the other side of Relic Lore (Like he had discussed with @Triell on that eve several months ago). After his encounter at the foot of the Sierra Hills, something had shifted within the dark lad, and instead of turning back, he had kept going west, spending the night under a fallen tree near the outskirts of Spectral Woods; And this morning, he had set to cross the mountain. The trip had been smooth - much easier than last time, back in early spring - back then, he hadn't made it far from the pass before turning around. Today, there had been no snow to complicate the climb, and his mountain-bred body had managed the rocks with little hardship; and he planned to explore thoroughly before returning home.

Beginning this exploration though, proved harder than expected; the woods had closed in around him, and he found his well-muscled body caught often in brambles and other, dense undergrowth. Groaning, he forced his way through the forest, hoping to soon make it out into more open land; this certainly wasn't the lush yet easily penetrable forest of Spectral Woods.

Word count: 256

My mind is my own ”I'll say whatever I want to!”


RE: The Woods Have Eyes - Bellamy - Jul 26, 2014

Woooo thanks x3 !

[Image: tumblr_n9c6gnK34w1tsthsvo1_1280.jpg]

Bell never thought of himself as a lost cause. Yet his very cause had driven him far from the sweet smelling cherry grove called home and the company of his beloved sister, over a small river and into a foreign part of the territory he stalked for easy meals. A few hours into his quest and he still had nothing to show for his efforts.

The trees here were new too and nothing like the ones that grew soft red fruits with annoying seeds inside, these only bared their numerous fangs the longer he trekked through the thick vegetation. Some bent every which way like gnarled roots, clawing up towards the sky and getting their filthy fingers through his fur. Mist pulsated around him like it was alive. Whispering ghastly secrets into Bellamy's flattened ears. It was driving him insane. Everytime he thought he might slip away a voice telling him to snap out of it and stop being such a cub bit his tail and made him puff his chest out, eager to catch one of the crows high up in the branches. Lifting his head he pivoted towards a new direction as the sound of twigs snapping underneath something heavy caught his attention.

This was ridiculous. That wolf could have ended up as dinner! It was incredibly lucky Bellamy had spotted it was a wolf and not a clumsy prey animal. Curiosity got the better of him and he approached the other in a friendly manner. Was he lost to? It smelt male. He. Bell corrected himself. Stopping short of a stones throw away he flatted his fur (from being agitated earlier, not that he'd admit he was sacred) to appear more homely. "Excuse me but are you a ghost? It feels like this place has many, and I could be hallucinating." Right. Plan joke with the potentially dangerous wolf was a great idea. He remained with a wolfish grin on his muzzle anyhow.

RE: The Woods Have Eyes - Drestig - Jul 27, 2014



Thick fog was making its way between the trunks as the sun began setting, somewhere over the trees. Not that there was much change in what little light made it down through the dense canopy, the forest simply changed from mostly dark to barely lit; I fine balance... Great, he was beginning to go crazy! Fire-orange eyes sliding over the gnarled branches around him, he wondered how many wolves had been driven mad by this ghostly place.

As if nature had heard his thoughts and decided to play a joke on his deteriorating mind, a sudden snap of branches sounded among the trees. Drestig's head spun around, eyes trying to glimpse the approaching creature through the fog and ears twitching alertly. Slowly, a figure appeared out of the haze, dark, even against the shadowy background of the woods. Raising his tail lightly, the black man watched as the stranger came closer, clearly heading straight for him, sniffing intently at the air to try and catch the other's scent through the sticky fog. Paying close attention to the other dark wolf's posture, Drestig wondered whether he had come too close to a foreign pack's territory, he hadn't smelled any borders, but the stupid fog might have covered them up; Or they may not have maintained them very well...

Ready with a snarky response about keeping scent-marks fresh - the impenetrable forest, coupled with the wet air drenching his fur had left the black lad rather irritated - he took a carefully neutral position, tail sticking almost straight out behind him, and stared down the opposer. He was little more than a boy, large and bulky in build, but with soft, young features, and his posture appeared unthreatening. Drestig relaxed slightly as the boy smiled at him, and then widened his eyes at the odd question; though it was asked with a boyish smile, there seemed to be an agitated edge to the young voice. Leaning back on his hunches, the older man returned the grin, waving his ears attentively; "I might be." His reply was held in a neutral voice, only a faint hint of his mischievousness slipping through; "You are very right that these woods are home to many spirits."

Word count: 370

My mind is my own ”I'll say whatever I want to!”


RE: The Woods Have Eyes - Bellamy - Aug 04, 2014

"Old man talks like he knows the outs and ins of this place." He scoffed with disinterest when the other wolf's humor was lost to him. His nose twitched ever so slightly towards the black wolf, just to reasure his frayed nerves that he wasn't a ghost. At least he smelt like a live one. With hardened eyes he raked the other for wordless weaknesses. In an unfamiliar territory, one which could belong to this wolf, it payed to know a few advantages. And who was prey before the hunt began. He didn't close the gap between them, wanting to give the other some privacy, and turned around to walk back a few paces. Not stopping until he was sitting on top of a fallen tree dead with decay and sprawling white patterns as if the mist had poisoned it itself.

With a height advantage Bellamy could finally relax. "I'd hate for an old man like you to get lost in this place." There were hardly any emotions seeable in his eyes as he spoke to the other black male. It was hard to tell what he was thinking at that exact moment, when seriousness kicked in and the tiny feeling in the back of your mind that you were getting tricked into something you'd regret. "Help me catch a prey animal, edible mind, and I'll help you get back to where you need to be. Think about it hmm? We'll both walk away friends old man." His ears twitched as something gloopy dropped from the tree above, narrowly missing him. It splattered on the bark, making the near fearless wolf jumped back in suprise and fall over the side of the tree due to the sudden shift in balance, swearing under the moon at the strange substance.

RE: The Woods Have Eyes - Drestig - Aug 04, 2014


The boy seemed less than pleased with his reply, turning tail and walking away without a word; What the..?! Jumping onto a fallen tree some lengths away, the youngster turned and called out, his confidence obviously boosted by the gained vantage. Drestig's ears fell back against his skull, smile vanishing as his lips pressed into a tight line; Is this boy looking for a fight?! His behavior certainly spoke of dominance, despite the fact that his scent was mostly unmarked by other wolves' - there was one, female, but it was lone definitely not a whole pack - and Drestig's own pelt was clearly stamped by the rest of Oak Tree Bend.

Still, this kid seemed to want to tempt fate, his words laced in an icky self-confidence that the older lad would much like to beat out of him; and add to that the actual words! OLD MAN?! Drestig couldn't help but snicker, this boy was a fool, challenging an older and more experienced wolf on lands that were clearly foreign to him. Though, you had to applaud his guts as he went on to make a proposal, given in the shape of an order. But enough was enough. The soot-pelted man curled his tail up high over his back, straightening his ears to point them squarely at the other in a full display of his dominance.

Just then, this foolish young wolf went and dropped off his little throne, landing with a thud in the wet leaves of the underbrush. A bellowing laugh rose from the older male's maw, resounding between the trees, only slightly muffled by the fog. He kept laughing for quite a while, still chuckling as he made his way over to the tree trunk, jumping onto it with a firm offset off the moist ground. His paws landed in something thick and sticky on the wood, but her paid little attention to it, zeroing his eyes in on the dark boy below. Their orange irises smoldered like embers in the dimness.

"Listen now deary, " He started, voice firm but with no sign of anger; "I am perfectly capable of finding my own way out of this place, whenever I might want to go, I need no help from you. I will catch no pray for anyone but myself, and I do not need to remain your friend. " He straightened up, leaning back to sit his rump down on the throne that he had now claimed, still uninterested in the goo under his paws. Eyes still on the other, he flashed a cold smile; "And you might wanna think twice before calling anybody old, kid. " There was still chance for the boy to redeem himself, show a little respect - Drestig had little interest in fighting in this wet and dark place with little room for movement - but it was clear from the older wolf's posture that he was done tolerating bullshit; Remember who has the upper hand here young friend...

Word count: 497

My mind is my own ”I'll say whatever I want to!”
