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Leftover Time - Jaysyek - Feb 21, 2011


On a ledge, a little further from the main packs den site she soaked up the pleasant warmness of the

sun. Chin rested atop her paws, eyes layed on the distance ahead of her for the first time in a week.

The landscape was slowly shifting, the merging spring coming a little more evident with each day. The

snow was slowly vanishing, and the lightness of day longer. That's the change she liked the most, it

was not so dark so soon. She stretched her hind limbs outward lazily. She craved for company, and

felt too lost in turmoil to have it.

First there was seeing Borden with his friend, Jayse still could not figure out head or paw of that

matter. He hadn't told her yet, and thus she was stuck pondering, recollecting the past event in her

head. His grave face the first picture in her head, and how the white wolfess had acted like she

hadn't even been there. This brought the remembrance of their conversation, wondering where dear

poor Ozera was. How she had told him she'd let it go, but right now alone she let her worries

envelope her. A healthy thing, not in the slighest. The guilt was hardly evident, but what else was

she to think of if it weren't for the struggles in her heart. She knew of Borden's wishings to leave,

and understood. What would that cost them? Thoughts became disrupted by the steps of another.

She turned her head round trying to see who was also awake, enjoying the afternoon.


Leftover Time - Alexander - Feb 27, 2011

This is probably back-dated a bit, since the meeting is already over. XD Maybe like, a week before the meeting or something.
Alexander had recalled a meeting with an aging female, and Jayse. Aging was probably a strong word. They couldn't have been more than a year or two apart in age, but that was beside the point. After that, Alexander hadn't seen her again. It had ruffled his fur, but he'd immediately decided that she had just left and decided not to come back. But it was when he found her faint, lingering scent leading to an edge of the mountain, he discovered what had happened. She'd fallen. With a terrible sigh, Alexander knew that she certainly wasn't coming back now.

How unfortunate that it should happen that way. But that was Alexander's main rule: be careful. They were on a mountain. It was so easy to fall it was crazy. Wandering through Midnight Plateau, his paws felt a bit shaky. He spotted Jayse ahead, and collapsed down beside her, his chest letting out a massive heave of a sigh. <b style="color:#51b85f">"Hello," Alexander smiled weakly, before simply frowning. <b style="color:#51b85f">"Ozera fell..." He mumbled, and just shook his head. Why was he telling her this? It wasn't necessarily happy news. <b style="color:#51b85f">"How are you today?" He chose instead, and spoke a bit louder, wondering if it would just consume whatever he had said before. <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."


Leftover Time - Jaysyek - Feb 27, 2011


ooc; lol ya that'd probably be best
Awe it was just Alex, then again that couldn't exactly ease her

mind. She sorta felt like a helium baloon someone was filling

mindlessly with more helium. She would burst it was only a matter

of when her shell wouldn't stretch any more. Still it was somewhat

nice to see the large gray form, and bright yellow eyes of her

Alpha. She had hoped to know him better after all. He plumped

himself down beside her, and she too couldn't help but sigh the

same time he did. Of coarse he gave a word of hello followed by

dim smile. She dipped her head in return, manging a inch of her

own smile. His frown was not very welcome, especially the

statement following. Ozera fell. Ya, I know. Was what she

wanted to reply, or maybe a more it was me, it was me would have

been appropriate. Borden was the only one who knew the full

story. He had acted like it wasn't a huge deal, so why did she

think it was. Obviously it disturbed Alex enough to share this

"news" with her. Stiffness in her throat, nose sniffed.

"Not very good actually." She stated, the need

to be honest strong. She let a long pause cut briefly, "I um

actually saw her .......f a l l,"
The words came out as stiff as

she felt, and there roughness to her voice. The guilt twisted her

gut, and ears pressed flat to her skull. She could not look at him,

but at the valley where she'd searched. "I.... can't find her

This was quiet, and full of the disheartning she felt. It was time he knew, maybe then she could be free of this torment. She braced herself though, for his response. Fearing the worse, but she was almost trapped on the ledge, trapped in her body, and unable to move.


Leftover Time - Alexander - Mar 06, 2011

Jayse's words surprised him. She'd...Seen Ozera fall? Why didn't she do anything? Alexander tried to keep his composure. Surely the white female had an explanation. He wouldn't fly off the handle. He wasn't allowed to fly off the handle. He turned curious, pale eyes upon the girl, probing for some sort of explanation. <b style="color:#51b85f">"You saw her fall?" It made him feel a bit better to hear that she'd made an attempt to find their fallen comrade.

Alexander was already fairly convinced that if she hadn't died, she certainly wasn't coming back to the mountain. That didn't make him any less eager to find her, just to make sure that she was okay. But if Jayse had been looking and hadn't seen a sign...It was possible that she'd run off to Swift River. It was for the better, he considered. At least they'd take care of her there, and she wouldn't risk her life up on the mountain. He couldn't make anyone stay, as much as he would have liked to have that power.<b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."


Leftover Time - Jaysyek - Mar 06, 2011


She waited for a harsh reprimand from her Alpha. A string of

concerned, or cruel words of bewilderment. His light eyes she

was sure had not left her once, and were carrying questions.

Swallowing a large gulp of the liquid in her jaws. "I

honestly think she fell.....because of me."
Came her

response, a little drawn out, but it came with the anguish and

the last few words cracked with her breath. What was to be

done now? Would he think she was some sadistic creature?

Eyes were mysty with the sadness, but she met the bright,

yellow stare."I am so sorry Alex. No one was even close

to being around. Where - where she fell maybe only a

mountain goat could have stepped. I have spent weeks looking for

her, but after I managed to make it to a ledge she landed...."
The sight of the scene was fresh in her mind, she tried to catch a bit of air, sooth the dryness constricting her throat. She continued with a small stutter."Shshe

wasn't there, and it snowed. I have looked high and far in the

wildwood to no avail."
Body felt rigid with all the dark emotions pressing inside. If he was upset and drove her away it would be nothing less than what she deserved. Least she ahd told the turth. Trying to regain her compsure she said," I am sorry if I have displeased you by this, but I hope you know my heart aches wishing to know Ozera is okay,. I wanted you to know I meant to harm, and no idea how to tell of this."


Leftover Time - Alexander - Mar 07, 2011

The girl's admittance of the possible murder of her pack mate stunned Alexander. He kept himself from rising, and the movement was simply transferred to his head, which almost snapped to look at the Jayse. He listened in amazement as she explained herself to him, excuses, of course, but she was being honest, and he couldn't punish her for that. <b style="color:#51b85f">"Jayse, did you...Did you push her?" His brows creased over his concerned pale eyes, and he let out a breath. <b style="color:#51b85f">"I'm not angry...I'm glad you told me, and that you tried to look for her." His head bowed, and he nudged her shoulder with his own. <b style="color:#51b85f">"We can only hope that she's okay..." The great gray wolf frowned. <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."

Leftover Time - Jaysyek - Mar 07, 2011


She felt as pathetic as she sounded. What was the normal

etiquette when you accidently shoved someone off a tall

height? Brag about it? Shouldn't you feel awful, and spout

such things off if you were going to speak? That's all her

heart was telling her, mind not cooperating as of late. His

question caused a nerve to twitch in her jaw. Was that what

everyone would think? What Ozera thought now? Well she

hadn't wanted someone else to tell her it was no biggy. She

recalled it like it had happened yesterday. She'd already lived

it time, and time again.

"Honestly? I was exploring

the Heights, and I went to jump to a ledge. Pratically landed

right into her. So yes that probably what made her go over.

Why I feel so terrible I don't know what kept me from

jumping off."
Nodded at his second statement. Happy to know he was not mad

at her, but she did not feel she deserved the kindness. Gave a

smaller nod like a child whose parent was appoligizing for

yelling or something. "Ya, I really wish I knew though.

I'm sick with the thought..."
The wolf clamped her teeth

together, letting a few moments of silence passed. Picturing

the the poor lady hurt and alone. Then with a weary smile she

looked to Alex, "You know you are as kind as Borden

said. You are a great leader."
She was not trying

to be a kiss-ass. She had only felt compelled to tell him this. What he believed was up to him.


Leftover Time - Alexander - Mar 07, 2011

Alexander could only let thought consume him as Jaysyek told the unfortunate tale. On one hand, it was the young girl's fault. She should have looked before she leaped. It had seemed that the elder female had no quarrels with the mountain at all, which had been his first major concern. If she'd fallen, this would be the last place she'd ever show up. And...Well, she had fallen, though it hadn't been because she was being foolish. The Plateau wolf groaned, and placed his head on his paws for a moment, eyes squeezed shut. There was nothing more to do. They'd searched. He could only hope that she found a safe place to either die, or someone had rescued her. He hoped that he'd cross paths with her one day, just to know that she was still alive.

He looked up suddenly at Jayse's words. His ears twisted backwards, and at once, the gray wolf looked utterly embarrassed. Great leader? Honijo had been a great leader. Alexander had been all but prepared for this job. He felt lackluster. With a faint chortle, he sat up again, and let out a sigh, <b style="color:#51b85f">"Why...Thank you." His words had a kind tone to them, and he looked away from the white girl, out at the scenery. <b style="color:#51b85f">"Are you good friends with Borden? He seems to have quite the magnetic personality." A pang of jealousy flared up in Alexander, but it wasn't bad natured. It was good to be jealous of something like that. It gave him something to aim for. But he was working at it now. At least getting to know his own packmates. <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."


Leftover Time - Jaysyek - Mar 08, 2011


Ears folded miserably against her head, she was not the bearer

of good news not in the slighest. But already the thistles in her

soul were one less. She had not wanted to lie to Alex, and what

he derived from her story was other hit for her to take. He said

nothing more, only shielded his gaze with a wary groan, it

made a shiver narl round the base of her head. Maybe it was

more like sharp pins and needles. She made a mental note to

assure him if she did find him. Feeling it might keep him

remove some of the torment she'd caused. The subject of

Ozera was over. Maybe Alex knew Jayse was well punishing

herself-well she was trying too.

The callings of a good leader pulled him back to there. He

must not have expected her or anybody to say that. But his

compassion for Ozera a wolf he'd hardly knew, and the fact he

wasn't all for not shoving her off right then spoke magnitudes

to gray stroked female. Thank you seemed sincere, and

another weak smile formed on her lips. Coarse she was still

not nearly, even close to a pleasant mood, nor would for

awhile, but she'd try. Borden seemed to sway the subject. Trinagle points swept up, though her gaze was over the far woodlands."I am actually," Answer was honest, and she gave a weak laugh. " I met him in a rather bad mood really, but he came around and told me about you and the mountain....Here I am." Head turned slightly, a more alive smile but still pale compared to what she could share. "I tell him his too sweet for his own good." She replied, still thinking he was much to good for her. Grateful all the same.


Leftover Time - Alexander - Mar 12, 2011

There was no need to go on about Jayse's mistake. It had been just that; a mistake. He didn't want her to feel more awful about it than she clearly already did. Borden seemed like a happier topic that they could both enjoy talking about. Anyway, Alexander had no want to actually talk about himself. The complement was kind, but he wasn't sure he could completely believe it. He followed the young girl's gaze to the woods, and listened intently as she spoke.

He caught a faint glimpse of her smile out of his peripheral vision, and smiled himself. He was quite the magnetic wolf, wasn't he? Alexander wasn't sure what he would have done without Borden. Midnight Plateau would probably be as silent as ever, if Alexander hadn't given up by then. <b style="color:#51b85f">"He has quite the magnetic personality. I don't know what I'd do without him." Alexander laughed, voicing his thoughts. <b style="color:#51b85f">"I'm glad he brought you here." Alex looked over at the pale girl, and smiled. <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."
