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Cedarwood Forest Early Errands - Printable Version

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Early Errands - Jaysyek - Mar 03, 2011


The light thickened like a gold myst threw the bows of the

trees. The change in seasons evident with the more time

passing. Right now the woods had a growing warmness, and

comfort to the wolf as she followed long the creek, and to

the remnants of the bear den they called home. The home she

was growing fond on. At an effortless pace, she observed

new features of the forest. All the while in her thoughts

debating on her decision to head back instead of letting Vlar.

But she figured it'd be for the best. They could speak, and

eat. The male especially looked like he could use a good

meal. Jayse did plan on returning with Borden or waiting for

Vlar to come back if her company had chosen to.

Stretching limber legs, she supposed it was really the choice

of what Bord would think best. Something she didn't know at

the time. And there was also the bit of uncertainty if the lone

wolf would accept an invitation or not. Since Vlar was on

familiar terms it made more sense to address him. Breathing

a sigh, she hated anxious feelings, and wished the simple

drawing of air would make them pass. Her empty stomach

forgotten, her concern was where Borden was. She hurried

along further, making peace with her actions.

A hidden smile in her light ashen features, trotted nearer. She

was hoping to manage to find Borden instead of him looking

for her and on a wild goose chase they be. She could picture

the event in her head, and his own bewilderment what on

earth the two females had been up to. Silly,

Closer she came, his scent marks were strong in

her nostrils, not fresh. Maybe he was waiting? Or else where?A quickened

step, ears were perched high, tail swaying straight out behind

her haunches. Gold and blue eyes drifted round the site, but

saw no one, and no change .Climbing the embankment to the

tunnel, she crawled inside. "Good morning?" She asked, eyes adjusting to the change of light.


Early Errands - Borden - Mar 04, 2011


Morning had broken over Relic Lore, casting a golden glow throughout the forest. However, curled up on his side against the back wall of the underground den, Borden Lyall slept, oblivious to everything beyond the warmth that enveloped him. After traveling for the past few days, his body had picked up on and adapted to the routine he had set in place in order to endure the journey from the Mountain. He had finished establishing at least half of the pack borders the other day and he felt the task had entitled him to ‘sleeping in.’ Deep, evenly-spaced breaths made his sides rise and fall as his nose twitched every so often.

In the midst of a dream, he was lost to the visions that flickered against the back of his eyelids. Somewhere in his mind the fog drifted away with each step he took, revealing Jayse, who radiantly smiled at him from a distance. Her cobalt-and-gold eyes gleamed in delight upon spotting him. He smiled back and the action was repeated in the waking world; huddled into her side, he spotted vague shapes in shades of gray, brown, tan and white against her silver coat. Only when they came into focus did her realize what they were… puppies. He wagged his tail at the sight and the plume draped limply over his hind legs managed to sweep over the dirt floor a few times before pressing up against the wall.

Newborn whimpers and cries filled his ears as he noticed the shine on their pebble-like noses and the tiny tongues that curled in their mouths; he moved forward to run to her, to nuzzle her, but her voice called out to him and it was much closer than he had expected. “Good morning?” Her tone and the sound of paws coming down the tunnel made his eyes flutter open. His ears perked up and he held back a yawn to smile up at her. The first rays of morning barely found their way into the tunnel, but he could see her easily in the darkness.

Drawing in the details of his dream into his memory, his raspy voice welcomed her, “Well, hello love.” A blissful sigh brought him to inhale her scent and the faint aroma of the nearby riverbed. “Took a morning stroll, did we?” he asked, happily stretching his forearms out after they had been tucked up against his torso for a majority of the night.


Early Errands - Jaysyek - Mar 04, 2011


Sometimes Jayse felt lost in choices, and chances like a never

ending sea. They were daily, confusing, consuming things.

And amongst it all, the ho hum's of life she'd been lucky

enough to find her "better half" in the magnitude.

Overcoming tremendous odds, and had really "stumbled"

upon him. Often times she replayed the picture of their first

meet in her head. How ridiculous it had been, and ending


she never expected. A grin caressed the edge of her maw, a

content sigh escaped from her rib cage. She could make out

the familiar outlines of her mate resting peacefully, and


taking the moment to look upon him. She was so close to

turning round, not interrupt his pleasant dreams. The idea


abandoned, at the flick of his ears.

A half-smile, she crept closer letting it stretch long her

jawline with his sleepy greetings. For the hundreth time she wanted to give him a sorry for waking him, but clamped her jaws against it. Instead minding his long limbs, she

brought her head, touched it briefly to that dark skull, then

hummed nuzzling gray snout against the side of his cheek.

"I did. How did you sleep my, love?" She asked,

stepping back to take a better look at him. Wondering exactly

how awake he was for round his eyes still hung sleep.

Reclining onto her haunches, she lay down so her paws

were put in between his. Long haired tail curled round her

figure, and she rested her head in reach of him. Breathing his

scent, and trapping it temporarily in her chest. She had not

been gone long, but had missed him no less -missed just

being with him. Giving a peaceful humm chin drifted to the

top of her legs. Eyelids closed, listening to the workings of

his heart.

In the darkness of shadow and the warmth it was tempting to

fall back asleep. She did not feel weak, but tired from the

affects spring was having on her body. Though she was still

two years old, she would be three in May and knew what was

coming from being in season last year. Which had not been a

pleasant experience, least this round she wouldn't be

surprised. She was only expecting more of the unpleasant

symptoms, and full works any day.


crossed her

mind, and somehow did not seem cogitable. She'd yet the

courage to speak of it, as she wasn't sure if Borden wanted to

start a pack and family in the same year. The idea of her a

waddling, helpless wolf appeared like a gimcrack

. She'd be there, but what use could she be? Already

everyone was keen to take care of her so to speak. She could

only imagine how expecting newborns would heigthen this.

She would go from fully capable to disable girl. Letting out a

small rush of breath, children would be worth anything. They

were not free, and it seemed small in comparison what she

would do for what she could gain. She was really letting her

mind wander, and eyes flickered to his calm pools. Glad he couldn't read the mixture of thoughts. "Are

you hungry? Vlar managed to catch a hog but well we met this lone wolf she sorta knew and I told her she should share it with him. I'm sure I could find something decent enough, though."
The gray female grinned up at him, wondering what he'd like to do today. She wouldn't mind going on a small hunt with him.


Early Errands - Borden - Mar 05, 2011


O O C | Stubborn muse is stubborn; apologies for a semi-lame post.

Low humming, her murmured collection of words, graced his ears. It took a few seconds for him to fully comprehend them, but when he did, he smiled. “Quite well,” he replied. “Haven’t slept this well in… I don’t know how long.” She curled up beside him, easily settling into the contour of his body, his frame a seemingly perfect fit to the beautiful work of art that she was. Dark gray lids recovered his dimly lit eyes, content to simply lay here for the rest of the morning.

Once the silence had let up, gently broken by her sigh and voice, his right ear rose up from the long fur along his neck. “A little,” he mumbled. “But I could manage a bit of something.” The rest of her words, the statement after her question, floated about in his mind. “That was nice,” he then commented. “Think they’re they from around here?”

Catching sight of her grin when he opened his eyes again, a chuckle sounded from his chest, “Well, anything you want to do today, we can do it. Anything your heart desires...” He raised his head to release a yawn. A soft click of his teeth stated his jaws had closed again and he twisted his upper body slightly to make his shoulders parallel to the ground. His tail wagged as he beamed at her in the corner of his eye; while he had thoroughly enjoyed just spending time with her, laying there together in the den side by side, an activity like hunting or enjoying a stroll around their new home was a bit more appealing.

Knowing spring had yet to fully arrive made the idea of a enjoying the afternoon with Jayse incontestably alluring. Where the new texture of gathered pine needles was revealed by melting snow, grass and other vegetation was beginning to spring up, giving the forest a more comely appearance. For all he knew, there was still so much to see and discover; the den would still be near the river bend waiting for their return.


Early Errands - Jaysyek - Mar 05, 2011


ooc; no worries.

Gentle laughs peeled forth, disrupting the smooth rhythem of

her sides. "Hmm, I think before you did not know the

meaning of the word sleep to be having it."
She mused,

much liking the fact he did sleep better off the mountain. It

was a small comfort to see him doing something for his

welll-being for a change. However, she was amused how

groggy he was, never seeing him quite like it. Sleepy,

cuddly, warm, Borden.
She thought. She half-wished

she'd let him rise on his own. The gray stroked female let the

feeling pass her, his reply was an expected response. Head

casually drifted sideways, eyes lifting to him. Shoulders

lifted, softly falling upon the word nice. Jayse felt it was no

grand thing, but was glad he didn't question the choice. Then

again he did know she wasn't much for eating "free" food.

Besides she was now able to steal some alone time with him

which was much better. Killing two birds with one stone to


"I'm not sure where he's from. Another loner of the

She stated, uncertain, and no energy to further

investigate it with her mind. View getting a little hazLids

fluttered agianst her eyes. Was this what a bear felt like in

here, so warm and cozy the den would enchant it to sleep.

The deep strokes of his amusement, caused her ears to tilt in

her direction. Feeling the little slumber spell broken. A long

smile worked up the sides of her cheeks. "To be with

She answered, feeling like a hopeless romantic in

her reply.

Shifting, she sat herself up the urge to yawn her jaws

stretched. A mix of air and whine

emitted,"Aroohoohh." Quickly she shook her head

to jolt herself. "I think a walk is in need, before I fall

back to sleep."
Cast him a thoughtful stare, then rose to

her feet. "We shall see what kind of breakfast we can

Waited for him to move, and then started the

crawl out of the homey enclosure. Greeted with brighter

contrast she shook out her pelt, and stole a bit of clean air.

Much better. Gold and blue eyes scanned the area,

all was clear. Curving round she waited for Borden to become visible.
"Where shall we wander today?" She inquired, tail bending with motion.


Early Errands - Borden - Mar 06, 2011


His smile widened when she laughed and when she didn’t elaborate about the lone wolf he merely let out a mellow “Mmm.” After taking in the rest of her words and a rather endearing yawn, he felt the cool morning air rush in between them when she got up and exited the den. Straightening out the rest of his body, he raised his lower half in the air, arching his spine as he extended his forepaws as far as they could reach the surface in front of him. Once he had given his coat a good shake he heard Jayse call out to him from the surface. Not wanting to keep her waiting any longer, he stepped up into the brightening forest.

At first his eyes squinted from the abrupt exposure to the morning, but eventually after blinking a few times, he was able to lay his eyes on the silver female. Her posture told him she was eager for him to follow. “Wander…” he mused, smiling as he thought. “Hmm, we could take a stroll around through the trees; I think I could find my way back to this one spot where a den had caved in. There were tons of trails around it at the time. When I looped back around to rough up the soil once more, a nearby doe actually stared me down as I stalked past.”

Taking a step toward her and fully emerging from the tunnel, he lightly brushed his side up against her, taking in the forest in front of them. The idea of them having their own territory was still somewhat hard to believe, but here they were… also just about ready to set out on their first hunt together since they arrived. “I assume she had hidden her fawn around the area,” he added. “Perhaps it could be a good place to start?”


Early Errands - Jaysyek - Mar 06, 2011


Head was cast in his direction, watching as he was met with

stronger light of day. A bemused look marked her face,

watching his pale eyes adjust. "Are you really

She half teased, with an arched brow. Standing

at her spot intently watching him. Ears slightly dipped

listening to his thoughtful tone, and words. Sounded

interesting enough, and she was up for becoming familiar

with the Cedar forest. She had no fear of becoming lost in it's

surroundings. Being off the mountain, she had gotten a

better direction of things, and somehow her new home had

this magnetic pull in her gut. To know the each little bit of

the hillsides, potentential hidings spots, and good hunting

places that was the peace of mind, and thrill she needed.

"Ah, sounds promisng." Answer, came in a happy


Leaning slightly into his form when he swept by her. There

coats carried more of each other own scents. And now the

scent of the mountain was faded, being exchanged for the

esscence of cedar. She took a moment thinking of the sutle

differences. Attention reverted to him. Cran nodded in

agreement, "Lead the way, sir." The ash-stroked

female beamed at him, feeling very blessed in her new life.
They were leaders now, and they would not be the

kind either. It made her hopeful to think

of possible members joining the small family, and seeing the

pack really grow. Have the tight-nit kind she missed. At the

moment, Borden was all she needed.

As she had

stated she took up the place at his side, following his lead to

this crumpled den site. She marvled at the emerald spikes of

the evergreens. Her eyes tracked to the partial wet ground,

looking amongst the yellow grasses, and dismantled pine

cones. The spring wind blew it's cold breath, swaying the

treetops and making the forest more potent. The little clicks

of tree bows, and scurrying of small claws on bark would

turn her ear. This was much better, the blood flowing through

her veins. It was quiet for a moment, and she drew in a small

air of the wood. Enjoying herself, and her company.

"Bord, do you know if you'd like a family this year...or

She asked, trying to sound casual not to choke on

her words. Eyes met his for a second, and than lifted ahead to the oncoming path.


Early Errands - Borden - Mar 07, 2011


A few unhurried strides later the two were off. Halfway to the specific marker he had mentioned neither of them had exchanged words, only a few occasional glances accompanied by warm smiles and the gentle swaying of their tails. One paw in front of the other, he led her along the edges of the borders he had laid out the day before. It wasn’t long until the silence was broken. The tone of her question was casual, much to his relief, though it still made him mentally backpedal. Stepback. Rewind. Replay.

He gave her a soft smile, one that was more distinguished that the plain expression that he had been wearing since she had given him a wake-up call. Exhaling quietly, his pace somewhat slowed so he could walk in time with her. A butterfly flapped its wings frantically in his gut; his ears lowered to mirror his sincerity. “I would love to,” he admitted. “But only if you’d like to and if you’re ready. It’s your call, dear, I’m willing to wait if need be.” He glimpsed at her quietly, curious as to what she would say.

A chord had been struck at the mention of ‘family’ and one part of him recollected how pained he had felt when he realized he wasn’t going to be the one to take his father’s place, the first, if not only, Lyall to bring forth a new generation. The feeling had sprung up time and time again to remind him of what he could have had then, but now the opportunity had revealed itself again for the taking. It wasn’t like the chance was going to be taken away or pulled out from under him but he still hoped that she would agree. His parents had been able to manage, so what could possibly stop them from doing the same?


Early Errands - Jaysyek - Mar 07, 2011


ooc;sorry for this post. XP
This talk, she

wished wasn't making head and heart squirm. Was it really a

big deal to speaking to him about it? It hadn't been hard to

confess her love, but asking about a family boy that was

something else. She saw little difference to make nerves play

franticly beneath her skin. The beat of her heart pumped

louder in her ears, and her breathing uneven. Worked hard on

feeling the ground on the pads on her paws, letting the

texture composue her. Remembering her intentions, inwardly

she became confident in her asking. They were alone, and the

subject was something only for his ears. Something she

needed to be certain of. Yes, she was going with the rip it off,

baind-aid method.

First met with soft, smile out of the corner of her eye, she did

not give herself permission to fully look at his face. This

would only muddle her thoughts. There was a definant curve

of her lip against her cheek. Pace matched hers, it was the

placement of his ears when she grew worried. The little

notion she shouldn't have brought it up. Because of this, the

answer that came was unexpected. So much so she froze in

mid-step, having to do her own repeating of words in head.

"Wh-What?" Fumbled, ever a little bit. Biting bottom

lip to muster the shock. He would love, to. The

sentence repeated over, and over like a broken


Feeling like an idiot, she took a couple steps, and then

laughed triumphently. "Borden that makes me

most wonderfully happy to hear! Of coarse I would love

The happy female bounded foward, and smothered

him with licks of adoration. Still a little stunned, but

overjoyed to know his thoughts. Coarse feeling foolish, she

tried to make up for it. "I was worried the time would not

feel right to you."
Words came a little sheepishly,

with aone grin of the pause of akwardness she might have



Early Errands - Borden - Mar 07, 2011


O O C | x) hehe, it made me grin... big time, lol, no need to be sorry.

Wh-what?” her words tumbled off her tongue. His smile turned into a rather nervous grin, complete with clenched teeth and uneven lips. A breath caught in his chest, causing that single little butterfly in his stomach to tremble and flap about even more. Then, her laughter overwhelmed the air, and it filled the ambiance around them with a new sort of vibrancy and light. She leapt into the space in front of him, causing him to come to an sudden stop as she covered every bit of skin and fur she could immediately reach in kisses.

He eyed her quietly; his hind legs had almost lowered him to the ground as his tail arched high behind him in response to her playful reaction. Her words fully reached him by the time she stopped and gave him a discomfited grin. Borden’s crooked grin rearranged itself into an open-mouthed smile. The joy that trailed after the realization of what she had said made the expression reach his eyes, filling them with their own spark of elation. He leaned forward to affectionately press his glossy nose to hers.

Ohhh… worried?” he asked, his own chortle lifting to the branches above them. “You shouldn’t have been. If it hadn’t been good timing, well… I don’t think we’d be here.” His pink tongue stuck out to lap at the edge of her snout before he drew back a few inches. He stood up properly now, allowing his tail to wave proudly now with a flair of delight and pride. “I wasn’t ready for all of this when we first met, but you… you changed that part of me. Gave me quite a push really…”

As his ears slowly returned to their usual positions, each point reaching to the sky from their previously angled arrangement, he averted his gaze from her. He smiled into the sight of layered pine needles and melting snow before returning his eyes to her gold-and-blue irises. “With you,” he softy stated. “I’m ready for anything… The timing of things, I think, can’t be anything else but perfect.” His gaze flitted to the woods beyond her for a brief second, “Come on, let’s find something to eat.” A nod of his head pointed his muzzle to the unseen path they had yet to cover. “We can talk more along the way; I was just absorbed in some random thoughts earlier.”
