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Don't Riot Yet - Jaysyek - Mar 04, 2011


ooc;this is for cori, so if you want to join you have to let her post first. :)
Evening was nearing. The overcast of the sun was evident,

clear, and yet it's location, drifting westward by the minute

was plain with the shifting shadows. A little further from the

den then usual, she had a pausing moment to turn round.

The little freedom felt, knowing a white wolf would not dash

out had her sauntering foward. She was close to her

destination any way, shrugging her shoulders. Why not?

A good run she could make it home, not to long after

dark. She couldn't be expected to not wander, not yet.

Besides,wanting to pull her weight, and for curiosity sake to

know beyond what pack borders might be ,she had followed

the creek long the forest nearing the Beaver Dam.

The scent of the water was rich, the fishy-willowy

combo she liked. An amused chuckle, she was so drawn to

water could she be part fish? No, such childish thoughts and

here she was going to be three. Silly Jayse. She

chided, letting the sound of the creek drown her ending peels

of laughter. She did come to realize the only thing she

missed about the mountain was the Hidden Grotto. New

home had many wonderful things, but in her

wanderings she secretly hoped to find a pond. Somehow it

would complete her paradise. It was much to cold to swim,

but the idea was appealing with the hot months ahead. The

fact she enjoyed swimming. But to her it seemed like another

hair-brained idea, a wish of hers that should not be granted.

Because there was only so much good the world could throw

your way. Still, she would not smother the sparks, it was

always nice to believe something existed waiting to be


Flexing her jaws, bi-colored eyes sorted

through the slowly reviving flora trying to see how close the

dam was. She could pick it out several yards ahead, her map

soley on the creek. Beaver's musky aroma became more

prominant the further paws dragged on. She saw no beasts,

and stopped a short distance no mind to disturb them.

Stopping at the banks eyes checked for a danger, and her

nose twitched trying to detect any hidden personages.

Nothing new tinged already known. Sighing, she drifted

down, letting front feet dip into the running liquid. A brief

drink, she stared upon her reflection. Amused at the swirling

distortation of features. Tongue lapped it away, and that's

when she could hear a larger body sweeping through the near

growth. Ot O

Gray cran rised centimeters,

looking across the way when she saw her guest. A dark

chestnut, almost yearling bull moose with tiny, little

startbuds for antlers. A silent gulp of sloshing water, she

could hear it hit inside her stomach. Very, very slowly trying

to appear to not really be moving she tried to back up the

incline. The moose gave a wary snort, large spoon dished

ears swiveling. She prayed he would go back where he came,

but instead he stepped closer, his next step would be in the

creek. Unsettled by the thought mother moose could be

around, she stood frozen unsure to scare the moose or try to

be talanted in invisibility.


Don't Riot Yet - Corinna - Mar 04, 2011

OOC: Eek, crap post. Next will be better! <3


Gone Tomorrow

In all honesty, the creme, brown, and gray colored female had not meant to follow him so long. But his scent had intrigued her, calling away from her spot in the early spring sun. More and more the sun was beginning to show itself, and all around her the forest was alive with the sound of running water as the snow melted. Much of it would find it's way to the river, and more than once she had wondered if her home would be likely to flood. But Corinna trusted Indru's judgment, he would not have picked an area that was prone to high water. The subordinate could swim just fine, but she was not a fish and had no desire to be one.

But it seemed that her quarry was wanting her to be one, as he led her along the river on a merry chase. He never seemed particularly concerned by her presence, only blaring at her once as she had come a bit too close. Her body language was one of disinterest; she was not hungry, she was merely being a good steward of the land and keeping track of its inhabitants. The bull had paid her no mind after that, and Corinna had let him get away from her. Eventually she found him again, this time near the Beaver Dam were in the fall she had helped Alexander escape from a pack of particularly angry beavers. This part of the creek was closely crowded by trees, so the she-wolf slipped from one to the next, green eyes keeping track of the young bull as he drank from the water. With interest, she noticed his movements into the water, and diverting her attention away, she understood why. Not far away was another wolf, also a female. She had pretty white and smoke colored fur - she stood out against the brown bark of the trees and clearly the bull had noticed her presence. But the other didn't seem particularly threatening, she certainly wasn't trying to the hunt the bull. There was no real reason why he would be making an offensive towards her, unless there was something else going on here.

Head swiveling on her shoulders, the subordinate leaped from the safety of the trees, coming to land just sort of the water. Fur bristling, she barked warningly at the bull. They could leave without a confrontation if he went back to his side of the creek, but he chose to persist, or worse, if he was joined, then the two female lupines would have no choice but to run.


Don't Riot Yet - Jaysyek - Mar 04, 2011


ooc; your fine :) sorry if mine are just rambles. feel free to control the moose too.

Was today just not her day? Why was this moose charted on

zoning her out? She did not see how one single one could

pose an interest, shouldn't he be fearful if anything in his

nature? Hind feet managed a few inches up the river bank,

right,front paw following coarse. Though her gaze did not

once leave the large oval eyes of her pursuer. For his stocky

limbs collided into the river water. Cute, but bulbous nose

dipped to his chest, and then he flung in forth. Once out of

the water, and the next into the water, sending streaming

particles directly into her face. ehh. Was he playing

with her or trying to scare her?

Heart was

thundering away in it's wrapped cage, breaths drawn out. He

was an odd little fella, (okay he really was bigger then she,

but he was not anywhere near full growned sized.) In the

corner of her brains she could hear instincts wanting to shoo

the moose. Run back to your mama little man. She

willed him. They were tempermental things, these creatures

and she didn't want to piss him off. Thus why she didn't

move, or utter a single sound. Sooner or later he'd get bored

with this unmoving object. Go be a gastronome

or something.

A blur of cream, gray, and puffed white shades shot out of

nearby cover. This was when Jayse could not control her neck

muscles from turning to the source of a warning bark. The delicate curves, underneath the frizzed threads told her her founder was another female. Jayse temporarily thanked her in silence. The

moose flinched in his skin at the noisy abruption, making

another splash of water every where with scared, heavy steps

drawing him back. The chocolate bull recovered fast, shaking

his head, forelimb pawed at the water and he snorted. Than

long steps he clamoared toward the threat instead of

rebounding. Weird little boy. Jayse briefly wondered

if he had a mother. Wouldn't she be looking for her little

tyrant? However the boy ready to address this new wolf. Jayse

no longer the target because of her, would not run and flee. She had temporarily rescued her.

Finding her senses, a hurried bark rushed from her lungs. She

leaped into the water, ushering another more piercing call.

Maybe she shouldn't have done that. The boy swung his

head, and charged at her this time, not holding back. Crap!

No still statue, she dashed through the water, eyes cutting for the best route to dry land. No Moose! No Moose! She pleaded in her thoughts.


Don't Riot Yet - Corinna - Mar 06, 2011


Gone Tomorrow

The situation was going to go from bad to worse. Corinna could simply feel it. The bull was young, certainly young enough that it wouldn't be too long before a mother showed up. And that was the last thing that Cori wanted to deal with - you never crossed a mother. In the event that the mother did show up, the gray and creme female would be gone. She was almost three years old, and knew full well when it was time to quit. But for right now, the situation was remaining in somewhat control. Her bark had distracted the bull, pulling his attention away from the white female who he had sprayed with water. It was interesting behavior in a moose, definitely not something she had seen before. Rather than scampering at the sound of her bark, the bull turned around and approached her, as if willing to go toe to toe with the female. Hackles bristled and her brow crinkled, teeth bared. It was a threatening posture, and one that would not be lost on the bull. They both knew how this worked, even one young as he had surely seen one of his brethren fall to a carnivore like herself.

But before he had time to do more than just look at her, the other female barked, pulling the attention back onto herself. And this time, the bull did not merely look. He full out charged at her, his young antlers no less sharp than what they would be as he continued to grow. The other wolf was in trouble now, and they both knew it. She was scrambling for land, but it wasn't likely she would make it in time. Gathering her muscles, within a moment, Cori sprang. In two bounds, she was even with the bull her coat wet from the splashing of the water. With a third, she was hanging from his side, her teeth buried into the moose's bulk. She tasted the blood from the wound, but she hardly paid it any mind. She was too busy trying to fix her precarious position. Flapping about like a helpless flag, the she-wolf was hanging from his side. Though her attack had certainly done it's job in getting the bull's attention away from the other female, Cori was now in trouble. If she let go, she had only seconds before the bull retaliated and in the water, he would move faster than she would. If she held on, he was going to shake her off and trample her under feet. It was a lose lose situation. Snarling, mouth full of hair, the Swift River wolf dug in her grip, determined to withstand the violent shakes.


Don't Riot Yet - Jaysyek - Mar 06, 2011


She could tell he was gaining ground, and she unable to get

higher ground she ran like her life depended on it. All she

had to do was keep ahead of his hooves, his weapons. The

sloshing of his foot falls slowed, and stopped. The lady took

chance to gaze over her shoulders, pausing in midstride.The

other wolf was attached like a rag-doll to his huge side, as

he tried in ruthless efforts to shake her. Good hell!

She breathed, ang uish folded her brows together. Never

seeing such a sight. But all the more willing to help this

unknown miss who had been her temporary savior. Black lips

curled away from sharp incissors, and she tore off through

the river. A few cutthroat snarls ripped like harsh, meaniful

threats from her. No real plan, just going with it she met the

bull head on, taking a few jibes at his tender nose. That had

his attention, his long nobbly legs were thrown in her

direction. Jayse dodged the strikes like a cunning herd dog,

snapping more ruethfully at each oncoming blow. He really

didn't like that, and went swaying after her with his head


Backing away she erked him further by

making fake snaps at his face. With the other wolf attached

he could not move as fast. He tried any way, and front hoof

snagged on a stone. He pulled, but with the pulling he went

sailing on his nose into the river. He missed her by a breath,

and this is when she heard a deeper bellow. Mama was here!

A horrified glance she saw the big cow on the other side of

the river where the bull had first started. Still a distance from

smashing them into the ground. That relief was short lived.

A Brief glance to the girl, she started darting past the fallen

bull."Run!" She screamed, It was obivous any sane

wolf would of run. High rush of possibly death, gave her the

agility to jump to the saftey of the river banks this time. She

shot with an uncanning ability into the wildwood dodgeing

fallen branches, and dead brush.

She wasn't sure how long she ran, but her sides started to

ache, and her lungs begged to stop burning. Surely the

mother would be with her child and not running like a

scentless bloodhound after them. Jaw open, she puffed

several sharp breaths, slowly jogging than walking till she all

together stopped, collapsing against the strength of a tree.

She looked around for the gray female, wondering if she was

all right. "You okay?" She cried out, gold and blue

eyes struggling for a streak of life.

ooc;i felt if he fell cori could get away without getting smashed to bits so i wasn't specific with that. you get my 100 post for jayse by the way. :)


Don't Riot Yet - Corinna - Mar 06, 2011

OOC: haha thanks, I appreciate that *snatches Cori away from moose*


Gone Tomorrow

Her life depended on the strength of her jaws. If she could hold on to the bull's hide, eventually she would be able to wear him down to a point that it would be safe for her to let go. Thankfully, she was not fighting this adversary alone, and the other female stepped in to join the cause. Cori could hear the others' snarls and snaps towards the bull's face, and she could feel him beneath her, trying to chase after his other enemy, but her weight was making it difficult. The bull bayed as his hoof caught on a rock, causing him to lose his balance. The world spun around them for a moment as the she-wolf and moose fell into the water, liquid flying everywhere.

Cori was soaked now, but that was the least of her worries. The force of the fall made her release the bull from her jaws, but she was still in danger from his flailing limbs as he tried to right himself. Using her own hind legs, she pushed off from his body, springing over him, away from his hooves and antlers. Breathing in heavily, she cast a look at the young animal and for a moment felt pity. All of which vanished the moment she heard a rush of loud noises coming from the bushes. Turning her head, the she-wolf's eyes widened with genuine fear as a cow emerged, no doubt the mother of this almost yearling bull. The one creature that Cori didn't want to mess with. Neither did the other female, as she yipped out a sharp command that Cori obeyed without hesitation. Leaping out of the water, the she-wolf took to the trees, only a leap behind the stranger.

Chest heaving with the exertion of energy, eventually the Swift River subordinate could go no further. Corinna fell to her stomach on the ground, pink tongue lolling out of her mouth as she panted. Ears perked up, listening for the sound of pursuit, but she felt fairly safe that she and the white female had made it out unscathed. Breathing in deeply, she let herself exhale before she answered the summons. "I'm alright. How about you?" She couldn't actually see the other female, though that might have had something to do with the fact that her eyes were closed. They weren't far from each other though, no doubt if Cori tried to stand up, Jayse would be able to see her.


Don't Riot Yet - Jaysyek - Mar 07, 2011


ooc;lovely cori need not get hurt lol. X)
Sides heaved greatly at her continued efforts to collect

oxygen. She too would have collasped on her stomach if not

for fear of the other wolf. After all she hadn't wanted to run

off and leave her with two angry mooses. She would surely be

one someone's hit list, if she'd done that. Struggling to calm

her ragged breaths, ears twitched delicately hearing the girl

reply. Relief washed over her like a soothing salve. Funny

how much care of some stranger she could have, but why

shouldn't she care? Heartless was not a commodity in her

book. Huffing, she took another lovely intake. "Good as

can be."
She replied, letting out a feverant chuckle. If

she saw that bull moose again she would run with the wind,

that was for sure. Some how even if he could have been her

demise, she had no want to kill the youngling. A choice

hopefully she wouldn't regret if she ran into him when he was

a large bull.

Once her heart rate settled, and she didn't feel so light

headed and weak she stood away from her supporter. Eyes

struggled along the heavy flauna trying to discover the gray

maiden. She pretty much almsot stepped on her. Giving a

slight jump, Jayse let out another laugh seeing the girl laying

there trying to catch her own breath. "I'm sorry for that

odd prediciment, but thank you for your help. I think I would

have been moose meat."
White banner swayed openly

behind her, as her words were geniune grattitude and truth.

Sitting down so the other wouldn't have to get up she took in

their surroundings. Onyx nostrils flared, but the moose thank

goodness were headed a long ways from them. She'd keep

trying to convince herself of that. "I'm Jayse by the way.

I'd say happy to meet you, but it seems to weird to say it like

She smiled, she was happy to see the girl who had

helped her, but not for the fact she could have been hurt. Yet

it aws nice cause they were safe now. This was the quiet

ramblings in her mind, and she hardly understood what she

was getting at. Why she'd left the statement at that.

Another huff pushed from her lips, and she just realized how

soak the pair were. Utterly soaked to the bone. Jayse could

only imagine what she looked like, and a glance at her paws

showed them brown instead of white. What a tale to have,

and a look to go with it. She rather battle a young moose any

day then a bear or cougar. Moose didn't scratch, and she had

yet to meet one who bit. She laughed softly, cutting it short

with a thougtful gaze. "I'm sorry your all wet. Maybe we

should find a patch of sun? Or is the ground comfy there?"
She asked with a half-grin. If the girl didn't want to move, Jayse would surely not blame her.


ooc;oops just noticed that lol. *fixes*

Don't Riot Yet - Corinna - Mar 08, 2011

OOC: Ahh! Double jayse post xD


Gone Tomorrow

They were both alright, that was really all that mattered. Eventually their adrenaline levels would go back to normal and they could begin to relax now that they knew for sure that they were safe from a raging mother moose. Despite that reassurance, the female leader of Swift River had no real desire to move. She was tired, and the fight with the bull had drained her. She had been holding on for dear life, and Cori was well aware that her young life could have ended if the fight had played out differently. But at least she was out of danger. Almost. Scooting over a few inches, she narrowly avoided being stepped on by the white female who had come to look for her. But they managed to avoid colliding into each other, and the she-wolf lifted her head off the ground to take a closer look at her companion.

Jayse was her name, as the other introduced herself, and Cori stored the name away in her memory. At first glance, the white first was the most distinctive feature about the she-wolf, but upon closer inspection, Cori noted the dual colored eyes. One was blue and one was gold. That was odd. She hadn't seen that before in her almost three years of life. Additonally, Cori noted that the female was a lone wolf, or, sort of. There were other scents that were strong on her, including one that the Swift River female recognized. Borden, the second from Midnight Plateau. Now that was odd. Why would she smell so strongly of Borden and very little of the mountain?

Aware that she had not introduced herself, Cori gathered her legs up beneath her and pushed herself up into a sitting position. She didn't want to be rude by remaining on the ground. "I'm Corinna Donata, one of the leaders of Swift River," cool soprano tones introduced herself, along with a dip of her head. Chuckling, she shook her body as best she could while sitting down. "Sun would be lovely. And of course, it's no trouble. I was tracking the bull out of curiosity, I didn't expect to come across anybody else." Rising to her feet, she paused a moment to regain her balance. Offering a smile in Jayse's direction, the Swift River wolf set off in search of a patch of sunlight, her pace slow enough to allow Jayse time to follow and catch up.


Don't Riot Yet - Jaysyek - Mar 08, 2011


Bi-colored eyes looked closer over the wolf. Checking for any wounds, and

studying all at once. Coat consiteted of pretty patterns of gray, and cream. Her

eyes were a rich emerald Jayse had only seen in the blades of grass. She was

very pretty. Nostrils retracted scents from the Swift River, but it was not quite

the same colonge of the leader she had met. Mind was aflit with questions, this

girl could answer for her. Or most likely if she really did belong to the river


She gave her full name, and the fact she was a leader of Swift River. Ears

twitched in unison, this was news to her, she did best to keep face. It wasn't

bad, just surprsing. So pleasantly smiled, putting the name, and info in a

storage spot with the sweet face. "That's a pretty name. But I did not know

Swift River had a female lead."
Took one inch back, so when Cori shaked

water droplets Jayse could too without colliding into her. Coat puffed a little,

more damp than soaked. Standing she kept a warm smile happy to know the

girly wasn't disturbed, or angry on her account. What a relief. "Well, thanks

all the same."
She said, it didn't matter it was only a right place in the

right time thing. Jayse could be running from two moose now, being soaked was a

better trade off. And she liked the chance to meet someone new, the sweeter the better.

In search of sun, paws carried her behind the girl.

Eyes looked to the filter of trees and sky, and up ahead there was a mingling of

young trees that did not block out the warm light. A happy sigh, she picked her

own spot and layed dowd to soak up the rays. Eyes met her new company's

while her mind tried to find the correct phrase of questions. She had a few, and wanted to keep it short. "I hope you

don't mind me asking, but I met a wolf who was the Swift River Leader. It

sounded like him and his brother were having a hard time deciding leadership. I

take it he isn't there any more is he?"
Brows were folded in concern, voice gentle timbre of wonder. Coarse she was speaking of Ruiko

Tainn, but the ash-stroked female had never learned his name. She wanted to be sure which brother was which. It wasn't any of

her business, but she was interested what fate had came to the family.


Don't Riot Yet - Corinna - Mar 09, 2011


Gone Tomorrow

That was how new meetings went, you always sized up one another, making connections and storing away any important information so that if your paths crossed again, it was the same old meet and greet and you could take a step forward in your relationship. So just as much as Corinna was taking in information about Jayse, so she knew Jayse was taking in information about her. Her introduction seemed to have surprised the lone female, and while she covered for her surprise fairly well, her later question gave it away and Cori let her lip curl up into a small smile, though it faded as soon as Jayse mentioned her meeting with the Swift River leader. Though, Cori wasn't sure which one she was talking about for sure - Ruiko had been the Swift River leader, but so had Indru, before his current reign. But knowing that Indru had only relatively recently returned to the area, she figured it was probably Ruiko. "Yes...the Swift River Pack was created by Indru Tainn, the older of the two brothers. When the water dried up last fall, Indru left and his brother Ruiko took over. You probably met Ruiko. Fairly large, tawny furred, gold eyes. Indru returned and challenged Ruiko for leadership. Indru won," she explained, shrugging her shoulders as if to say "Hey, it's a boy thing." As for how she got to become the leader of Swift River as well was another mystery. Her closeness to Indru was the obvious answer, and since their meeting and her acceptance, they had spent much more time with each other than she had expected. "As for me...I guess I'm just the top female in Swift River," she added with a smile and a small chuckle. Not that there was too much competition around. The only other females in Swift River were Ozera, who had only recently recovered from her injury, and Indru's sisters, Borlla and Junai - neither of which was old enough to lead. So that left her, relationship with Indru aside.

"What about you? You smell like a wolf I once met by chance. His name was Borden," she asked, her tone polite. Time to have her own curiosity satisfied.
