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Wildflower Glade going back / going home - Printable Version

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going back / going home - Alexander - Mar 06, 2011

It was nice to get away from the mountain sometimes. When one spent most of his time quite literally in the clouds, it was good to feel the earth beneath your feet. Especially if that earth was flowers. He'd gone on an adventure, of sorts, wandering to the Thicket of Secrets, and had stumbled upon this rather beautiful plot of flowers. And as the sun began to rise, and shoot wonderful warm rays upon him, he decided it was safe enough to roll onto his back, and let the sun warm him. He needed to get away from everything, just for a while. Though, admittedly, he wouldn't have minded if Amelie had tagged along.

The gentle sound of water trickling near his ear was enough to lull him into a light slumber. He rolled, half-unconsciously, onto his side, and his tail draped over his flank, then slid back into the flowers. It was probably cruel to roll in such beauty, but they'd spring back. Spring was very nearly here, so these bright buds would be brighter than ever in time. His slumber didn't last long. He didn't feel comfortable sleeping in such an unfamiliar place. His trips to flat land were infrequent, so he didn't want to risk falling asleep and falling victim to some passing rogue or wilder animal.

Back on his stomach, his paws curled beneath him, and he looked through the trees, wondering if there was anyone else out there this morning. To join him, and to distract him from his troubles. <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."


going back / going home - Skylah - Mar 07, 2011


    are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

align="justify">This arrival of day looked much more like

springtime. The sun was out, making a bright exposure of

things with it's glory. But not enough to cause things to be to

unpleasant with the early morning. It was a perfect combo of

warm light, and cool air. The copper streaked wolf much

preffered the cover of the thicket. Today the open light, and

promising warm temperature had she was in a decent mood

to go scouting.

First she wandered familiar paths, checking on new scents,

and possible breakfast. Then the trees became a little thinner

and opened upon a glade dotted with smal buds. Orange eyes

peered from the hiding of shadows, it was a beautiful thing

to stumble on. She gazed round hopeful to spot game, but

instead saw a gray and white mound of wolf. Nose wrinkled,

trying to breath the scent of them. The wind was not in her

favor, nor blowing to really say. Cautious she took a meager

steps the sun washing against her face.

Were they alive or dead? Curiosity narrowed her gaze, and

nostrils moved abruptly. Death she would be able to smell, and she did not. Enless maybe he wa dying now. Why else would a wolf be laying in the open, in the morning? It was not something to chortle about. She had no intention of sneaking up on him, circled round keeping a two decent yards between them. "Funny place to be having a nap, don't you think." Comment came in plain tone. Seeing the bright eyes and he was not dying made her interest spark. No doubt the wolf before her was male. The closer she got the bigger he seemed. She halted infront of his face, still holding six feet for distance. Ears were turned upward, posture neutral.


going back / going home - Alexander - Mar 07, 2011

As if his wish had been answered, he heard the shuffle of pawsteps near by. Of course, he didn't move, for fear of alerting whatever company was coming to join him. It wasn't as if he was a small being, and he still feared of frightening others with his rather intimidating appearance. Suddenly getting up and spinning around would have been his course of action and a foolish one at that. And instead, the wolf came to him. All he heard was paws until the creature came around to his front. There was a bit of distance between them, which he instantly noted, and gave a mild smile at the girl's comment.

<b style="color:#51b85f">"Not at all," Alexander began, his smile flexing. <b style="color:#51b85f">"The sunlight stretches through the tree limbs, and casts a bit of warm light. And the flowers, despite their newness, are quite cushy. Besides, where do you suggest I take my rest?" A gleam of challenge flashed in his eyes, and he simply laughed. <b style="color:#51b85f">"We're beasts of the outside. I don't think it's all that 'funny' to be napping among the flowers." Shortly after his words slid from between his teeth, he stretched his forelimbs out, and his jaws gaped in a massive yawn. Then he rose before the girl, and shook various foliage from his gray fur. <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."


going back / going home - Skylah - Mar 07, 2011

    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

The copper toned girl thought of his answer, and it was clever. She hadn't thought she would find company, let alone one with wit. The answer of the male was very entertaining, and he seemed rather amused with it. Skylah, gave a meager grin seeing the challenge in his startling gaze. Ears swiveled sideways, and than in the upright motion in rhythem with his standing. Standing he undoubtly was much larger. Good hell. She didn't know wolves get get that big."I suppose if I was the size of a small bear I would nap in the open to for what creature would dare defy me?" Smoothly replied, tail casually lingered back and forth at her hocks.
"Coarse they way you put it, it does sound like the most comfortable spot to lay ones head." She casually added, shrugging her shoulders. Orange eyes further took a look round for a better input. She hadn't studied the details of the glade when she learned she was not alone. His words held true, the ground looking cushy and all.

The girl met the stranger's eyes once more. Thinking it a little peculiar to stumble on a stranger in a good mood. She was a bit curious if he actually lived here, or merely visited. She lacked much knowledge of this place. He could enlighten her, and she held her questions to be silent. She had in mind to find a permanant home herself, but had only arrived to thoroughly search. Coarse she liked the Thicket but wolves were social creatures. She was enjoying her freedom, but she was sure the structure of a pack would be needed.


going back / going home - Alexander - Mar 07, 2011

This girl had spunk, and it brought a smile to his face. Sucking in a breath of air, his chest puffed out as he exhaled, and stayed that way, with no effort on Alexander's part. His haunches shifted carefully in the flowers, though there was little point in trying to spare the innocent yellow lovelies. He'd already done quite a good job in flattening them, as was quite obvious from their flattened appearance when he cast a glance over his shoulder. A few had been uprooted when he'd stretched, but he couldn't help but smile at how delicate they were, and how hard he was trying to keep them from dying.

<b style="color:#51b85f">"Clever words. I try not to frighten people." The smile widened a bit more, until it was nearly a grin, and he wriggled his shoulders, as if to show off just how amazing he was. It was all just a joke, of course. And it was nasty fun. <b style="color:#51b85f">"Not much I can do in my sleep though. You could have just gnawed my head off it you'd felt like it." Pale brows rose over pale eyes, and he deflated slightly, though there was no real reason behind it. <b style="color:#51b85f">"Try it," His head tossed a bit, urging her to lie down upon the flowers. <b style="color:#51b85f">"I promise not to tear you apart." The words came out in waves as he chuckled. <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."


going back / going home - Skylah - Mar 08, 2011

    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

Skylah wondered if this wolf was off his rocker. It looked out

of place for such a hefty beast to be looking at the fragile

blooms he'd smashed, and hurt. Further trying to trample

them. It was like the beginings to some wolf fairy tale. A

large white wolf, caring for the glass-like flora. A kind,

gentle beast, not capable of hurting a fly. Odd, indeed she

could hear Pyppin reciting the comical tale. Much like

Ferdinand, the bull who could not fight. And she thought

she'd killed her imagination.

A half-hearted chuckle rang forth, his silly stance. After

what she'd saw, and imagined she wasn't sure if he could

strike fear. The very least not with her. "I imagine not,

you must offer them compfy commidations, then spring your

cunning trap."
She stated. As for chewing his head off

her hers, an amused smile curved her lips. "Ha, enless

you sleep like a bear I think you would have rolled and

squished me helplessly before I got the job done."

she could picture too, and wondered where her own head

went today. The offer was a bit on the path of hilarious to

her. She swiftly teased him back."I don't usually sleep in

stranger's beds, maybe I'll try when that blue moon comes

Skylah, had a mouth on her and today it was running more than usual. All in good fun.


going back / going home - Alexander - Mar 08, 2011

His tail lashed out, much like an angry cat's would, before tossing over his paws, and twitching for a moment. The urge to just collapse among the flowers again was intoxicating, if only to give this girl a bit of entertainment. He had to appease his company, did he not? He'd made this wish, and it had come true. But clearly he had to work to keep the wish going, lest this company of his should disappear before his very eyes! Hell, maybe he was dreaming. He'd just fallen asleep in this incredibly comfortable place, and thought he'd awoken to find his wish come true.

But conversation seemed to be working well for the girl, so he kept all four paws on the ground. <b style="color:#51b85f">"Stranger's beds?" Alexander blinked in surprise. She made it sound so wrong, in fact that he couldn't help but laugh. <b style="color:#51b85f">"You make it sound so...Awful." The words were sputtered, and he shook his head. <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."


going back / going home - Skylah - Mar 08, 2011

    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

Was the flower's carrying some looney perfume and he'd

inhaled to long? It could explain her own amplified mood.

Maybe she should move on, back to thickets for fresh steal

of air. You mean dirty. The retort came in her mind,

and she kept it there. Wondering what kind of hat it might of

came from. She felt like a teenage rebel these days, even

though she was far past being one. Or should be. What her

mother would scold her if she knew of such provications. The

male was amused, and his face alone made her laugh. A sly

grin encasing her white jowls. "I tend to do that. I'd give

my appoligies, but that is not like me."
She was never

one to say sorry much. She was more the if your going to cry

let me give you something to cry about type. Or it'd be fake.

Like when her father had her by the ear forcing her to say the

words to her brother. What a lovely setiment, and the reason

she could hold a sharp tongue.

"Uh, fine."Deciding to try to appease him, she

collasped on her side on the spot with a thump. The earth matress was

indeed soft, and she could alone smell the richness of the

blooms. Coughing slightly, she snorted a a few dead grasses

from her nose. Then flipped to onto her stomach. "Very

comfertable I'll agree. I still wouldn't sleep here."

built instincts, the survial one would not let her

rest so easy in a place like this. It was too open. She was a decent fighter, but why be an easy target? She could always dream about it, was that what heaven would be?


going back / going home - Alexander - Mar 12, 2011

What a funny girl. Alexander smirked at her failed apology. It wasn't necessary to begin with, as he found her choice of words to be more funny than anything. He wondered what had brought her to such a foul mouthed point. It was probably just the way she was raised, or perhaps she was just born that way. Alexander couldn't quite think of any point in his life where he would have adopted such a manner of speaking, such Freudian slips of the tongue, or purposeful leaps. He liked it. He hadn't actually met a wolf yet quite like her.

He watched in amusement as she finally gave in, and tested out the bed of flowers, and couldn't help but laugh. <b style="color:#51b85f">"You've got quite a mouth on you, I wouldn't worry about anyone trying to rough you up in your sleep." The alpha grinned, stretching out in the flowers again himself, taking advantage of the fact that she was down there too. Of course, if she got up, he probably wouldn't. <b style="color:#51b85f">"May I ask your name? My own is Alexander Dieudonne. I'm the alpha of Midnight Plateau." He hadn't thrown that last bit in there for any particular reason. It just seemed like a necessary part of his introduction. <b style="color:#51b85f">"speech."


going back / going home - Skylah - Mar 12, 2011

    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

Skylah hadn't been born with a sharp tongue. It was more a cause from

her enviorment. Constantly having to stick up for herself, and her

parents giving her much to rebel against. It camme to her naturally,

letting her mind be spoken, instead of hiding it. Coarse the harder her

parents had tried to stop her, the worse it got. As of now it was just the

way she was. And she was directly affending him, she knew when a

sharp tongue could get her in trouble. When not to poke a bear so to

speak. She laugh bemused by his statement, and it did give her a

satisfaction. "I suppose, I'm not one to be polite to someone who

disturbed my slumber."
She wasn't, her temper was often a short

fuse. If she was enjoying a nap now and someone came along she would

not hesitate to rip into them about it. She was the act now, ask

questions later.

Resting head upon her limbs, the warmth of the sun felt nice. In the

thicket it was heavily shaded and the heat was pleasant.

Watched curiously as he layed down once more. He honestly liked his new bed, and she wondered if he was going to be a permanant resident. His next phrase ended that thought. He was an alpha, and the way it sounded of a mountain. That was intresting news, she was in the company of a high ranking wolf. Why should that surprise her? He looked like he could be. "Well Alexander nice to meet you. I'm Skylah Tiernoir. I suppose your home must be on the mountain?" Names could be decieving, and she wanted to be right. The possibility of joining him did strike her, but she was hesitant to ask. Wondering what this wolf would say next.
