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Blackberry Fields From Cherries to Blackberries - Printable Version

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From Cherries to Blackberries - Firefly - Nov 23, 2014


It didn't take long for Firefly to lead Luz away from the Cherry Orchid and to the blackberry fields. Once there she used her tail to gesture at the whole field and said, "These blackberry fields are our territory and the den is farther in. We can wait here for my leaders, Minka and Tokino." With that Firefly tilted her russet head back and filled the air with her eager call for the presence of her leaders. She hoped that they would be happy to see she had found yet another member to add to their growing pack.

Fly spared a look over to Luz and smiled."When they come, just introduce yourself and state the reason that you are here. You should also probably offer the rabbit at that point. I will vouch for you and your hunting skills since I was able to witness them." Fly gave her fur a few quick licks hoping she looked at least somewhat presentable to her leaders."You're quite the hunter. Is that the role you would like to take in the pack?" Firefly asked, though she believed she already knew that answer. Of course the girl would be a hunter and the two of them could hunt for the pack together and help each other improve on techniques. At that thought, Fly added, "Do you like to fish? If you don't know how, I could show you! I love fishing!" Fly also wondered how well the girl would be able to swim with that gash on her leg, though she had been able to run just fine.

"Speech" - Table by PuppyThief

RE: From Cherries to Blackberries - Luz - Nov 24, 2014

Luz had followed her brown companion to the edge of a field. With the rabbit hanging from her mouth she gazed over it as Fly told her that these blackberry fields were her packs territory. Gentle the pale girl placed the rabbit at her feet as she looked around. So this is Black Thorns Down territory and she smiled at the thought it certainly matched the name of the plants that grew here in abundance. As Fly began to howl so did Luz. Her voice a little more hesitant but calling all the same. She was nervous about meeting the leaders and seeing if they would accept her into the pack.

Glancing at her companion she nodded her head trying to calm her beating heart. She hoped this went smoothly. She lowered herself into a submissive posture with her head and tail low while her eyes focused on her catch. At Fly's question she glanced up though with a smile "It seems to be what I am best at right now so hopefully. I can fish but I do it a fashion that can take a while and patience is needed for it to work. I'll teach it to you if you don't know it already. That is if you would like me to?" Her voice lightened and her tail began to wag "Then you can also teach me your way as well." She only knew the one way but maybe there were others.

She couldn't wait to find out but first she reminded herself that it needed to be figured out if she would join this pack. Her pink tongue flicked out to moisten her lips. If she wasn't allowed in then she would still show the younger wolf any way if she wanted. A skill is only remembered if it is passed on and if it is forgotten by everyone then it is gone. Her eyes went to her paws as she waited.

Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Nov 24, 2014

A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity

RE: From Cherries to Blackberries - Minka - Nov 25, 2014


Minka had arrived home from her trip to the south a few days ago and though all she wanted to do was catch up on sleep she had yet to have the chance. Every waking minute was spent preparing for the oncoming winter, as the clouds threatened endlessly to dump the first large snowfall on their heads. Every cache needed stocking, @Lugh of course was busy filling the infirmary with herbs that would soon be buried beneath drifts and Minka was doing her best to help. This was all on top of the regular duties such as border patrols and markings and of course raising her children, needless to say she was busy. As much as she wanted to relax and rest she knew it would have to wait if they were going to be fully prepared for the first winter storm.

With her mind full of the list of everything she needed to get done Minka was surprised when her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of not one but two voices calling her. Tilting her head to the right slightly her cranium turned curiously in the direction of the border. One voice she recognized as Firefly's, the packs energetic huntress in training but the other's was a complete stranger. @Tokino of course had alerted her of the two new members that had joined them while she was away, friend's of the yearlings that she had recruited, perhaps she had found another?

Done ponder the tawny woman made her way swiftly across the territory until she stood at the borders just a few minutes since the call had been made. Sure enough there was Firefly and what smelled to be a loner who laid in a submissive position. Pleased at what she saw Minka turned her attention back to her subordinate, nodding her greeting before looking back at the stranger woman. As always she got right to the point, "Tell me who are you and what is your business at our borders? I see you have already become acquainted with one of our members but I would like to hear you speak for yourself." The words were serious, the tone not overly warm or cold, it was clear this was a business meeting and it should be taken with the utmost importance.


RE: From Cherries to Blackberries - Firefly - Nov 26, 2014


Fly nodded excitedly as Luz talked about swapping fishing techniques. She was about to respond but got distracted by Minka's scent quickly becoming more prominent. Her alpha was approaching. Fly immediately straightened, though she kept her tail lower, and awaited her leader's arrival. As Minka approached, she nodded at Fly and Fly's chest puffed up with pride. Just being acknowledged by the leader whom she had the utmost respect for made Firefly feel accomplished.

Her regal leader asked Luz to introduce herself and state her purpose. Fly held her breathe as she glanced over at the pale girl to her side and waited to hear her response. Fly was confident that Luz would be accepted, but she was so excited about becoming pack mates with the girl that she couldn't quell her nerves until it was official. Patiently, the russet huntress waited to listen to her friend's answer and observe how her leader reacted. With an encouraging smile and brown eyes alight with energy, Firefly nodded at Luz to signal that the girl should giver her answer and reassure her that Fly would vouch for her if her own answer was not enough. Fly knew that the pale huntress would be a good addition to the pack and could help Fly refine her own hunting techniques. With winter coming, a pack could not have too many hunters, or in this case, huntresses. Luz and Fly would make a great team and would be able to keep the food caches well stocked.

"Speech" - Table by PuppyThief

RE: From Cherries to Blackberries - Luz - Nov 26, 2014

At what she could only assume was a leader's approach Luz ducked her head lower. Her eyes did glance up briefly to take in the tawny form before her and Luz knew that it could only be Minka. Then her gaze went down just as fast careful to not keep eye contact for very long or rather at all. The she wolf's words rang around her asking why she was here and what she wanted. Luz took a brief moment to gather her courage and thoughts before voicing a response. "My name is Luz Nightcrest and I wish to be accepted into your pack." She hoped she had responded correctly and she glanced at Firefly to see her encouraging smile before once again looking down.

"I am a good hunter and have brought this as a way to show it." With this she nosed the rabbit that she had caught forward. She knew that her 'skill' was common but what else could she do? She could track yes and swim but what wolf couldn't? She felt like she didn't have anything to offer the leader before her and it made her cringe inwardly. "I am also a fast runner and can go for long distances." She added the last as an after thought. Nervously she shifted on her paws. She didn't know what else to say or if she should say anything more. Her ears went back to her skull as she hoped that it would be enough to convince Minka to let her join. Yet all she could do was await the response that was sure to come.

RE: From Cherries to Blackberries - Minka - Nov 27, 2014


Out of the corner of her eye Minka saw the yearling's chest swell and had to smother a smile that threatened to break across her maw. Firefly seemed to be taking to the pack in leaps and bounds and to herself in particular and for that the alpha herself was proud. Quickly she had become a part of the Downs, winning over the affections of her son Kova and now with the recruitment she truly was a delight to have as a subordinate. Still, she would have the time to praise the youngster later, now they had business to attend to.

Listening intently to Luz's answer she nodded as she introduced herself and spoke briefly of her skills before the alpha smiled. Stepping forward she lowered her cranium so she could take the gift within her jaws before returning to her place and dropping the hare at her paws. Looking over the pale woman once more she smiled, "Thank you Luz for the gift, we appreciate it with the coming winter." It wasn't just a nicety, she truly meant it. With the coming winter any additional food in their caches would help, especially if this winter would be anything like last.

This meeting had been a mere formality really, she trusted her subordinate's judgement and if they could vouch for a wolf's character that was good enough for her. As long as the newcomer wasn't rude or overstepped their boundaries a recruited loner was almost always accepted at her borders, at least if it was her who greeted them not Tokino. Turning her attention back to the other Downs wolf she spoke once again, "As long as you can vouch for Luz I have no problem accepting her into the pack, so do you believe that Luz Nightcrest has the right character to be part of Black Thorn Downs?" The alpha was silent now, her golden eyes focused upon the russet maw of her subordinate, the loners fate was now in her paws.


RE: From Cherries to Blackberries - Firefly - Nov 29, 2014


Firefly eagerly listened as Luz introduced herself and explained to Minka her skill as a Hunter. At that point she presented the rabbit, and then added that she was also a fast runner and could go for long distances. Fly wondered if the girl would end up as a Scout instead of a Hunter and frowned. Of course, Firefly would be happy to have Luz as a pack mate no matter what role she chose to take, but she really hoped the pale girl chose to be a Hunter so that she wouldn't have to spend long periods of time away from the pack.

Firefly's tail gave a quick wag as Minka smiled and thanked Luz for the rabbit. Things were going well. Then, Minka focused her golden gaze on Fly and asked for her opinion about accepting Luz. Fly was happy that Minka thought enough of her to trust her judgement and in order to prove that this trust was not misplaced Fly straightened herself up and tried her best to sound very serious and mature."Yes, ma'am. I watched her take down the rabbit and she is a very skillful Hunter. She also seems very hardworking and I think that will make her a good addition to Black Thorn Downs." Fly hoped that she had said everything right and that Luz would be accepted. The russet huntress thought it would be wonderful to cross the borders today with a new friend, and another huntress at that, at her side.

"Speech" - Table by PuppyThief

RE: From Cherries to Blackberries - Luz - Nov 29, 2014

As Minka took the rabbit she had offered Luz was slowly starting to relax. Things weren't going to badly in fact they seemed to be going rather well. The breathe that she hadn't realized that she had been holding left her and her overall appearance became more at ease than it had been before. Your welcome. She said in response to the leaders comment even though she doubted she heard as her attention had turned to Firefly. Her ears pricked at the comment that Minka had no problems with her joining but wanted Fly's assessment of her.

Instantly her gaze shifted to the huntress at her side. She knew that her friend wouldn't say anything bad about her but hoped she would be honest with her next words. Luz didn't know how she appeared to others and if Fly saw something in her that she didn't think would be good for the pack it would be better if she said so now. It would be bad if it came out later and some misfortune came from it. Yet the words that fell from the russet huntresses lips were honest and Luz tail began to wag a little. Her golden gaze went to the leader that stood before them and waited.

She felt a certain now that this pack would be her home from now on. She just needed the official okay and then she would be in it. Dropping her gaze she knew that without a doubt if she was accepted that she would work hard to fill the caches and run any messages that either alpha might have. Hope spread through her chest as she waited silently for the final verdict.

RE: From Cherries to Blackberries - Minka - Dec 06, 2014


A warm smile spread across her maw at Firefly's response, based off of what she was saying it would seem Luz would easily fit into their ranks. Turning back to the newcomer she nodded seriously now before speaking, "Well then, Luz Nightcrest, welcome to Black Thorn Downs. You should know that we take loyalty very seriously here, and we expect our members to be hard working. Though if since Firefly thinks so highly of you I doubt you'll have any trouble fitting in." Now Minka stepped forward to first the right and then the left side of the woman, pressing their flanks together. Satisfied that the fae was now properly marked and would be recognized as a member of their ranks she stepped backwards.

Smiling once more back at the pair she sighed, "I wish I could stay to show you around Luz but unfortunately I have much preparation to do if we're going to be ready for the first real snowfall. Do forgive me for cutting this meeting short but I trust that Firefly is more than capable of giving you a tour." Glancing over at the yearling she nodded, flashing her an approving smile for the recruitment she had just done before turning to take her leave. After all she hadn't been lying and there was still much to do, and she knew if she was gone too much longer one of her children would come looking for her. Once they did, well her productivity would shrink exponentially. With this on her mind she quickened her pace and soon she was down the slope and out of sight.

