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Spectral Woods Loss of words - Printable Version

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Loss of words - Phyrrus - Dec 24, 2014

The fog curled around Phyrrus' legs and wafted with each and every move she made. She had never been far into the spectral woods, there was always an ominous feeling that she couldn't shake. The snow had crusted over freezing in an almost serrated edge, making Phyrrus' paws leak small streams of blood that eventually closed up and froze. Phyrrus moved on, the mysterious feeling of the woods grew on her as she passed tree after tree. The sun was cut out, preventing the snow below the crown of the pines to melt into a stream. She had already passed Cold Water Creek hours ago and was beginning to get thirsty. Acquiring little to no knowledge of the world around her, Phyrrus tried to scrape up snow to melt in her mouth but the icy surface was to thick to penetrate. She looked around for a small creek or stream to leech from but nothing appeared. Wanting to stay on track, she ignored her thirst and trudged on. As Phyrrus walked on, she remembered when she was on her own last winter. Not knowing anything about the world and its wonders. Living on rabbits and squirrels that built their nests too close to the ground. Phyrrus continued to allow the stream of memories and thoughts to pass through her mind. Phyrrus came to a tree trunk that grasped for life between a large ditch that lead into an opening and streamed into a downhill area. Too busy daydreaming, she didn't hesitate crossing the trunk or the threatening patch of glimmering ice that had melted in what seemed to be the only hole on sunlight in the entire forest. She lost her footing, her front leg slipping out from under her and knocking her other paws out of line. She staggered and fell into the ditch with an ear piercing cry and a gasp for air. Tumbling into the opening and sliding painfully downhill. She scraped to a halt, her eyes opening and body recovering. She stood, brushing herself off.
"God dammit," She cursed and continued to ramble, "Phy, why couldn't you have just figured out a less dangerous way to cross the..." She lifted her gaze, and perked her ears. Phyrrus had sworn she heard something. The sound was followed by a twinkle of snow that fell from a branch above the nameless shuffle. She continued to stay frozen until she gathered enough courage to say something.

"I can hear you and smell you, taste your fur in the air, but, I cannot see you. I want to see you. Do you want to see me?" She breathed, still recovering from the nasty fall.

RE: Loss of words - Anthem - Dec 25, 2014


OOC This is gonna be fun. :D

Even though he had bound himself to Fallen Tree Cove the stormy male still felt the urge to move. So keeping in mind that he would need to return by the end of the day Anthem had set out. He moved from the pack's territory into the clouded trees of Spectral Woods. The mist whispered to him as it waived this way and that. He ignored the slight sounds of limbs bowing beneath snow and the snap of a branch as it gave out. Anthem likely would have continued that way if he hadn't heard the sharp cry that echoed around him.

Without hesitation the stormy male was moving. He was racing towards the sound his paws light and his attention focused. What was going on? He didn't know but he was determined to find out. When he finally came upon the source of the sound he froze a silent sentient in the shadows as he watched the silver she-wolf pick herself up off the forest floor. His eyes flicked to the tree and then back to the wolf that seemed to become aware of his presence. She must have fallen he mused and the fact that she was calling out to him made him pretty sure that she was okay and not harmed. He wanted to laugh at himself. When had he become so concerned about others? It wouldn't do to become attached to someone that he wasn't even introduced to.

Her words made him tense and then he relaxed once more. They were pretty words, strange, but pretty in an odd way. Moving forward from the shadows of the trees around him he looked down from the lip of the bank at her. He considered her for a moment before responding. I won't deny your desire to see me. He flinched inside but it didn't show on the outside at all. What was he thinking saying something like that as if he cared about what she thought of him? This was going to be a strange meeting he decided, a strange one indeed.


RE: Loss of words - Phyrrus - Dec 26, 2014

Phyrrus waited for the unknown wolf to step away from the shadows, she stared with glimmering eyes. A dark wolf walked into the scene, retorting to her bold statement with one of his own. She raised a brow, now realizing how odd and peculiar what she said sounded like. Phyrrus thought sorely about her risky mistake for a moment but decided to play it off. She took a step forward, her black lips curling back into a smirk. The he-wolf was large and muscular, his fur was like storm clouds and he smelled like pine on the wind. Phyrrus knew he was a loner by the approach he took in greeting her. She lowered her head but kept her eyes narrowed and sharp, this mixture provided the polite welcome but an odd fixation with respect. Her back furs bristled and rubbed together, allowing her scent to waft further. The air around her soon smelled like burning woods and a light twinge of blood.

"My name is Phyrrus," she didn't add her last name, she was still uneasy about his aura. "I hope you permit me to know your label." She said politely. Snow was starting to drift from the trees landing over the two still wolves. Whispers of wind blowed gently through the trees, giving the entire setting an eerie feeling. Phyrrus' eyes darted to the side off to the woods, she didn't think about were he came from or what he was doing when she found him. The woods were dark and the opening closed off around his previous "hiding" spot. There was no real threat in the air, but Phy was still at unease. Not forgetting the embarrassing entrance she ended up scoring, but also the possibility that he might question why she was here. Either way, this was going to be awkward and possibly emotionally scarring for her.

RE: Loss of words - Anthem - Dec 26, 2014


OOC By this time he would be part of a pack. We just haven't finished that thread yet.

Calm blue eyes watched as the silvery female smirked at him. His ear flicked a little but otherwise he just remained placid. Waiting and watching to see what she would do now that her 'desire' had been fulfilled. Her posture shifted and changed into something that he had to smile at. She watched him as if he was a threat and he had to admit that he could be. That is if he wanted to harm her, and at the moment he had no desire to. She had simply created a ruckus and he had come. There was nothing else to it but at the thought he wondered if someone else might show up. His ears slid this way and that but he heard of no one else's approach. Maybe he was the only one then they would just have to wait and see then.

Her introduction was blunt and her question strange. Label? He had never heard of anyone calling their name a 'label' but he admitted it was one. My name is Anthem. He told her simply watching as she seemed to become tense. Was he making her ill at ease? He was aware that he had the higher ground but she could easily get up the slope to meet him on level ground. The stormy male glanced up as a snowflake hit his nose before looking back to Phyrrus. The silence around them seemed to be tense around them and Anthem cared little for it but he didn't think that exchanging words should be so difficult. Her scent finally made its way to him and it carried the scent of blood. His focus sharpened on her as he looked her over. Are you hurt badly? The scent wasn't strong but you didn't need to bleed in order to break bones


RE: Loss of words - Phyrrus - Dec 26, 2014

Phyrrus kept her focus crystal clear, she had the feeling the fervent male was getting at something. Phy often overthought things, winding up with erratic assumptions. Her eyes dashed over the charmed smile and twitched her tail sharply. The two wolves shared the same thought, what would a pack member do if they came across two loners? Phyrrus watched the he-wolf's ears flick forward and back in unease. She gave him a protesting look and stomped a paw lightly. She sighed, almost in a way frightened that a particularly threatening pack member could easily chase them off or worse. Phy cast the thought away, keeping her focus on the wolf who had just stated his name. Anthem... Anth-emmm... Had a peculiar ring to it. Anthem like a song, or a battle cry? Phyrrus thought oddly. She turned her attention back to the he-wolf. His eyes were puzzled. She knew the look well, not being well socialized she came across blunt and a little crazy. She took ten brisk strides forward, not waiting for him to protest or deny the bold act. She wasn't going to let a petty snap get in the way of seeing him up close. She was at level ground with him at was starring directly into his eyes as she took a proud stance.

"No, I just smell like blood. Its just always been my thing. I'm not much of a killer though." She took a few steps back and started walking around, admiring the forest around her in an almost child-like glaze. "I just like to trick people into thinking I'm a goddamn madman. Its not a good tactic, wouldn't recommend it." Phyrrus laughed and turned back to question Anthem even more.

"So," she sighed, "Why are you here? And why aren't you not trying to kill me?"

RE: Loss of words - Anthem - Dec 27, 2014



Anthem watched as the silvery female boldly walked up to him and stared at him. He pushed the proud gesture aside seeing as he had done it before and would do it again. It meant little to him if she thought that it would challenge him or make him react. Someone who didn't bow easy didn't let there guard down and watching someone directly was the best way to see what the other was about to do. Besides he was doing the exact same thing watching her and staring into her gold flecked eyes. Her response to his question floated on the air. So the scent of blood had soaked into her fur? How interesting. Are you a warrior then? The question floated off his tongue unbidden. Of course the way she held herself answered it but he wanted to know the answer any way.

More words came from her and the last sentence she uttered made him go utterly still. After a few tense seconds he broke the silence chuckling. He may have killed strangers at his leaders command but he hadn't taken another wolf's life since then and at the moment he still didn't have the intention to. I may have killed in the past but I have yet to take another wolf's life in the past year. He wore a small smile on his face. Death was part of this world you had to accept it and when it came you either died quitly or with your killer. That was what he had learned about death and he it was in his bones but he didn't have the desire to kill others, like some did once they first tasted it.


RE: Loss of words - Phyrrus - Dec 27, 2014

Phyrrus flicked an ear. She had never been asked what she was or her purpose was. And warrior... such a important title. Well yes she had gotten into plenty of fights, killed a few border stepping males as well, but never been called warrior. But Phyrrus also never had anyone there to call her a warrior. She thought carefully, enjoying the little game the two were playing in coy exchange.

"Never been called that before, " she smiled and chuckled. "I suppose you could call me that. I get into trouble with authority and that leads to the occasional brawl. But I've never been officially titled a warrior." Phy paused, allowing him to soak the knowledge in. "I know for a fact you are. The way you carry yourself with such honor and justice." She laughed as if those things were a waste of time for her.

The sky was beginning to get dark, shadows cast upon the trees and the two peaceful beings. Mist and fog had started to drift out from the woods, it enveloped around their legs and stirred with every movement- which, was very limited for after Phyrrus asked her second question, Anthem went still. Phy looked at him with puzzlement and was relieved when he laughed. Her lips curled into a smile and gently wagged her fluffy tail. Anthems answer was odd. Phy rolled a shoulder.

"I guess I've done the same. I don't like an intrusive male, and there is just too many of them around. Three isn't that bad for a wolf of my age." She said referring to the wolves she had slain. "They had it coming I can tell you that." She smiled and sat down. Phyrrus now felt comfortable with this new wolf, she knew how to judge ones character well and she decided he was not going to hurt her. Phy starred in silence at the wolf, wondering why he had not answered her question. Respecting his privacy, she moved on.

"I'm traveling to Oak Tree Bend. It's about time for me to find a place where I belong. If you are looking for a place to stay, and Oak Tree is in your options, you are welcome to join me." Phyrrus flashed a smile. She was starting to regain the development of thirst and swallowed dryly.

RE: Loss of words - Anthem - Dec 28, 2014



Anthem listened with a peculiar interest as she told him that she was never titled as warrior and that he had honor and and justice. He had never been told that he was very honorable or just. He followed those he respected or held a certain amount of interest in and when that built up to a certain point. Well he had killed at the word of his birth pack's alpha and that just showed about what he would do for those he followed. Many wolves had been killed by his sister and him and at the time it was part of his life and there wasn't any reason to change it. Survival of the fittest and all that, it had been the motto of that particular pack. So when he was called honorable and just he was completely surprised and it showed. I have never been called that before He muttered softly.

He felt a little unsure as she told him how many wolves that had fallen to her. He had long forgotten how many had fallen under his fangs. There deaths seemed distant though to the here and now but he could always feel them like a weight in the back of his mind. He had grown so used to it though that it hardly bothered him now, but every once in a while he felt them more than usual.

Her words to join her as she searched for this Oak Tree bend had him shaking his head. No I think I will remain close to the mountains. He hadn't heard much of that particular pack before but now that he knew that they could be close by he knew that he would check them out at some point later on.


RE: Loss of words - Phyrrus - Dec 29, 2014

Phy flicked an ear oddly, she saw confusion and new thoughts in Anthem's eyes. While Phyrrus expected boastful and bragging attitude, she almost felt pity for him. Never realizing you were a child of justice. She furrowed her brows. How can one live without proving self being and doing what is right. A world like that would bring ruin to all around us. She thought boldly. A wave of doubt washed over her, why had he not felt this way. If you haven't noticed by now, Phyrrus is a very narrow minded wolf. She is headstrong in that her way is the only way. But she is polite about it... sometimes. She reminded herself that not everyone needed to be like her and not everyone had her train of thought etched into their mind, yelling in the voice of a proud but cold guardian.

Phyrrus started back thinking, maybe telling this wolf how many she had killed was a bad idea. She opened her mouth to take it back. After her mouth hung open for a few seconds, she wondered why she cared what he thought. She had just introduced herself to him and now was worried about any confusion that she may stir up. She clamped her mouth shut and pretended like nothing happened. After Phyrrus offered a ticket to the pack, he shook his head. She frowned and whisked her tail softly.

"I understand," She said with a smile. "That doesn't mean you can't show me where a near stream is, I'm thirsty and tired. I'm not sure if you know where you are but I sure as hell don't." She said with a glance to the side, quite confused with her surroundings. "Will you offer a helping hand?" She asked. It was true, she had been traveling for days and had left the comfort of Cold Water Creek more than a day ago and had her last meal exactly thirty-five hours ago. After the shitty day and possibly damaging fall, Phyrrus Monodora could sure use a little company and some higher spirits.

RE: Loss of words - Anthem - Dec 30, 2014



Anthem watched as Phyrrus opened her mouth to say something but then closed it. He didn't make a comment about it but wondered what she had decided against saying. Well it truly didn't matter what she had been about to say anyway. He wasn't sure what he felt for this wolf yet and he didn't know if that would change by anything she said or not. At her next words he nodded in understanding. Winter made it hard to find water but if one was desperate they could eat the snow that lay around them.

I have been in this area once before and I believe that there is a stream to the west of us. He told her nodding in the direction. It was closer to the mountain that loomed above them hidden by the trees just as the fog was starting to now hide there paws. Standing he began to walk away before glancing over his shoulder at the silvery female. Coming? What was the point in leading her to the water that she craved if he lost her along the way? He had this vague idea of were he had seen a stream curling among some rocks some ways away from the spot they were. He hoped that he could find the exact spot though. Truthfully he had been to so many places that sometimes he forgot what areas held what but he had also learned to remember the truly important things. Such as were good hunting was or an amazing site one didn't get to see every day.

He padded slowly among the trees, stirring up the fog as he walked. His ears flicked behind him to keep track of Phyrrus as all of these things ran through his head. It had been quite awhile since he had found himself leading someone where they wanted to go. He vaguely wondered if it would become a new trend for him.
