Ruins of Wildwood
Whisper Caverns tear down your suffering - Printable Version

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tear down your suffering - Nios - Jan 02, 2015

AW please! Nios starts realizing his sister was here. and now is not.


The scent he came upon had sent raw emotion to crash through his chest. He had almost given up on family -- Mirren had made it more than apparent that he had moved on, especially when his scent had faded from Relic Lore, and Vaeta had not been a sight he had seen since his days in Sequoia Vale. But she was here, and he held this knowledge with the simplest brush of his muzzle against a tree her pelt too had slid across not long before.

He did not cry out for her -- his emotions remained bottled within a stoical mask as his swarthy paws now strode heavily across the lands, every so often the wolf would pause to tilt his muzzle and catch her scent in the air before he would continue to trail after her. She knew he was here, and it was likely she had been meaning to seek him out.. of that, he held no doubt.

Evening filtered the day soon enough, and he had still not managed to capture the presence of his sister. She eluded him -- whether she had stepped outside of pack borders, he had been unable to determine. Like a caged beast, the Tainn prowled, his stocky muscles tense as the pale blue sky turned to a dusky pink. His tongue swept across his muzzle then, but he maintained his silence -- soon he would find Vaeta, and the siblings would be reunited. They were close.. he could feel it.
