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Sacred Grove out of the black - Printable Version

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out of the black - Greer - Jan 14, 2015


Greer wasn’t so sure he liked the snow anymore. The cold clung to his damp fur, chilling him down to his little bones as he trudged through the blanket that covered the Lore. A permanent grimace had found its way onto his maw, his cold, gray orbs narrowed as he desperately searched for the way back to the Ridge. It had been a stupid decision to venture so far away from pack territory in such awful weather conditions. He had been gone for too long… the thought made him cringe outwardly as he realized the scolding he was going to get from his parents upon his return.

The shadow prince wondered if his brothers missed him – he had never been much of a brother. He preferred to be out on his own, exploring without the company of his kin, and shunned them without reason. Greer adored his brothers – they were blood, after all – he just preferred to do things on his own. Would they resent him for that? His frown only deepened as he pushed forward, his long legs struggling to maneuver through the snow. He needed to get back home… back to the warmth of his family’s den… back to his family… A whine escaped him, a sound that was unfamiliar to the slender boy. For the first time, Greer was lonely – a strange feeling for the boy who preferred solitude.

Not only was he cold and lonely, but he was so hungry. The arrival of snow seemed to scare off most of the prey, leaving the willowy child desperate for a meal. Some days he was lucky to stumble upon the frozen body of a rabbit or deer; if he was real lucky, he would come across a live squirrel and successfully catch it. He could feel his body weaken as the days passed; he wasn’t sure how long he was going to make it. He needed to get home… he needed the warmth and comfort of his family. This adventure had ended days ago, and he was no longer enjoying his excursion away from home.


RE: out of the black - Deacon - Jan 14, 2015


Even after being caught sneaking off to find Greer before, the oldest Archer-Lyall would continue to go off in search of his brother. Today was no exception either. When no one was watching he would find a way to jump out of border lines and search for a bit before returning. Making one of his search trips he thought he caught a familiar smell. It couldn't be though, could it? Greer was likely long gone and wouldn't ever be this close. Unless he found a trail back home of course...

Setting off on the scent of his brother he caught sight of the more lanky dark prince. Deacon would've made a joke about his horrid looks had he not been so thankful to see his younger brother. "Greer... GREER!" The boy ran full speed to his brother before stopping only an inch away. Nosing him all over it was obvious his brother needed to be home. Sticking right next and against his brother, in hopes of warming his deathly cold form, he whined softly. "I missed you, Greer... Please don't disappear like that again." Lifting his head up he called out for any older adults of Willow Ridge. He wasn't picky about who would show. Just that someone needed to show and show themselves urgently. Bumping his brother carefully Deacon whispered only for Greer to hear. "It was lonely without you," Smiling softly he looked back into the snowy wonderland. "Now let's get you home for safety. Mom or @Xetor will have a look at you." The Archer-Lyall's words of mother and Tor were rather strict. Greer was likely gonna get sick from the cold and someone would need to look at him.

Moving on ward he hoped his brother would follow him back home. Deacon wouldn't loose his brother again..never.



RE: out of the black - Titan - Jan 14, 2015


Titan had been following one of the pups scents out of willow ridge territory for some time now. He, much like them, liked to head out of the borders and look around new places. In fact he had done so many times when he was younger. So when the Thorben found Deacon's scent straying away from his mother's pack Titan had felt that old friend wanderlust grip him as well. Besides, he could always say that he was keeping an eye on the pups if someone higher up caught them so far away from Willow Ridge. That way both he and Deacon wouldn't get into that much trouble.

Keeping far enough away so that the younger Archer wouldn't sniff him out, Titan slipped along through the cold landscape. The place Deacon led him to was an area that Titan had not yet come across himself. The tree's here were rather impressive, and every so often they would make a hushed noise when the breeze decided to pick up. It had a calming effect on the silver misted male as he strode through the place. More and more he was starting to favor the cover of a forest over the closed in tunnels of his mothers territory. He began to miss the meadow less and less as time went on.

Another scent crossed his muzzle making Titan stop to look ahead. Raising his head to be as tall as he could be, Titan looked over the snow drifts as excitement began to pulse through him. Greer was one of the pups from Elettra's litter who had somewhat recently disappeared. However, now both his familiar scent as well as Deacon's began to waft through the air towards Titan. Giddy over what this meant, Titan abandoned his stealthy quest of following Deacon and loped past a large cedar tree headed straight for the pups scents. He wondered how Greer was and where he had ventured off to as Titan caught sight of the two Archer children. Letting out a soft "woof" in greeting the tall Thorben allowed his tail to wag happily as he approached them.

"Greer! Where have you been?" He asked in a half amused but worried tone. Slowing to a stop before the pair of gangly wolves, Titan jut his nose forward to sniff and evaluate Greer's health. He looked okay for the most part; just cold and skinny, but Titan wanted to make sure he wasn't injured too. "Are you hurt anywhere? Or just hungry?" He asked quickly. It looked almost like all Greer needed was a warm den and a few good meals, but he couldn't be 100% sure.


RE: out of the black - Greer - Jan 25, 2015


He just wanted to be home. Adventure could wait until the temperature had increased dramatically and the snow (mostly) disappeared from the Lore. His mind had grown fuzzy during his trek back home as fatigue begun to take hold on his frail body. Freezing was inevitable if he did not make it back to the Ridge soon, and the thought terrified him. He had to survive; he had to make it back. He desperately wanted to hear the voice of his parents scolding him for disappearing and longed to feel the warmth of his brothers’ pelts curled up next to him. For the first time, Greer no longer wanted to be alone… at least not now. He was far too cold and miserable to be alone…

Without warning, his thin legs gave out beneath him, and the shadow prince folded against the cold ground. An irritated groan escaped his maw as he struggled to push himself into a stand, silver gaze narrowed as his legs quivered beneath him, threatening to give out once more. Determined, the willowy male pushed forward through the snow with slow, hesitant movements. A familiar scent, paired with his name being called out through the cold air, caused his stilt-like legs to abruptly stop as his silver eyes widened in disbelief. Deacon! He stepped toward his brother as the fiery-eyed boy approached him, worry evident in his gaze as he studied his ruffled appearance. “S-Sorry,” he mumbled quietly, his voice hoarse with lack of use. Deacon’s next comment about being lonely without him caused a soft, foreign smile to fall against his dark lips. The slender male nodded furiously at the mention of going home, his thin body shivering uncontrollably as he leaned into his brother.

As he stepped forward to follow Deacon another ash-coloured male approached; Titan. His lips tightened as the older male questioned him, asking about his whereabouts and his health. Greer did not really have an answer to the male’s first question, as he wasn’t really sure where he had been. Here and there – not home, that’s for sure. However, the other questions he could answer: “H-hungry.” His voice was small as it stained the cold air, and sounded strange even to Greer. As much as he did not like speaking, now was not the time to remain silent. They were here to help him, and he would not shut them out regardless of how much he wanted to.


RE: out of the black - Deacon - Feb 12, 2015


Help was quick to show in the form of a wolf Deacon was vaguely familiar with. Titan, one of the yearlings and healers of the pack. While Deacon appreciated Titan wanting to help Greer he didn't appreciate just standing out in the cold yapping about issues that could be solved in the safety of the pack dens. "Titan, we can feed him in the den. It's too cold out here." His voice was soft and worrisome not in the mood to challenge the older male.

"You're gonna be fine, Greer." While the words may have been directed towards his brother the words were more or less used to comfort Deacon himself. The oldest Archer-Lyall was looking for anything to keep up his hopes. If Greer had made it this far he would certainly make it to the pack's warm den. Deacon could see it now. Him and his brother's sleeping together again. Greer's form likely sleeping in solitude while Castiel, Gus, and Deacon would remained huddled together. Everything would go back to normal sooner or later. It would have to.

Trying to move forward the young one hoped everyone, everyone simply being Titan and Greer, would agree to his motion to move onward back to the den. Mother and father were probably waiting for Greer along with everyone else in the pack who gave a care about the silent prince. "Titan? Is there a cache nearby?" His question mused for hopefully being able to either grab something for his brother or sending Titan to go get something. "If you can take care of Greer I can go grab something." He offered with a slight smile, his first time truly working together with the older dark male.


RE: out of the black - Greer - Feb 23, 2015

short post to keep this moving! :-)

The cold air nipped at his skin so furiously he was unable to control his shivering regardless of how much he pressed himself against Deacon to absorb his warmth. He was glad that his brother suggested continuing forward – as hungry as the little shadow was, he craved the warmth of his family’s den. Greer was certain that if he remained in the cold any longer his toes were surely to fall off, and he definitely needed all of his toes for running and stalking. As his older brother stepped forward the slender boy stumbled beside him as he tried to keep their sides touching. His eyelids grew heavy as he tried to keep up with his brother – constant traveling had taken a toll on the young boy; he could hardly keep himself balanced.

Food was mentioned once more, his brother asking the other male – Titan – if he knew if there was a cache close by. His stomach growled uncontrollably at the mention of food, but he yearned for the comfort of the Ridge. The little shadow felt incredibly out of sorts, as he craved the presence of both his family (and packmates). He was positive the cold and days of isolation was just making him loopy, but he desperately wanted to be surrounded by the wolves of Willow Ridge. He figured he felt this way because he wanted to absorb as much of their body heat as possible and not because he actually wanted company… but he wasn’t so sure. All he knew was that he was freezing, starving, and wanted to be home as soon as possible.


RE: out of the black - Titan - Mar 16, 2015


Titan listened as Greer spoke. He listened, not only for an answer, but for any rattles or slight wheezes that might come from the youths voice. Glad to hear that all was well spare for Greer being cold and hungry, Titan then stepped forward to stand at Greer's side opposite of Deacon. He shared his warmth while glancing to Greer with a serious look. Health wise the pup seemed to be okay, but again he would have to be checked over by ELettra to make absolutely sure that he wasn't in some way sick.

"No food till we get home, I'm sorry Greer."  He stepped forward flicking his tail upwards in a "follow" motion before turning to glance at Deacon. "That's right not eating until we cross the borders. When he's in the den I'll fetch some food from a cache. I don't know of any caches this far out." He looked to both boys hoping that they were following.

The cold outside was the kind that sank into your bones if you stayed still for too long. Once Titan got the pups moving again he would be happier since activity and exorcize generates warmth. Just heading home at a brisk walk would warm up everyone's chilled bones including Greer. Though the warm up might make the dark prince more hungry than he already was. Titan would make sure to get him a meal after he was situated and safe in the den.

At the rate they were going it was going to be a long time till the little group got home.


RE: out of the black - Deacon - Mar 19, 2015

( @Greer @Titan)

Shuffling along in a line with Greer in between Deacon and Titan the young prince let out a snort. He hadn't even thought about how far out they were, it only made sense no caches would be around this far. "Oh, uh, yeah I understand why they wouldn't be out here." The Archer-Lyall had to play it out cool. Act as if he was a prince and knew this general area like the back of his paw...even if he really didn't.

"Titan, should I watch over him when we get to the den? Or should I call mom and dad first? I bet they'll already be at the den waiting for him anyways though..I bet everyone will be there already. Excited to see Greer home again." The dark Archer-Lyall stopped himself before he continued to ramble or ask questions. Blushing underneath his fur he was a rather lucky boy that his lush dark coat stopped it from being noticeable. "My bad you guys. I'm sorry." Deacon quickly offered an apology before continuing to keep the pace with Greer and Titan. How far were they from being within Willow Ridge? It felt like they were miles and miles away when in reality the walk probably wouldn't go on that much longer. That was if they kept the pace and had no distractions from anything or anyone.

The willow tree prince had so many questions to ask his dark brother about his journeys and lost travels but figured it would be best to let his brother rest and collect himself. Who knew what had happen on his brother's travels? Deacon could remember some of his, really the only memories being of Naira (who he called the "big scary lady in the woods") and of Myrrh taking him home so sudden. Just the thought of it sent shivers down his spine. Hopefully his brother didn't have to go through that.

Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Mar 19, 2015

Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity

RE: out of the black - Greer - Apr 02, 2015

@Deacon @Titan sorry guys, with the Spirit account I didn't notice both of you had responded >.< We can wrap this up whenever <3


He could not wait to return to the safety of the Archer-Lyall den, where it was warm and where he would be surrounded by his family members. For the first time the slender prince craved the company of his family; he had been unwillingly alone for too long, and felt guilty for his absence. He knew that his mother had been worrying immensely, as she had done with his brother had gone missing. Although it had been exciting (at first) exploring new territory and going further than he had ever gone before, Greer was glad his adventure had come to an end. He was hungry and cold, and needed to be with the wolves of the Ridge. His stomach cramped, crawling with a hunger he had never experienced before, causing his legs to quiver as he stumbled forward. There were words being exchanged between the two wolves but Greer paid no attention. Something about food and caches… something about going home… something something something.

A frown had developed on his dark maw as the hunger increased, making it nearly impossible to ignore. His paws were sore and bruised, as his legs felt as though they were about to fall off at any moment. He knew the charcoal wolf, Titan, had mentioned something about no food until they returned to the Ridge, which had caused the lanky prince to groan internally. However, as hungry as he was, he knew that it was more important to get him back to pack territory, where he would be safe; where there was lots of food. With a grimace, he pushed himself forward, hoping to increase his speed as he leaned on his brother. It felt as though it was going to take them all day to return home, and Greer refused to allow him to slow the group down. Despite his weakened state, he needed to keep pushing forward. “Home soon?” He asked absently, mildly unaware that the words had even left his tongue, as he was unsure if he was just thinking to himself.
