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Riddle Heights Towels round our blisters and bones - Printable Version

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Towels round our blisters and bones - Hodr - Jan 14, 2015

Hodr stumbled in the deep snows, hind leg catching on something beneath him. He flailed in the snow and panted while he wrenched his leg around. Jerk left and then right, throwing himself with enough force that he had to scramble to find his footing with each lunge. Finally, the buried tree limb snapped and Hodr found himself falling left with nothing to catch himself on. The brown yearling laid in a frigid drift for a moment, letting the flurries sweep over him, while he caught his breath.

It had been many days since anything positive had happened to him. He was beginning to lose track of the days, but it had been nearly two weeks since he'd become separated while traveling with his pack. The first few days had passed coherently, but the hours and days quickly blurred together. For a blind wolf there was no day or night to mark the time, only constant paranoia and changing weather. Thirteen days of fearful expectation had worn his mind down. A previously trapped hind leg twitched with a mind of it's own. There was something he had to find, something dreadfully important. But he couldn't think of what and the snow was so invitingly soft.

Something squawked loudly above him (a speculative raven) and he heaved to his feet. His head swung mechanically to the right again, remembering the direction he'd been headed before his fall. It didn't matter that the way was slick and rocky underfoot or that what he searched for was no where near the Heights. This was the same direction he'd been travelling for three days now. Mind slipping and body wasting away, Hodr could at least pride himself on not getting turned around again. That had to count for something, right? Another rock shifted under the snows, but Hodr clumsily caught himself and continued dragging himself up Riddle Heights.

RE: Towels round our blisters and bones - Piety - Feb 08, 2015

The last thing I heard was you whispering goodbye
And then I heard you flat line..


After meeting that dark man back in the willows she had stuck around for a few days. Wondering if he would show again. Of course wanderlust got the best of her so when her eyes caught sight of the mountain she was going straight for it. Although somewhere deep in her heart she knew she would return to Drooping Willows, even if only to catch a glimpse of him.

Her paws steadily headed upwards. The rocks underneath her were cold and a bit jagged. Some would certainly nick her paws while others would only scratch the surface. Painful nonetheless though. But something in the distance distracted her from the jabs to her paws. What was it? The way it moved was rather scrambled. Movements unorganized and thrown together. Was the thing ill? Surely it needed help though.

Picking up the pace she had the yearling made a bit of lunges to cover more ground. Her own long gangly legs sometimes catching beneath her. This was certainly no good traveling condition and she wanted to bet that she shouldn't be going higher; but that poor poor thing needed help. The closer she got to the thing the more it become recognizable. It was a large wolf. Perhaps he was just lost in this wretched hell-sent weather.


The woman's voice was certainly strained with worry. Oh if only she had someone else with her for help. Of course being the Saint she was she was going to do all she could in her favor. "I'm here to help you! My name is Piety." A greeting was offered as she moved closer. Would he close the whole space? Piety had a gut feeling that this might be bad though. What if he was deathly ill? What if it was contagious? A shiver ran down her spine but she couldn't tell if it was from the cold or the thoughts of illness.


RE: Towels round our blisters and bones - Hodr - Feb 08, 2015

If Hodr'd been able to turn and look down he might have been impressed with the height he'd made. In his current state of mind pride was an illogical concept. Despite how long his trail continued upwards, he'd still be starving. Hodr stopped, his eyes swaying uselessly as his face swept all around him. His tongue dragged low and his haunches trembled as he rested.

Unbeknownst to Hodr another was approaching. The wind disguised the sound of her hurried footfalls, and even in perfect health, he never would have seen the white wolf set against the white snow. His only thought was to keep moving, to find whatever it was that his crumbling mind couldn't supply. It was important, or maybe it was they? He couldn't search the way he'd come, obviously it (or they) wasn't there or else he wouldn't still be looking. Keep moving, his mind supplied. His body struggled to obey, hind legs straining to pull free of the deep snow. Finally he rocked himself forward, feeling his chest graze the snow and his legs pulling simultaneously. The yearly scrambled catch himself before nose-diving into the snow. Moving again, he started hauling himself upward.


Ears swung clumsily in her direction and his path veered right in distraction. He thought he'd been alone and couldn't quite compute the existent of a fellow wolf. A million possibilities seemed more likely than that. A couple weeks ago the nearby forest had sung with his mother's voice. There was a sound of crunching snow and Hodr made an erroneous assumption.

"I'm here to help you! My name is Piety."

He wheezed in response, trying to laugh. The snow had given itself a strange name. He grunted, vocal chords raspy and deep. "Help how? Snow cannot help wolf." To illustrate this he grabbed at a mouthful of snow and let it melt from his mouth. The drops that hit the snow were tinged with blood.

RE: Towels round our blisters and bones - Piety - Feb 10, 2015

(Sorry, this is all new for Miss Piety!)


"Help how? Snow cannot help wolf."

What did he mean? And oh how disturbing it was that the melted snow drops that hit the ground were tinted with red hues, clearly marking blood. Piety was almost ready to turn tail and run but she couldn't do that. Ill or not this wolf needed serious help. "Can you come any closer? I want a better look at you.." Her voice trailed off a bit shaky and nervous. "May-maybe we can go find a healer?" It was a shot into oblivion but it was worth a chance. Of course while the logical part of her said take him to a healer but the more powerful religious part of her said to pray for his well being. Obviously he was in poor condition and needed help from a much higher authority.

Even if he wasn't able to grasp what she was about to say, the Saint was going to say it anyways. "Lord, please heal this sick man. He doesn't deserve to feel this way and I know that he can feel so much better within your embrace. Please, I'm asking you help this man and give me the strength to help him too.." Piety's voice was now light and weak. Her emotions possibly getting the best of her right this moment. Oh how she wished she wasn't so touchy feely, especially at times were she needed to be strong, not only for herself but for others too. A soft sigh slipped past her lips and into the air.

"Where are you going to? You can stay with me for the night if you like..."


Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Feb 10, 2015

There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health

RE: Towels round our blisters and bones - Hodr - Feb 10, 2015

The liquid running through his teeth was a reminder of his thirst. It was ever-present, unlike the hunger that had ebbed away days ago. The voice was already forgotten. His head lowered, swaying vaguely from side to side, till his opened muzzle encounter the frozen water. His jaws closed weakly and he panted, waiting for it to melt. The voice came again and he slobbered clumsily as his head rose slowly.

The snow was making no sense. It was everywhere. How could he move any closer or farther. Atrophied eyes pointed right, then left. "Closer? Where?" No sense at all. He was too far gone to coherently follow any of Piety's words, even to understand she was flesh and blood like him. It was the sound of the snow, just like that singing voice weeks ago. Words ran through the air like a breeze and Hodr tried to pick himself up. There was something... wasn't he doing something? Or going to somewhere... but why? It was in that direction, that much he though he knew. The snow was speaking still, words drifting by his ears like flakes. Better... you.. maybe... go... find—

Find. Yes. That's what he was trying to do. It hadn't occurred to him to ask the snow for help, a notion that seemed perfectly rational right now. He stopped short, but momentum continued. He fell, landing in the cushion of snow and wheeze. The snow spoke over him, praying for Hodr as he tried to catch what little breath he could. After a long while the wind-voice settled. It had asked him something, but he couldn't follow the speech well enough for pick out the meaning. Hodr looked directly up into the sky (after all isn't that where snow comes from?) and asked. "Help me find?"

RE: Towels round our blisters and bones - Piety - Feb 10, 2015


The poor thing. He was so sick and ill he couldn't even gather her presence, even though she was already rather close. "Over here darling," Her voice trailed off light and caring. Piety had never felt so much pity for someone at once. "I'll come closer." Tucking her tail lightly she scuttled forward close enough to brush against him, although she didn't touch him.

"Help me find?"

What was he after? The Saint was beginning to think that he was so gone he was hallucinating and making up situations. Although there was always the chance part of him was still truly "there"..."Of course I'll help you find whatever your looking for, but I need a name darling." Her words would drift not very far, only inches, to find shelter in his ears. It was strange how he looked up at the sky. But something strung her train of thoughts. Did he believe in God? Or Gods of sorts? Was he looking up for guidance, not from her, but from someone else of higher power?

Touching her nose lightly to his neck she took in his scent. "You don't belong anywhere, do you?" Piety was half tempted to take him away with her right then. Yet the woman was unaware if there wasn't a pack but perhaps a family member looking for their yearling son. How guilty she would feel if she stripped someone of their own child. Something told her it would be for the best but her guilt got the best of her. Telling her not just to steal the boy and run away with him. Perhaps he did have somewhere to go and just needed help getting back there.


RE: Towels round our blisters and bones - Hodr - Feb 10, 2015

The voice came again, so close that he stopped his struggling. The snow had understood his confusion and come to him instead. Despite the cold that surrounded him, there was warmth in the voice. A tone he almost remembered. The gentle endearment pricked at his ears. It was more than just a sound. That word, four brief letters, had been applied to him before. Something fervent rose up in him, half recalling the family he searched for, and he tried to regain his feet. The snow-voice came again, so close it was almost inside him. It was going to help him.

Oh. He sank back down, legs collapsing and body settling into the deathly cold snow. It was okay now. The snow wasn't going to hurt him.

He shook his head at the question. He was so exhausted and starved that the motion was slow and exaggerated, barely recognizable. The brown skull rocked back and forth. A name was much more than he was capable of now. There was almost a wisp of scent, the way her voice rose and fell over syllables, but nothing more.

He wasn't expecting the touch. It seemed perfectly rational for the snow to speak, comfort and help him; the line was crossed at the contact. It was like a spark. Hodr flailed away, digging his claws into the snow. Panic gave him sudden insight. This was not merely snow, something more. Something real. "What? Not snow?" He slurred as his body shuffled not directly away from Piety. Understanding was not the same thing as vision.

RE: Towels round our blisters and bones - Piety - Feb 19, 2015


The sudden shock was unexpected, but it cleared things up for the most part. His voice stumbled out questions seemingly throwing Piety into a surprised state too. This man had been so delusional that he had thought her to be apart of the snow! Whining softly she almost hated to break the news to him. To snap him out of his make believe world.

"I'm a wolf, a good wolf though." Hopefully clarifying her good intentions would clear up the panic that the male showed rather boldly. "Remember my name? Piety...I'm no snow." The saint kept her voice soft and gentle in an attempt to ease back down the strange male. Oh how Piety was feeling pity for the male. No one should have to suffer this.

Her tail flicked a bit more rapidly behind her. The conditions of snow and winds not seeming to ease. In fact a rather sudden breeze came whipping in. "Please, let me take you back to where I am staying. I'll shelter, feed, and love you darling!" Her voice was a soft bark to be heard over the winds. Some of the snow beneath them was starting to shift. This was no good. Stepping forward a step she wanted to approach her new found stranger. But something told her to stand still and wait. Give him a moment to relax before moving forward. Feeling as if her thoughts would be right Piety stood still. With each moment the wind would pick up. They would have to leave very soon if they wanted to make it, safely make it that was.


RE: Towels round our blisters and bones - Hodr - Feb 20, 2015


Precious little blood pounded in his ears as he tried to make sense of the situation. It took so much energy to stay solidly grounded in the real world that he panted rapidly and shallowly. Over the sound of his quick breathes was a soft voice and his ears flopped in her direction. A good wolf. His head lazed back as he listened. Remember my name? Piety.

Piety. Oh, yes. So, she had been there all along. Well, that was ok then. If he'd been in more control of his mind, he would have been embarrassed. For several long minutes he'd mistake a wolf for frozen water! But now, his only thought that she wouldn't hurt him. After all, she had promised to help him... Well, she'd promised to help him with something, so she could be trusted.

He came aware of the changing weather little by little. Delicate flakes of snow stung his dry nose and sightless-eyes. He could feel the wind tug and lift his matted coat, not shivering even as the cold bit directly against his bony side. Piety wanted him to move now, a feat that felt impossible. Hodr rolled awkwardly onto his belly and then weakly pushed himself up onto his knees. The snow groaned with the clumsy movement. She offered him something. There were too many words too follow, but he latched onto the obvious concern. Oh, how he wanted to follow her! His legs shook with the effort of finally rising to her feet and his head swung in her general direction. "Where? Can't see... help Hodr?"