Ruins of Wildwood
Mending Wounds - Printable Version

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Mending Wounds - Drestig - Feb 11, 2015

@Oliver please (Because Drest is nowhere near done with this thing xD )


The last many weeks had been plagued by blazing snowstorms; appearing as out of nowhere and disappearing again just as swiftly. The swirling snow made it hard to hunt, leaving empty stomachs and foul moods; and throughout the Lore, wolves were disappearing; And re-appearing..! Yet, in these turbulent times, Drestig Avalon felt more at peace than he had for a long time, a content smile gracing his lips as he trotted through the woods on a rare, clear day. And the reason was no mystery, @Silver had brought new light to his life! She had become the stability in his before so drifting life, offering a pillar for him to lean on at the time when he needed it most. With her help, he had finally come to terms with his past and opened himself up to a new future.

There was but one catch, in his eagerness to spend time with the swarthy dame, he had been neglecting his duties, becoming somewhat isolated from the rest of the pack. That couldn't go on, Oak Tree Bend was ever changing around him, and he had to take part in that; Even if... He pushed away the thought before it had time to fully form, he couldn't allow those kind of ponderings; Not yet at least... Today he had finally torn himself away from his angel's side, taking advantage of the still whether to go on a short trip out into the land surrounding The Bend. Sadly his scouting had brought little award, but he still felt rather satisfied having taken a patrol through Spectral Woods.

When he left home early that morning, the land had been shrouded in thick, cold mist, but now, as the sun was starting to set, the fog had mostly cleared, leaving the forest bathed in orange-golden light. As the black man neared his borders, he decided to make a short stop, feeling a sudden need to visit a special place.

The grave was hard to spot under the thick snow, only a slightly raised bump, with the tip of a single antler sticking up. Drestig stopped to look at it for a moment, his breath forming a thick cloud in the cold air as he sighed lightly. Then he started digging, slowly and carefully pushing aside the snow to reveal the memorial below. Some of the stones had been jostled by the wind and he put them back in place gently, leaving his paw resting on the last one; "It's been a while..." He mumbled lowly, looking down at the bared ground. He felt so strangely calm, contended... It was hard to believe that, for several years, he had suppressed the memories of Galley, unable to face the truth of what he had done, and now, thanks to Silver, he had accepted it as part of his past; a lesson that would be with him for eternity. "I miss you... We had quite a run you and I, and the rest of the boys." His voice was rugged, but there was still a smile on his lips as he closed his eyes; for the first time in so many years, allowing himself to remember.

Word count: 529

Thoughts ”Speech”
