Ruins of Wildwood
Spectral Woods dreamwalker - Printable Version

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dreamwalker - Veho - May 16, 2015

Sunny, 72F/22C


Traveling northward from Dragonfly Fen, the grey wolf picked through the thick mud and cloudy water.  It was slow going, and it would be a lie to say he wasn't relieved to finally tread across more solid ground once more.  The squelch of moss between his paw pads was quickly replaced by tendrils of fog gently caressing his thick legs, and Veho all but vanished among the mist.  As he traveled further into the shelter of trees and the gentle kiss of clouds, the second thing he noticed was the blessed silence.  The male felt as if he could breath a sigh of relief, and that sound itself would be swallowed up into the canopy, rendering him invisible to all else that lived here.

His nose made him aware there was a pack of wolves nearby, but the traveler felt little need to inspect their boundaries closely.  Skirting away from the forest's end, he staying among the thick of the trunks instead, content to live and let live.  Certainly, there would be plenty of rabbits abound, perhaps herds of deer or pine martens scurrying about.  Each breath improved his legerity, and the wolf felt more aware of the world around him that he ever had.  The guilt nipping at his heels seemed to have subsided somewhat, storm clouds temporarily clearing in a brief moment of absolute lucidity.  It was in this moment that he realized there was another soul nearby.  Curiosity gripped him, and Veho offered a low chuff, peering into the swirling mist.

"Who goes there?" he called, stilling as he waited for a second figure to emerge.