Ruins of Wildwood
Silent Moon Plateau And you will always be around. - Printable Version

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And you will always be around. - Maeve - Jun 14, 2015


It took some time, but Maeve was finally beginning to feel like less of a stranger to the world. Her daily routine came natural to her now, and boy was she learning! Alas, the more intelligence the pup came across the more curiosity boiled within. She was ready to explore! Intermingle with the rest of Silent Moon's territory! She wanted to see it all, but not alone. Though she couldn't possibly ask her parents to give the tour, they've done enough for their children as of late. It'd be her brother she sought out; he offered enough protection to keep her feeling safe, and that's all she really needed for the expedition.

The time had to of been somewhere around noon. Everyone was already out and about, going on with their own daily routines. Maeve listened to the distant shuffle's well, keeping close attention on sounds of anyone coming back to the den. If they were to get out today without pestering anyone, it best be in secret. "Wen.." crawling along the structure's floor, she gently nudged her brother. "Wen, will yuh hewp me puleesh?" the grayscaled wolf put on her best 'puppy face' to seal the deal. How could he resist?

How exciting, she was going to see the world today with her brave brother by her side! This wasn't an act Maeve distinguished as mischievous, so she wasn't in the least worried about discipline. If anything, her mother might even be proud of them! They were really growing up! "Wen we gon' go ouside tuhday! Gon' esplore!" she could barely contain her cheeky grin, continuously prodding at her russet litter-mate.

I am not alone,

Maeve Destine-Caravello

Searching for the starlight in the darkest skies.


RE: And you will always be around. - Wren - Jun 28, 2015


An extremely familiar voice filtered through the air, causing Wren’s still puppy blue eyes to blink open. He had been curled tight against his mother’s stomach, craving her warmth over the outside for just a little bit longer. He thought long and hard about the warning that Tannis had given him and he rose. He was unable to deny his sister anything, especially with the face she put up. “Juhst a little bhit, Maeve.” He promised her a small tour before he spoke once more. “Tannis wharned me it whasn’t shafe.” He would give her the same guidance in a simpler form that he had received less than a week prior. The first time out of the den had been a secret to all but him, and he had intended to keep it that way.

He didn’t really realize that by telling her that he had talked to @Tannis, he was conceding to having left the den before-hand. His tawny coat would move towards the slightly blurry grayscale form of his sister as he gave her a soft nudge. He would then start to move outside the den, blinking as the sunlight filtered through making his eyes burn for a little while. Perhaps he would run into the other pup, which he had scented all about. “Have yew met da other pup?” He would ask his sister out of curiosity as he turned towards her. Why didn’t the pup stay with them? Who was this other pup? A boy or a girl? The young Destine-Caravello child had so many questions.

Swift as a Deer. Quiet as a Shadow.

Wren Destine-Caravello

Fear Cuts Deeper Than Swords.


RE: And you will always be around. - Maeve - Jun 28, 2015


Confused, the monochrome pup wondered if asking questions was really in her best interest. The goal was to explore, not hear some boring story her brother had to offer. Reluctantly she'd ask anyways, for curiosity would always get the best of this Destine-Caravello. "Tannish?" she pressed. "Who da'?" Did it matter? Whoever this figure was surely didn't know what they were talking about. Not safe? She begged to differ. Though at the very least, Wren had agreed upon a brief travel with his sister. She'd chose not to negotiate this time and just take what was offered to her.

Smiling at the nudge of her brother, Maeve eagerly followed him into the outdoor lands. The first noticeable feature was obviously the sun, beaming harsh ray's of light right into her tiny little pupils. Maeve didn't quite care for it, but she liked the way flowers looked during the day vs it's nighttime counterpart. She was shocked when Wren asked about her friend, had he known something he wasn't supposed to? "K-Kuynuh?" gasping at her mistake, if he hadn't known before then he'd probably catch on now. "U-uh. Nu. I no leave th' den so I nu-no bout her-er- dem." Oh boy, her overprotective kin would surely let her have it now. "I nu-no if her-er.. Name  even Kuynuh I jus makin' things up, named dem myshelf!" unbelievable, though she'd be a fool not to at least try. "H-have yew met dem..?" He better not have. After all, this was her friend.

I am not alone,

Maeve Destine-Caravello

Searching for the starlight in the darkest skies.


Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Jun 28, 2015

There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health