Ruins of Wildwood
Mountain of Dire love, it cut a hole into your eyes - Printable Version

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love, it cut a hole into your eyes - Yennifer - Jun 26, 2015

It had seemed the young she-wolf had taken a wrong turn. The steep climb up Riddle Heights had brought her accidentally closer to the mountain itself, the cold air turning from a playful tug into a clap to the face. Ugh! Even at this time of season did the cold air send chills through her thin furred spine. She was a long way from home, a very long way, and how long exactly did she expect to keep traveling until she'd fine what she was looking for? Even, what was she looking for to begin with?"

Maybe I'll die out here, great spirit turn my wrenched body to ash and return me to this earth.

" Yen quietly though, turning her gaze back to the mountain. It had been years now since she was forced from home and took north for any place to call home, and what a terrible place she had found.

There was no way she was climbing that, there had to be another way. With the wind still hitting her from the east, there was no telling who was around the area or even near enough to help. Settling down now on a somewhat flat rock, Yen curled up to brace the cold air. How could anyone possibly get used to this? The sun was still high in the air but barely broke through the current of wind coming down the mountain. In a last ditch effort, Yennifer rang out a short howl to see if she had any company to share this miserable time.

250 words

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RE: love, it cut a hole into your eyes - Camio - Jun 26, 2015


Thanks to Nova, Camio was no tenderfoot to scaling these mountains. He had gone over them once to Magnolia Glen, back over them to Secret Woodlands, and now over them to live in Broken Timber Pines. His paws were already roughing up from living by the falls. Today had him mending away from the falls. He found himself scaling up the mountains. Again.

Leaving his family with silent kisses and goodbyes he promised to be back by sundown. He even said that if Nalda behaved for Nova he might bring her back a gift. Perhaps he could find a bird or old animal hide to give to his daughter. Of course he wasn't sure what he may find for her to enjoy. It seemed he may have been running short on ideas for once in his life. Often times he was full of ideas for everything and anything. Yet today his mind seemed so distant from his body.

Reaching the top of the mountain the whipping wind that he was familiar with caressed his fur. The mountain was welcoming him home. Part of him fully believe that the mountain was made for him, the other part told him he was being foolish. His daughter would not survive up here even if she did have "mountain blood" in her from Nova. That's when it struck him. What if he did live on the mountain alone? No one could bother him and the chores of fatherhood wouldn't pester him. While the idea did seem rather nice he knew he couldn't. Truly fatherhood may have been the next best thing besides mating with Nova.

Looking about he caught sight of a wolf. She looked oddly like...Nova? Barking out his voice was deep and rough over the wind. "Nova? I thought I left you at the Timbers..." Truly confusion was painted all over him. Why was Nova here with him? Or was it Nova?



RE: love, it cut a hole into your eyes - Yennifer - Jun 28, 2015

Yennifer's ears piqued up at the sudden company, her call was apparently answered. No longer did the wind nip at her eyes, now she could see clearly of some wolf coming out of foliage ahead of her. Whoever it was seemed confused, though she had no idea about whether he'd be hostile or not when he notices who Yen actually was. Defiantly a male, and bigger, much bigger then she found comfortable. Standing up, the she-wolf took a few steps down from her stone perch.

" N..ova? I ain't heard of anyone by that name.. " the stranger looked roughly her age, what was he doing out here by himself? " Though I am lost


, you mind helpin' a young


down the mountain side?

Yennifer was used to flirting to get what she wanted. The male ego was easy to manipulate, though she thought, but never did any honest feelings come out of it after all is said and done. The she-wolf couldn't help but notice that her strange new company was neither desperate looking nor hard on the eyes. The lone wolf life was truly a lonely one, Yen yearned to get familiar with her new found company.

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