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[TfT] Big Sheep Horn — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.

Tit for Tat, This or That

Looks like the previous owner of this horn took quite a tumble down the Heights, and the fall might have dislodged this impressive curled horn from the sheep's head. That or someone ripped it off, ate the remains, and fled. Who knows. 
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
If anyone wants this, I have no problem with sparring for it :D
Renier Lyall
you can set yourself on fire, but you're never gonna learn

The distance to the Ridge was palpable. He kept himself away from any signs of the pack, right now he wasn't ready for a confrontation. He still couldn't make up his damn mind, and until he did he would like to remain anonymous. Why he felt Morganna and her crew's absence was affecting them, he hadn't gotten any worth taking to them. Nor quite the heart to see Elettra or Angier. The hot afternoon he had every intention of finding a good place to nap, and the trees about the rise seemed promising. Among the flowers he saw something pale that was out of place. The horn of a sheep. How did that happen?

[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
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Sven Archer
Sven wont be able to claim it but he's def down for a spar. ;)

One of the things the boy had needed to change in his life was shrugging off the selenotropism @Skoll had taught him. To see who he wanted and work as hard as he wished, his activity was forced to be focused on day light hours. Once used to it, the ghost started to thrive under the light of the sun. His bulk was building every day with the exercise and abundant feeding, and his social skills were also growing admirably. One step at a time, his mask was being carved to perfection and he was even beginning to fool himself that it was really him.

Part of this transformation was his now-honed hunting skills, and it was with the intent of capturing a surprise dinner for @Elettra that the yearling stretched his lanky legs in Fireweed Rise. His nose twitched through the air, on the prowl for pheasant or or turkey or marmot, but certainly not expecting to cross paths with one of the many souls who had chosen to disappear from the pack.

That Renier did not smell thickly of @Morganna came as a surprise to the teen as well; Sven had assumed that the Lyall had left them to join her runaway pack. Instead, he smelled of nothing really but himself, further captuting the youth's insatiable curiosity. With the scowl that had formed forced off of his face, Sven abandoned his tracking to hunt down his former packmate instead.

When he found the man, the remarkable remnant before him was swift to take Sven's notice. He eyed it longingly, immediately knowing where amongst his horde it would look best, before pinning Renier with his silver gaze.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, trying his best to keep all traces of judgment out of his voice. Maybe the deserter had a good answer.
(This post was last modified: Jul 08, 2016, 08:06 PM by Sven.)
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
I'm game.
Renier Lyall
you can set yourself on fire, but you're never gonna learn

He had little want for trinkets with no place to keep them. No one to give them to, but leaving it there seemed like a waste. With intent to retrieve it he paused. The itch that crawled under his skin informed him he was being watched. Faint silver mask lifted to see the yearling Archer. The scowl he wore was familiar to Ren, because it had often been on that pale face. The Lyall had long worn one of the same during his own life. Having it turned upon him wasn't a surprise, but unpleasant none the less. He doubted @Sven had taken lightly to being left either. Ren was nothing but a deserter in there eyes, and he wasn't about to act like that wasn't the case.

 The rogue couldn't help take notice how the lad's eyed the horn, coveting it, before holding him sharply with those silver eyes. That stung, but was nothing less than what he deserved. But, the boy's voice made him want to hope he wasn't about to attack on sight. Hope was pretty worthless, and he wasn't about to let the idea of it screw him over. While it would be pretty evident he had had nothing to do with Morganna for quite some time, it didn't change what he was. That he had made his choice to go without a word, much as the rest. "Honestly? I haven't decided." He hadn't, and for the time being he didn't feel the need to come up with a poor excuse. So he tried to brace himself for what the yearling would do next because Ren was going to treat him like a loaded gun until he otherwise fired.

[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
gonna cover myself in the ashes of you

Hadn't decided? Sven didn't much like that answer, and a frown became dominant on his features. After all, what the hell did he mean by that, as though he was just doing whatever while he figured it out? Sven couldn't imagine things being so confusing that one would find themselves burning bridges and wandering the wilds without a pack. Maybe the boy was leaping to too many conclusions, however. Maybe Renier had known right up until recently, maybe someone had just stolen whatever resolve had taken him from the Willows. Still, it was pretty audacious for him to float so close to them without a better answer than that.

"Why aren't you with @Morganna?" he next asked bluntly. There were so many smaller, more specific questions that he could ask, but that was the parent to them all and he hoped to get much of his answers from whatever Renier next said in response. If he hadn't gone after Sven's aunt, then what the hell had taken him away from them? Maybe that was a Lyall thing, to just be unreliable like that. Then again, just like many of the other things Sven had believed in, even that distinction between the masked bloodline and his own Archer lineage had been shaken by the pack's splitting. Still, even knowing that Morganna had chosen to leave them behind with nothing, the boy was fearful to hear that some ill fate had befallen them and that was why the man before him was alone now.

His throat and legs were tense as they awaited the answer, and perhaps Renier could see this rigidity and know how important his response would be to the teen. Sven liked to think that maybe on some fragile level his old pack mate cared about him in some way. It was a hope he loathed to admit he held for nearly everyone that walked into his life, for having been proved wrong for it so many times.

and nobodys gonna give a damn
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
Renier Lyall
you can set yourself on fire, but you're never gonna learn

What Ren loved about Sven was how honest he was. Even his expressions at times were right there to read. The rogue wasn't surprised he didn't like his response. It didn't make a lot of sense. It didn't give him anything to go off of. But, he hated that frown he wore. How affected had his Aunt's departure left him? Was he sad she hadn't included her invitation to him? Angry? Or just didn't understand? Sorta like himself? The young Archer wasted no time getting straight to the point, others would have skirted around. Why was he not with Morganna?

His teeth gritted together, bearing against the wound. Why Sven had been through his own ups and downs with his mother, he didn't think the lad had been through heartache this way. A different kind of love. The Lyall hoped he never would. It was bad enough to have your heart broke once.

Golden eyes rested upon the white frame, the yearling's anxiety evident, worried why Ren wouldn't be with Morganna. Surely, there was nothing that Ren would have let stand between them. If only. There were a few things in the way he didn't think he could fight. She had made her choice clear.

So, for reasoning he didn't understand, he answered plainly."Because she doesn't love me Sven, and I wasn't about to lick Craw's balls to stick around with her and their kids." His tone wasn't cold, or harsh. It was awfully quiet, as if he had simply spoken of the state of the weather. Something that just was, and you didn't go changing. Why his eyes might have been on the horn, his stare was rather blank. Just like he wanted to be.

Once he realized how still he was, he blinked, and forced himself to take a breath, look to the yearling as if he would help."I don't exactly expect any of you to welcome me back to the Ridge with smiling faces. Your grandmother, and Uncle especially. So, for now I was out here, weighing my choices." Though not for the first time did he wonder would Elettra think less of him? She had always been about loyalty, but would she understand why he would want to come back? He shoved the thought aside, more concerned with Sven. How he felt. But, at this point what was another stick to the fire?

(This post was last modified: Aug 30, 2016, 12:19 AM by Renier.)
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]