With the stick matter taken care of, or at least what it was they would do he gave another wag of his tail. He would try to remind himself of the stick's importance, despite being excited about patrolling.
"Oh," he managed to reply, hard at work taking in this information. The other would take their food if they weren't careful. He knew they could not afford to share. He wanted to be sure about them."Foxes are them orange things right? What..what do coyotes look like?" They'd probably been described to him once, but he couldn't seem to remember the exact description.
Reiko took another moment to check a fallen log before he looked to Leotie. He had hoped to see them again, but he'd never had much assurance. He didn't want to believe he would. "Hopefully," he added with a strained smile. The boy was far more curious about what she felt in leaving.
"Ya mean you would have left at some point?" This was brand new information. Did that mean she'd leave them? Then his face crumbled in puzzlement. "What things?" He probably shouldn't ask, but didn't know any better. He was now a little worried if something would happen and send her away from them.