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blue lips — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Bryony who has 53 posts.
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Adelaide Belrose
Adelaide, you lost your footing.; Partly Cloudy — 63° F/17° C (early afternoon)

Without much thought for the mountains, she'd spend the majority of her time in Relic Lore simply ignoring them. They were there, yes, and very lovely to look at when the sun hit them just right, but she never dedicated much thought to what laid beyond them. Nor did she have any interest in finding out. It was simple enough to know that there were more packs on the other side. But they had little to do with her. But one morning, she decided to check out the cliffs that she could just barely see from the Ridge. Addie didn't intend to actually go over the mountain, no. But hopefully bring back some herbs that might be growing from the rocks.

Ensuring that her students, the children of Lady Elettra, were well looked after, she set off on her little excursion. A little after sunhigh, she reached the base and began to climb. It was a very slow ascent, since she was looking for herbs and had to be extra alert. There was a bit of ergot and skunkbush, which she easily could have found closer to home, but she noted its location so that she could grab some on her way back down. Reaching something of a plateau, the woman took a rest. Her paws ached dreadfully and her muscles complained. She was no mountain climber, that was for sure. After a well-deserved rest, she continued on, but did not make it very far.

So careful to check for herbs, she paid little attention to where her paws fell. A few loose rocks, perhaps disheveled from the heavy snows, were all but hidden as she trod over them and shifted beneath her weight. With a startled yelp, she found herself sliding backwards and was immediately thrown off-balance. Ears-over-paws she tumbled down the mountain side, landing in a heap back upon the plateau she'd found just minutes earlier. Her body hurt much more than it had before, but thankfully did not feel as though she'd broken anything. A small whine seeped from between her teeth as she laid there, listening fearfully as the rocks continued their descent down the mountainside, loosening other rocks on their way down. She hoped no one was below to meet them.
Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention