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I'm open to attack, but I don't want to hurt you. — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Maeby who has 63 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Rose Hervok
Oh I forgot to mention that Rose is like.. Extremely religious now LOL. @Nineva

Today was the day. Rose had finally decided that there was no more 'putting it off', she had to see Nineva for herself. After all, it appeared as if everyone else already had. It was only right. 'Never thought the day would come.' she smirked, remembering only the sister she last saw. A small, silver pup. Surely the difference to come would be shocking, though perhaps all the while exciting. She almost couldn't wait, how unlike her.

Finally arriving at the boarders of the Hollows, Rose made a call specifically for Nineva and Nineva alone. She then fell to her haunches, waiting patiently to see the monochrome;d fae emerge from the distance. "Mother help me, please let this run smoothly." she murmured, remembering that the pair hadn't exactly seen eye to eye in the past. Though they were mere children back then, no? Surely they've both grown up enough for this. At the very least, she had. "So many questions, where do I even start?"

How about why Nineva sought out both their father and brother, but not her dearest younger sister? ..No, that wouldn't be fair. Rose took off before she had the chance, right? Or had the yearling been able to hold a grudge all this time? Well surely she was about to find out.