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I Won’t Leave You in the Dark — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 370 posts.
Paradise Falls IV. Second
Flair Smoke-Athesila

She’d wanted to run to him immediately, to hell with proper form or polite leader behaviour. But of course, there was more at stake than just herself now, so she’d restrained herself, as hard as it was, taking the time to get the diplomacy out of the way. But as soon as it was done with, she excused herself, hoping they would understand – but not really caring if they didn’t.

She couldn’t believe it had taken this long to get everything together; Far too long… So much had happened, and she didn’t even know what had happened here. It all left her slightly breathless when her eyes finally landed on him again, heart beating just a little too fast.

With no idea what to say first, or even how to say it, she rushed to greet him physically instead. But, just as she was reaching to embrace him, she stopped herself, eyes finding his, seeking permission; It HAS been so long… She had no idea how he was doing, how he was feeling, if he even wanted her here.

Voice no more than a breath, hoarse with emotion, she finally managed: “I missed you.”

(This post was last modified: Feb 28, 2023, 03:51 AM by Flair.)
Played by Cade who has 909 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
When Chan heard her first call for Oksana and his brother, his gut knotted, worry washing over him with a leaden weight. He couldn't help but fear that Flair was here to prove the pattern was still not finished, to bring news of something awful that had happened. When finally he made it to their side of the territory though, tawny legs taking him as quickly through the snow as they could manage, the fiery-pelted wolf he saw rushing to meet him seemed... happy?

She may have hesitated, but he didn't. Chan smiled and stepped close to rest his throat atop her shoulders and pull her in for a wolfish embrace. He had missed her too, dearly. She was the only one left who really understood him, a comfort he'd sorely lacked here in the mountains despite all the family around.

"Is everything alright?"
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 370 posts.
Paradise Falls IV. Second
Flair Smoke-Athesila

His embrace truly felt like coming home. Despite all they had accomplished at the Falls, despite her contentment at taking up leadership and settling with the group, there had always been that one part missing, the hole in her heart that only he could fill. For a moment all her worries were forgotten, half a year of separation melting away as she leaned into his shoulder.

The question brought her back to reality and she pulled away, just far enough to meet his eyes, a furrow forming between hers. Something in his tone threw her for a second, like it wasn’t just a regular how do you do; “Yeah I… Everything is… Good.” She smiled softly, hoping to comfort, all the while searching his eyes for what ever worries he might’ve had; “How are you?”

Played by Cade who has 909 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Chan was visibly relieved to hear it, tension dropping from his shoulders temporarily. The creeping unease returned, however, as Flair flipped his own question on to him. Expected, but he still struggled to answer. His gaze wandered and he made a motion similar to a shrug before words came. Had she already been told about Sephrina? How he had failed to be in the right place at the right time yet again?

"... I don't want to be up here anymore," he told her, voice quiet because he hated admitting it. He wanted his family to be able to stay, but the costs just kept piling up. The mountain wasn't for them, had never truly been and it was throwing everything it could at the pack to prove that.

He would not let Auburn be next.

"I want to be with you guys again. Is everyone... are they still together?"
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 370 posts.
Paradise Falls IV. Second
Flair Smoke-Athesila

Her response seemed to soothe him, at least a little, but there was still a dark air about him, only reinforced by her question. The longer he took to answer, the deeper the furrow between her brows grew, smile vanishing as his gaze continued to evade hers.

All the times she’d seen him struggle for words could be counted on one paw, and it never felt right – neither did the vague gesture. For every moment that went by, he chest felt tighter, heart clenching at seeing him like this. And then the answer finally came, so far from anything she could have imagined, so pained. “Chan…” Was all she could manage.

She’d thought this was what he needed, that being with his family would help ease his grief. But instead he seemed, if possible, even worse than when they’d parted last summer, like coming home had only caused him more pain. More than eager to cheer him in any way she could, she rushed to answer: “Yes! That’s why it took me so long t’ get here, Jet and I wanted to get ev’rything settled. They’re all safe!” She wanted to tell him everything, to describe the life they’d carved out for themselves at the Falls, but stopped herself to not overwhelm him. Instead, she reached out again, needing to comfort him, to pull him close; And this time I won’t let go!

“Of course y’ can come.”

Played by Cade who has 909 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
The energy in her answer lifted his eyes and his ears, a smile beginning to shape his lips again. It seemed that what she had to share was the opposite of what he had been anticipating, and Chan was deeply thankful for it. Had what they hoped for really come to fruition? Contrasted against the continued loss of life and disillusionment experienced atop the mountain, it was perhaps harder to wrap his head around than it should have been. He had a moment for it, though. Flair leaned in again and he rested his muzzle atop her crown gladly, tucking her a little closer to his chest. His tail wagged behind him, gently kicking up flakes of snow.

Hopefully his coming north again wouldn't chase any of that good luck away.

"What all did ya guys settle?"

Had they stayed in the forests, by the lake, somewhere else entirely? Was this Jethro's dream pack come to fruition, or had compromises been made? What else had they been up to, had anyone else joined them? There were a million questions, and part of him wished they could just round up Auburn and leave now so that he could see it for himself.
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 370 posts.
Paradise Falls IV. Second
Flair Smoke-Athesila

In her rush she had gotten ahead of herself, forgetting just how much had happened since midsummer. But her eagerness at least looked to have lifted his spirits some, and she returned his smile before resting her head back against his chest, nuzzling his fur affectionately.

“Jet found a great spot’n th’ wood, not too far from the lake,” she started to explain more slowly, voice hushed as she spoke into the fuzz under his ear; “’s all official now, Paradise Falls.” She wanted to whisk him away right then and there, show him their little oasis and, hopefully, make it his too. But of course that wasn’t possible, certainly not sensible, and there were still a few more things she wanted to do here first, a few more conversations to be had; But soon… If Chan was unhappy here, she did not want him to stay for even a second longer than absolutely necessary.

Played by Cade who has 909 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Near the lake, fully formed, Paradise Falls. It was soothing to hear, like being under the sun after weeks of constant storms. Chan almost felt selfish in wanting to be a part of it, as though he might darken that pristine dream his friends had built for themselves. For his own sanity were those thoughts pushed away, for every year Chan aged he found himself with less and less internal drive to keep forging ahead. He would think of himself now, after giving as much as he had to the Cove. He needed to. If not for anything else, he owed it Auburn to find a way to be a better parent and not the husk he'd been so far.

He hummed happily, considered moving (Flair had to be tired, could probably stand to eat), but instead reclined in place. It certainly wasn't the worst of wintry days to remain outside of shelter, and once they were back around the others things would change another. He'd rather the simplicity of just existing with his closest friend.

"It sounds wonderful. Aub n' I were planning on leaving any day now, actually, to come see you all. This is better. Sooner."

Even if just by a few days, it was good being back in Flair's company.
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]