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Paradise, If It Ain't So — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Thea who has 52 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Ecco D'Oliva
Photo reference of den located here. Early morning, all welcome!

          Early morning, with the sun steadily rising above the horizon and the warming rays of the day’s light peeking beyond the sparse clouds drifting in the cold morning skies. There was a sleepy spell cast over the thicket, to which the morning was slowly rousing all those slumbered the night before to greet this new, beautiful day. The songbirds were up before the light the dawn, and the small dark female herself raised with the tweets of the birds as well. Although there was no beautiful song of her own to sing to the new day in tune with the birds, Ecco came to the foot of her den with squinted, amber eyes. A yawn drew from her jowls, giving a quick shake off from the slumber and dust accumulated the night before. The Subordinate lingered at the entrance of her den in this moment, her head craning a little so her nose could better sniff at the crisp air, taking in the dew, the birds, the chill of the morning. Her fur bristled, feeling the crispness of the air lightly nip at her coat, stimulating chills along her skin. Ecco might have slept alone in her den, but it was a wonderful sleep. In fact, these past several weeks have been wonderful rest, if not rejuvenating to her entire spirit.

          Since reintroduced into a pack hierarchy, Ecco had not been as social as expected. The wear and tear of the rogue lifestyle exhausted her to the near point of death, and the proper way in order to rekindle her passion and energy was to give herself the rest and recuperation Ecco deserved. Once the Secret Woodland was officially established, Ecco wasted no time getting to work on choosing a den to her liking. While the Secret Woodland held a much larger den for the accommodation of the pack, Ecco sought her own in this time for the sake of her privacy and for personal healing. Ecco’s den was nothing extravagant yet at the same time noting too cramped, for it was a dugout underneath the base of a tree that proved to be cozy. While it was only herself occupying her den, it could comfortably fit three bodies (due to the fact she was already small as is, two more could nestle in with her). No visitors yet, but Ecco had been in her own private stage of recovery since Secret Woodland formed. Ecco didn’t necessary mean to be antisocial, but the wear and tear of being on her own for so long drained her completely.

          Now, as Ecco stepped further out into the chilled atmosphere of the thicket, anyone who seen her from before and until now noticed the difference. Her fur, albeit still course, held a silvery sheen to it in the sunlight; slowly gaining back its healthy shine by the days. Ecco wasn’t as lanky, skinny, or ratty; there were actual definitive curves slipping up on her hips, legs, flanks. Her amber eyes came to life with a fire of their own; once dull, but now glistening with confidence, comfort, reassurance. Ecco had been healing on her own time, going through a rejuvenation period to heal herself back to her potential and also for the potential of the pack. As secluded as Ecco had been, she didn’t want to let Secret Woodland down. Ecco wanted to prove she was strong enough for all of them, but healing had to come first in order to provide the best benefit and membership to the Woodland. Ecco promised from day one she wouldn’t let anyone of her pack mates down.

          The D’Oliva’s mood was instantly pleasant this morning. Giving another shake, Ecco decided to wander about the local areas near her den. Since secluding herself, she figured this would be the day to run into a fellow member, perhaps catch up with some she knew of from the rogue life, or meet somebody new. Adjustment to pack life would come in time for her again, but today Ecco was willing to seek out companionship in her pack that she had been missing (let alone show face in the Woodland to show members that she was, indeed, still alive).