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off to the races — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Bryony who has 39 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Aphrodite Moon
@Tokino - figured since Aphie got a random event, i'd just incorporate it
Aphrodite, you cannot shake the feeling that you are being watched.

Under orders from her leader, Lady Minka, Aphrodite was on the hunt for Tokino. But it was a search that was rather difficult as she struggled to recall his scent. It had been nearly a year since she'd seen him. She'd really only been a child at the time. But he'd saved her life, and she was frustrated to no end that she could not even recall his scent. With a mite of anger, she passed over the Downs borders, striking out into the Fields to see if she could find him out here. It was so open, and she felt her hackles rise. Shortly after, there was a churning in her belly and she lowered herself to the ground. Aphrodite liked to consider herself a trusting soul. Not naive, though it was somewhat unavoidable as she'd been locked up for a majority of her short life, but not terrified despite her unfortunate childhood. She would not bare her teeth at a stranger, assuming they might drag her away again. But she also would not welcome them so openly.

There was something about open spaces, however, that unsettled her. When she'd slept in the woods upon her arrival, it had been fine. The trees were a comfort, but she felt exposed in these fields. The bushes were too short, the clouds too easily seen. Her tongue passed anxiously over her jowls and she shut her eyes, taking a deep breath. But the air hitched in her throat. The back of her skull burned, as though eyes began to sear into the bone. Her belly touched the grass slowly, before she opened her eyes again, the half-consumed breath being expelled again. And the girl whipped around. There was no one there. A quiet whine seethed from her nostrils, through her clenched jaws. Looking to either side, she made sure there really was no one around before she rose up again. This was not good at all. It was no way for an advisor-in-training, nor a queen, to act.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina

Tokino had been resting in a particularly nice flat boulder which absorbed the suns warmth. He'd found the boulder nearly three days ago after finishing up his patrol around the borders. The giant rock was at least 2 feet above the earth, but firmly embedded into the ground as if there was a hell of a lot more boulder not seen by the onlooker. The flat yellow gray stone was achingly smooth from being worn down over the centuries it had been sitting there for.

All this meant was that Kino had found himself the perfect resting place where he could sun himself and warm up his stressed muscles. He'd always thought too much about things, and upon thinking of his aching muscles Tokino began to get anxious. Anxiety had been plaguing the silver male ever since he turned three. Now he began to worry about his muscles which ultimately led his mind to thoughts about age and his eventual death. The Lagina wolf wondered what was beyond death. Whether it was infinite nothingness, or whether he would be reborn without any memories of his previous life. It was a topic that truly scared the male, and he wasn't scared of much.

The crunching paw steps of another wolf approaching brought Kino out of his depressing mood. His ears swiveled to catch the light steps while his nose scented the air. The gray wolf half lurched forward to get up, his front legs lifting the top half of his body from the stone, before the smell of the stranger surprised him. It was a mix of Minka's scent, which relieved him knowing that it was a new pack mate, and also half a familiar scent.

Aphrodite? Tokino called questioningly still half upright upon his warm flat rock.

Like a mystery without a clue
Minka & Tokino
There is no me if I cannot have you
Played by Bryony who has 39 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Aphrodite Moon
@Tokino - sorry for the wait!

After a few calming breaths, Aphrodite felt a bit better. She still preferred dense woods to these empty bushes any day, but if this was essentially where she'd be living now, then she would have to adapt and persevere! Even if she still felt her hackles rise, from the base of her neck to her tail, as though eyes were trained rightly upon her. Perhaps if she knew that those eyes might've been Tokino's, it might have calmed her a little bit, but the feeling lingered on as she wove her way around the bushes. She'd never really looked in his direction, settled upon a rock that was just out of her range of vision. Another embarrassing revelation that she would likely never realize. But he spoke up just as she came around a corner, finally drawing her eyes up and over to where he was. The realization was a bit slow; it had been months since she'd seen him, her savior. And now she could finally be embarrassed that she had failed to put the pieces together.

For a long moment, her blue eyes stared, her lungs stopped pumping. The girl moved forward towards him, pausing just a foot or so away, since he was perched above her still. "T-tokino?" She finally said his name properly. "I didn't even..." Her expression flitted between happiness and sadness, eyes dropping in respect as she tried to sort through her emotions. They'd only known each other for a short time, but he'd saved her back in Sacred Grove, given her shelter when he very well could have disposed of her. And it seemed that she'd found herself in his care once again.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
@Aphrodite -is equally to blame for lateness-

At first when he had seen the movement Tokino hadn't been sure of the wolf. He stood half way up trying to get a better view but it seemed like the wolf just didn't want to be seen! It wasn't until the scent hit him that Kino had relaxed though curiosity burned brightly within his pale blue gaze. When she returned his call out/greeting with her own incredulous voice Tokino stood up fully. He looked over the she wolf from afar taking in the growth that he had not been able to witness after she had disappeared from Whisper Caverns.

I didn't even...what? He asked genuinely curious of what she was trying to say. The silver furred wolf stepped off of his boulder, rolled his shoulders, then proceeded to make his way towards the girls white shape. As he approached the Moon child Tokino's tail began to wag warmly. He didn't even hesitate to go right up and push his nose into her ruff then give warm affectionate licks to her cheek and on top of her nose. After not seeing the child for so long Tokino was exceptionally happy. The older man was glad that the fates allowed her to survive and somehow join his pack without him noticing.

Child, what happened to you? He asked allowing his gray brows to furrow while the concerned look crossed his platinum features. He had no clue what had happened to her in all the time since her disappearance and Tokino wanted to know. He wanted to know everything that had happened,including the dangerous stuff. Especially the dangerous stuff so that he knew who to chew out and rip a part should anything ever happen to Aphie again.

Like a mystery without a clue
Minka & Tokino
There is no me if I cannot have you
(This post was last modified: Jul 24, 2014, 04:25 AM by Tokino.)