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remember me as i was not as i am — Silent Moon Plateau 
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Played by Namara who has 50 posts.
Inactive No Rank
@Maeve and @Ace - Family thread! I'd like the first round to be in by June 1st ^^

The young child was so sweet and innocent as he curled against his mother’s stomach. He faded in and out of sleep as his ocean blue puppy eyes opened for one of the first times. Everything appeared blurry around him as Wren kept his mind clear of anything he deemed unimportant. Carefully the small child would try and raise himself up on wobbly legs, his mind trying to wrap around the concept that the world was not pure black like he had imagined since his birth. He would let out a small yelp as he fell flat, his legs flattening out and splaying off to the sides of him. It hurt to stand! His nose would wrinkle as he looked at the blurry form that he identified as his sister and the huge blurry form that was his mother.

He let out a whine, sniffing around for the scents he was so familiar with. He knew the mother scent that was there and the sister scent, but where was the third scent that he always smelled. Where were the voices that he constantly heard babbling in the background when he was suckling for his dear life? This is what truly confused him. Slowly his front legs would move out in front of him as he tried to drag himself back to the warmth that he had called home for the entirety of his life. The world was huge but not as huge as he thought it might have been. He would end up dragging himself only a matter of inches but it was close enough that he would accidently bump into his sister.

“Mahthar!” The young boy would whine as he looked at the blurry figure, using his paw to attempt a weak push at her stomach. “Swiser!” He would call out as he looked at his littermate with almost eager eyes. This was a new life, and he was ready to take it by the horns.

Swift as a Deer. Quiet as a Shadow.

Wren Destine-Caravello

Fear Cuts Deeper Than Swords.

(This post was last modified: May 18, 2015, 05:07 PM by Wren.)
[Image: h2SdTgd.png]
Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aesire Destine-Caravello
Cross my heart and hope to die
burn my lungs and curse my eyes

She had been restfully sleeping, her young at her stomach doing the same. She was exhausted as they both enjoyed wriggling against her, causing her to not be able to sleep. She thought she’d be alright until her little boy rose; plopping down as one eye opened slowly and she eyed the child. He called out to her, his first words being an attempted call to her. His second attempt was to call out for his sister. She smiled softly as her head rose. “I’m right here, my little dear. I’m right here.” Her words were nurturing as she nuzzled her son. She looked down to her daughter and smiled at them both. She looked around for Ace though in her half-tired state she did not take much effort as she felt sleep trying to lull her softly once more.

She let out a soft coo. “Ace?” She hoped he was about so he could watch over the adventurous little cubs as she drifted back into sleep. She still felt them against her stomach which set her in peace. Everything was going to alright. Everything would be fine and if it wasn’t then she would make it alright. She’d do anything in her power to protect her children, including being more assertive. She remembered when she first rose to power. She had tried to make a full intent of being dominant and standing like the leader she was trained to be, but quickly she found herself distracted by the silver male whom her children would call ‘dad’.

She found herself slowly becoming more submissive as she tried her best to keep the pack happy so when she did eventually have children, there would be little debate about it. Instead, she made it worse. She would make sure to right these wrongs by keeping her ground. True, she would turn the throne down to an Argyris, but only when they were ready. She had not seen or talked to Hypatia much but she knew Celandine was not read. Evy was not ready and truthfully, she had not seen the girl in a while. Takis was not hers to deal with.

She doubted Hypatia was ready just yet but that was not for her to judge. She would wait and see how the princess treated her child. If respect could not be given to the next generation, regardless of lineage, then she would not be ready. Aesire rested easy knowing this. She could and would overcome anything that was thrown at her.

[Image: MruC0QZ.png]
Played by Maeby who has 110 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maeve Destine Caravello

Having only been alive for a mere two weeks, Maeve was finding the world far too complex for her little brain to handle. Always hungry, always tired, and what was up with the muffled noises surrounding her all the time? It was enough to drive any wolf mad! Lucky for her, she quickly found comfort in the only way she knew how, her mothers scent. Today would be no different, or that's probably what one of her age would assume.

The tiny pup's first glimpse into the world was a shock, perhaps even something she wasn't quite ready for. What was going on? She looked at the one who had been feeding her this whole time, though it wasn't something she could fully comprehend, the sight alone made her feel happy."mumumum..." she bumbled, nestling up to the female for added warmth. The next blur to be inspected by her beady little eyes would be none other than her litter mate, Wren. She wouldn't be able to distinguish the relation between the two of them at this point in time, but knowledge was there that he'd always been present. Whether it be eating with her, or snoozing ever so close to her, Wren had been there since day one.

Maeve was dazzled by the sight of her litter mate's attempts to stand up, how odd the very action even appeared to her. What was it, exactly, that he was trying to do? She glanced back over to her mother, maybe in hopes for some sort of explanation to the weird act that had just taken place before her very eyes. "mmmm...mum..um" she whined. Life was already proving to be strange, was this truly something she could handle?

I am not alone,

Maeve Destine-Caravello

Searching for the starlight in the darkest skies.

(This post was last modified: May 19, 2015, 10:19 PM by Maeve.)
[Image: 9lnGsxY.png]
[Image: RNGTjgp.gif]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Namara who has 50 posts.
Inactive No Rank

His sister’s tender voice would breach the air around the same time his did as his mother quickly worked to sooth him. He would curl up further, pressing against his mother’s stomach whilst looking around, blurry vision preventing him from getting a good view of the den or the outside world. “Mmmm mmmmmuuummmm.” He would murmur with a small yawn as he looked towards his sister. “Mmmmmmm…” He tried to call upon the name Maeve, which he had heard spoken so many times before when his parents would address his sister. “Pppppppppaaa?” He would ask as he looked around for a strange silver blob much larger than that of his sister. This blob had a scent that he identified as his father, and this blob was very special.

This was his blob! He would wrinkle his nose as he started to feel drowsy again. He gave another soft yawn but refused to admit defeat as he kept his eyes pried open. If this was any indication, his stubbornness would cause quite the toil in later years. Cute little paws would try and push him up again. He would manage to stand for a brief second before his legs gave out beneath him and he fell to the floor with a plop. He looked over towards the smaller silver blob he identified in his mind as ‘Maeve’ to see if it had made any attempts at standing but his vision was too blurry, so he could not see her move. He would bring his legs back in as he pressed against his mother.

Swift as a Deer. Quiet as a Shadow.

Wren Destine-Caravello

Fear Cuts Deeper Than Swords.

[Image: h2SdTgd.png]
Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aesire Destine-Caravello
aesire destine caravello
a pair of aces is when two becomes four

Amusement filled her eyes as she watched her children wriggle and worm around at her stomach. Maeve seemed reserved and held back, settling for just calling out her name, or trying to. Wren on the other hand, he was already trying to move about! The pup was not quite strong enough to move around but it was so interesting to watch. She wondered if this is what being a mother was like, watching her children prey and feeling proud that they had been born from her. It was a mother’s love, and nothing could match it. She didn’t love anything or anyone with the exception of three wolves: Ace, Wren, and Maeve. The three of them had made spots in her heart that she could never fill or remove.

Part of her went back and considered leaving the Plateau, because of all of the hurt against Phineas and the fact that there was another pup at least, if not more, lurking about with a different mother. Still, she would not run. She had run once before and she had been given a second chance with everything. This was not something that she could pass up lightly. She had a list of things she had to do: talk to Phineas, talk to Ace, watch her children, talk to Aponi (even though she didn’t really want to) and try to mend over everything that had happened. The issue with that: it was all easier said than done. Aes would still hold true to her word: she would hand the crown down to an Argyris child.

As of right now, she was leaning on Celandine taking the reins from her.

template base by GINNYSAURUS
[Image: MruC0QZ.png]
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
I am so sorry guys for being late! Life got in the way of things... but it's holidays now so hopefully I'll be able to get back in full swing quickly :)

and I don't want the world to see me
'cause I don't think that they'd understand

After gazing across the lands of Silent Moon Plateau for a few moments, Ace let his silvery eyes drop down to the ground, head turning around to face his mates den where she would be, cuddled up with their two children. At first it had been complete loyalty tying him to the pack, but now, it was also love and the fierce desire to just be with and protect Aesire and their brood. He knew that if the choice ever came up (and it was very likely it would in the future) to choose between the pack and his family, he would pick his family. There was no happiness without family, and no one close to him that he could give his loyalty to. Without family he would be nothing.

Pushing off against the dense greenery on the ground, the Plateau Guardian began to make his way through the trees that made up the thick forest which dominated part of the territory. He was now prone to meander around the rocky terrain, always somewhat circling his mates den to make sure no predators (which were quite common around these parts) got anywhere close. Half the time he didn't realize he was doing it as it was in his nature to protect others from harm, which often got him hurt a lot of the time, and not always physically.

Coming up upon his mates den, Ace lowered his body to the ground so he could poke his muzzle into the den. He could hear Maeve's sweet voice mumbling the syllables for mum, and Wren too, but he also attempted to say pa. It created a warm feeling inside of him to watch them say their first words, and also Wren trying to stand up (which brought a smile to his face). His silver eyes glanced over at Aesire, his gaze softening as he took her in. Every time he saw her it was as if he had forgotten just how beautiful she was. "How are you and the pups doing?" Ace murmured gently, not wanting to disturb their children.

348 Words

Played by Maeby who has 110 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maeve Destine Caravello
I'm gonna apologize as well, I've been going through a lot and haven't been as active as I'd like. :(

Momentarily had Maeve considered the possibility of attempting to stand herself, but the thought alone was baffling, and her little brain had once again deemed it a terrible idea. Was her litter mate insane? The first whirl at it was unsuccessful, why on earth would he do it again? "Nnnu..nnn...uuu" she grunted, gently shifting her tiny body toward other things that lied about the den. Every blur in sight was important, and the young Destine-Caravello was eager to inspect every last one to the best of her ability. "mmmmumumumm.."

Babbling about as she examined her surroundings, Maeve almost completely missed her fathers unexpected appearance. He wore a familiar scent, and she was almost positive he'd been the other wolf to linger about here and there, though his blob was still rather intimidating. As a matter of fact, any blob that hadn't belonged to her mother was a bit out of the ordinary, not something she was accustom to, therefor something she wasn't pleased with in the slightest. Maeve was able to put two and two together only after the man spoke, confirming he was exactly who she'd expected, though that didn't make him anymore desirable.  "MMMMUMM..AA...UU!" Maeve shrieked, trying her darnedest to ward the man off. Certainly the blob would have to prove itself to get in good with her.

Maeve looked toward her mother for support, the man hadn't seemed to take her threats seriously, and to her disappointment, hadn't run away in terror. "Auuuuu.." she murmured.

I am not alone,

Maeve Destine-Caravello

Searching for the starlight in the darkest skies.

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