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can't fight the friction — Drooping Willows 
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Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

Aside from the echo of antlers slamming and knocking together repeatedly by the dueling bucks, silence reigned over the forest which gave the huntress a greater opportunity to focus on the task at hand. To secure a kill that would both provide the pack with fresh meat and a chance to excel a step closer toward becoming an official hunter for the pack meant this opportunity had little to no room for error. They had to succeed and the magpie would be damned if they failed. For a moment her smoldering gaze studied the harem of females before wandering back toward the battling bucks, an ebony ear rotating toward her partner when his voice broke the silence. 

Farthest back, near the tree. Slowly her gaze scanned the individual females that grazed along the edges of the herd until it settled upon a doe that had some form of limp with each step it took, lids narrowing to study the affected leg and notice the odd angle the rear hock bone lay beneath the skin which pointed obviously toward unnatural and possibly an incorrectly healed wound. A perfect target for them. Nodding at his comment a plan slowly began to come together within her mind. "I think if we go for a double surprise maneuver we can bring this hunt to a swift end and bring a good haul of meat back with us." Enoki began, gaze never leaving their intended target while she continued to inform Renier on the plan she had cooking up.

"This is what I have in mind. You find a secure, hidden location further beyond the herd and lay low until I give the signal of two barks. Having speed on my side I will scare the herd to separate them and guide the injured doe toward your location. Being scared I highly doubt it will think another wolf would be lying in wait and that's when you'll strike to catch it by surprise again. With your weight and muscle take down I believe would be your strong suit in this hunt and I'd like to use your strength to our advantage. Are you comfortable with that?" Despite knowing that leadership of the hunt fell upon her shoulders this was still a co-op situation. They needed to work together and if the man didn't feel comfortable with anything she suggested she wanted to know. If they couldn't work as one fluid unit then this hunt was destined to fail.

Luckily, though, he voiced no such disagreement and gave the magpie a nod understanding the blueprints in place before he disappeared to silently take his place. Once she caught a glimpse of his russet fur settling down into the shadows of a bush further ahead and out of sight from the herd, Enoki knew it was go time. Swarthy limbs coiled back and dull nails began to scratch at the muddy surface of the earth in anticipation, muscles tense and eager to do what they were practically born for. Then, like a bolt of lighting a flash of marbled fur bulldozed through the cover the woman had been using to keep herself disguised from the deer, following her intended course toward the center of the herd to drive them into two separate groups while adrenaline flooded her veins.

Immediately the herd was scent running for the hills, half the females following the formerly dueling bucks as if they could possibly offer them protection from the predator quickly gaining on their heels while the other half scattered in various directions, smoldering amber irises scanning the hind legs of each frantic deer that fled until finally the target meant to be their prize was locked onto.

Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
Renier Lyall
don't worry about me the heart is suppose to bleed

The deer had yet to realize they were being observed. As the seconds ticked he felt they had a good chance. His heart quickened in anticipation, eyes upon the same deer as she struck up what parts they would be playing. Double surprise. He thought like wise, especially when no alarm had yet to be sounded. When there was it would be too late.

Attentively, ear aimed to Enoki's voice as she began to elaborate preciously the hows, and whys. There was no doubt she knew what she was talking about. The Lyall tried not to let her words go to his head. It was simply a calculation she could get to them before they realized what was happening, and he could as easily take the doe down if he was the one waiting. But, she didn't hesitate asking if he was okay with that. A silent answer he saw no holes in the strategy, and now would have to make his way around without ruining it.

It was with good measure he managed to remain undetected, and tucked himself away. Muscles coiled ready to pounce, as she gave the signal. He kept himself ready, trying to keep an eye out, but remain hidden for the opportune moment to arrive. Ears flattened to his red hairline, he could hear them began to run, scatter in panic. Any moment now...it would just depend how well their target followed the guidance of Enoki.

The gray-brown chest of the deer came within sight, and he counted off. Waiting to see the white of her neck. As it came within reach he then launched himself from the side where he hit his intended target. Hooves tried to lift, but did not get far with the weight. His teeth pierced skin, then flesh, and dug against a sturdy windpipe. With his own hind feet finding ground, he jerked down, throwing off the doe's balance while trying to swiftly cut off the rest of her air. It was just a second more of struggle when she faltered, and collapsed. Blood on his muzzle, he gave an opened mouth smile. "Nice work." He couldn't have done that without her, and this would surely cheer up the rest of the Ridge wolves.

(This post was last modified: Jan 12, 2017, 03:19 AM by Renier.)
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
I think a fade from you PPing them dragging it home is all we need now to finish this thread up. <3

Dark limbs pushed into over drive and flung loose mud in her wake as bi-colored frame veered sharply to the left to drive some of the deer lucky enough to see another day away from the one with a target on its back, further separating them to prevent a confident individual from rallying them up to turn and defend themselves from the wolf. Blurs of grey and brown zipping past her on either side and the woman took each opportunity to snap at their heels, ensuring they bolted away and kept the one injured doe singled out. Every once in a while as lungs burned and ached to bring in enough oxygen to fuel the sprinting female, Enoki's gaze would wander to determine how much further she had to shepard the prey toward Renier's hidden location.

Confident enough that their plan was no officially solid the signal was given, a set of two barks pushing past inky lips before adjusting her path of travel to keep her lithe frame parallel to the doe's left flank. There was no hope of escape now and it was only a matter of time before the creature would be caught by surprise again and --smaaaack a blur of reds and cream suddenly bolted out from beneath the dying vegetation to take the deer on its open side, a flash of teeth caught for only a moment before they disappeared into the flesh covering the neck to drag the creature down. 

Excitement rushed over Enoki's body watching the man make the killing bite, ivory dipped tail wagging fiercely over her spine in response to their success. "Likewise. I think we made quite the team today. Thank you for joining me today." She returned the compliment followed by a genuine piece of gratitude between heavy pants, her sides heaving heavily in attempts to catch her breath. She could not recall the last time the pack had a proper meal to feast on and surely they all would come to appreciate the duo's efforts today to provide them with such. "Let's get this back to the pack before some unwelcome guests decided to investigate the scent of blood." With that being said she took up a position near the rear end of the deer, gripping a haunch between her jaws to help drag the creature home, amber gazing locking momentarily onto his golden gaze with a nod to alert him that she was ready when he was.

Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
Renier Lyall
don't worry about me the heart is suppose to bleed

He was glad to see he wasn't the only one fighting for breath. She had run quite the distance rather swiftly, and he could see why hunting was her specialty besides her critical thinking. Now they'd make the trek back with extra weight. A hard day's work, but it was worth it. He couldn't wait to see the look on Attica's face. So much food, and new chew toys.

Tongue swept over his lips, cleaning away the red. "Any time," he answered, his own tail beating in turn. Hoping she knew he meant it. With their lack of numbers he wouldn't mind helping out.  As far as he was concerned they all needed to be hunters, doing what they could until otherwise. Maybe, they wouldn't be successful each time, but a kill like this would hold them over for awhile. At least that was one good thing about their smallness. Less to share with.

With their success he carried a proud, and happy smile. Thoughts about their earlier conversation forgotten. "Yeah," he agreed. It would be unlucky to have a cougar or bear come across the scent. Before heading to the shoulder for a second he watched as she stepped round to the haunches. He wasn't sure the best way to help. When eyes met his, the Lyall quickly found his own grip,  and then began the task of dragging the carcass back together.


[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]