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easily attracted; the danger is to get distracted — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<i>Iiiiiiiiii'm callin' you out, Shadow! <3</i>

<blockquote><i>Afternoon; Clear — Current Temperature: 33° F/1° C</i>

Two and a half weeks had passed since Borden had confronted Valiant and the small teethmarks that swept along the brute's lower ribs were almost reduced to scabs and dry patches of skin underneath what remained of his winter pelt. These days, he often spent his time walking about the forest, trailing along Jaysyek's usual patrol path along the edges of territory and checking that the border she had laid out was enforced by the other Hollow wolves as they, too, traversed about. At night he skulked about the small glade that served as the pack's headquarters, moving around in a wide, uneven circle around the old bear den. By dawn the sun often rose to find the Lyall curled up against a boulder he had claimed the day he had returned to the Cedarwood. Come early afternoon his vigil about the woodland usually resumed.

On an afternoon like this one, without a cloud in the sky, the Renegade found himself engrossed in the heady perfume that was beginning to linger along the paths commonly traveled. It was only when he stumbled upon Raigo's scent every so often that he would return his full attention back to the waking world around him and where he was going. At every corner, temptation started to beckon, going so far as to awaken the internal beast that had last stirred when Grizzly Hollow was first established. <i>It has been too long....</i> his conscience would moan. <i>Just take her...</i> Once or twice along the crooked path he was making through the trees he had to physically shake his head or tolerate the shudders that his body could not resist in the slightest. <i>FOCUS,</i> he mentally instructed himself, grinding his teeth irritably every time he found himself distracted.

He released his breath and allowed a hiss to sound through his teeth. He was bad-tempered now, and it was only when he walked right past a tree where the tawny youth had only recently brushed up against or strolled past (whether the Second had done the first or the second action, Borden wasn't quite sure) that he came to his senses. The only way to get to Jaysyek, he understood, was to conquer Raigo. <i>Then</i> attempt to displace Kade, the shadow-pelted guard whom he saw as a direct rival now more than ever. Jaysyek might have told him that she had always loved him, but it didn't directly mean that she wanted him as a mate still. <i>Or did it?</i> He supposed he would have to find out himself.

Borden's eyes, pale jade from the surrounding foliage that had begun to grow back, scanned the bare hedges before him, trying to see through the trees. <b>"RAIGO!"</b> he barked, the tone in his voice sounding as through he had just prepared a proper scolding to a disobedient pup. He prepped himself for the encounter that was about to unfold, squaring his shoulders and elevating his head and tail in a rather arrogant fashion. He would not stand for the youth to see any trace of the masked man who had stooped so low as to beg to be let back into the place that had once been his home; and, nothing about this little meeting, he was determined, would be <span class='word'>oracular</span>. The Hollow Second would be given no chance to doubt his demand for leadership. <b>"Raigo!"</b> he called again, the name leaving his tongue much sterner than the last.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 30, 2012, 09:57 PM by Borden.)
Played by Shadow who has 123 posts.
No Rank
Raigo Akreon

Raigo's nose was buried in the tip of his tail, his eyes closed shut to the world. He had taken that cold, clear afternoon to leave his pack mate's to their various attacks and turn his attention to his own affairs. For him, that meant a break from the weary trail against intruders. The borders had long been marked by the young adult, his scent just as strong as those of Jaysyek or Elettra, his superiors. Kade's had gradually grown to be a solid scent along the border, and now that his leader had decided to promote the ebony male, Raigo imagined it would grow to be much stronger. The decision had taken him aback at the meeting, but he saw no reason to challenge the decision. He had toyed with the idea numerous times of stepping up to the position himself, but he had grown comfortable where he was. He was well suited to serve the pack where he was; more responsibility, and things could perhaps get out of hand.

But in his dream state, he did not worry about the politics of his pack. He was happily chasing rabbits, or digging up a bone that he had hidden away in a secret cache for a rainy day. Had anybody been around to see him, they would have probably smiled at the youth's wagging tail and the smile on his face. But all that was broken as Borden's voice reached Raigo. With a start, the Second lifted his head, dazed and confused. He blinked rapidly, shaking his head to clear the happy dreams from his mind. After a moment, he heard his name again, the tone far from friendly. Eyes narrowing, he hoisted himself up. Lowering the front half of his body, he stretched, mind turning from the theme of running rabbits to the stern call of Borden. What his old leader wanted, Raigo wasn't sure. They had barely spoken to one another since the older wolf had returned, and ever since his meeting with Vlar, Raigo had been avoiding it. Coming out of his stretch, golden eyes narrowed against the sunlight, he realized that he had no desire to meet with Borden now.

Half-tempted to ignore the subordinate's call, Raigo forced himself to leave his nestled place by the tree and head in the direction. The scent grew stronger as he approached, but there was no hurry to the Second's step. He took issue with the tone of voice that had woken him from his sleep, but he was not a pup any longer - Borden had no right to have him at his beck and call. But he did eventually appear, stance growing subtly more dominant as he caught sight of the caller in question. Head lifted, and his tail began to curl over his back. Coming to a pause not far from the older male, he spoke up, his tone flat. "Borden." No question about why he was here. He had a suspicion, but Borden had yet to seek him out since his arrival, the mottled gray Lyall would not waste time by playing games. At least he hoped. golden eyes staring into those of his pack mate, he waited.

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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<i>Sorry, it's short. Work and life in general hasn't been nice to me. :c</i>

<blockquote>After some time Raigo appeared and Borden simply stared at him for a brief moment. The youth's voice was level... something the Lyall had not expected. He supposed familiarity was to blame; after the year they had spent acquainting themselves with one another, Borden had grown used to Raigo addressing him in an eager, well-mannered tone. <b>"Things need to change,"</b> he slowly stated, arching one brow. <b>"But I am <i>not</i> just going to sit here and watch <i>him</i> do it for me... for anyone."</b>

He paused for some sort of effect then, after realizing that Raigo had taken on a rather imperious stance, bristled the fur along his shoulders and back. <b>"I'm going to let you choose,"</b> he said quietly, suppressing a growl. <b>"You could be <i>my</i> Second or Kade's... but I will warn you now that I will do everything and anything it takes to take back what used to be mine."</b></blockquote>
Played by Shadow who has 123 posts.
No Rank
Raigo Akreon

Raigo held himself firm, listening to Borden speak, his face as flat as his voice had been. But what the gray male was saying was not pleasing to Raigo's ears, and the more he heard, the more his brow creased and the fur began to bristle along his back. Who was Borden to speak of change in Grizzly Hollow? Perhaps it was his recent encounter with Vlardinara that had darkened his thoughts even further against his old leader, but that could not be helped. A gap had grown where there had used to be strong companionship, and looking at him now, and the way that vengeance was oozing out of Borden's words, Raigo had no real desire to rekindled that bond. Trust had been broken, and he was unable to see past that.

The lightest of growls accompanied Raigo's words, as it became clear what Borden's intention was here. Golden eyes narrowing, his body tensed, refusing to remit. "I am neither your Second nor Kade's. Jaysyek is my leader. She's a smart lady, Borden - you would do well to respect her wishes." The obvious goal was that Borden wanted to be a leader again. Who Jayse chose to lead beside her was no business of Raigo's, but she had chosen Kade over Borden, and that was who he would respect until told otherwise. The showdown between the two was coming, that much was certain, from the tone that Borden used here with him. And it was his bad luck to stand in the way of that. But his loyalty to Jayse and his own pride would not let him back down. If this came down to a physical confrontation, his chances were not good, but he would not simply hand over the title that he had grown in to.

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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote><i>"I am neither your Second nor Kade's. Jaysyek is my leader. She's a smart lady, Borden - you would do well to respect her wishes."</i> The words sent a chill down the subordinate's spine but it prompted him to curl his lip up and away to bare his teeth. He waved his tail above his back then released a thunderous snarl. He slowly poised spring forward, lifting his left forepaw just slightly with plans to strike out with it.

To respect Jaysyek's wishes, he believed, was to put up a fight. To prove himself as her equal, to take a stand and show her that he still loved her... that he could not bear to lose her someone else. His pale eyes narrowed in turn and his ears swiveled forward. Compared to Raigo's youthful bones, Borden supposed he would have to rely on his own experiences and what his father had taught him in sparring, the techniques he would need to defend himself when young males came to question his authority. Coiling his muscles he sprang forward, his paw attempting to gain purchase on Raigo's frame so he could try and snap his jowls onto a piece of the Second's pelt.</blockquote>
Played by Shadow who has 123 posts.
No Rank
Raigo Akreon

The reaction from Borden felt immediate, though in reality it might have taken a few minutes. But the only response Raigo received was a snarl, which in return caused the young male to snarl right back. His tail curled over his back, even higher than he normally held it, and his ears pointed forward. His brow creased, and lips drew back, his own teeth no less sharp nor dangerous than Borden's. But it seemed that the subordinate's intention was clear, and that talking to him was not going to work. It had taken several months, but Raigo was finally going to have to earn his role, else give it up and have to face Jayse with shame the next time he saw her.

Seeing the slightly raised paw, the Second was able to step backward before Borden was able to gain a purchase on his pelt. Weight shifted to his hind legs, he reared slightly, both forepaws batting at Borden's face. His jaws snapped tightly together, before parting again to growl at his former leader. He did not try to bite the other male, however, and his teeth clicked together against the empty air. He had no desire to cause injury, no matter how small, to him. His lack of affection did not extend to hatred, Raigo merely wanted to defend what was his.

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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>Raigo's growl seemed to part the air but it did nothing to deter the fallen leader's action. The youth, however, had been quick to dodge Borden's attack. The older brute's forepaws planted firmly into the ground and, in turn, Raigo lifted himself just enough to bring his paws towards his opponent's face. Borden's eyes instinctively closed as he felt the lengthy claws graze the side of his face, pressing against one side of his dark mask-like markings. He curved his body towards the tawny man, turning to come face to face with a powerful display of snapping jaws. Another growl filled his ears and Borden did not hesitate to return it with one of his own.

His tail continued to sway, almost whip out at the air behind him before rising up straight in a gesture of dominance. He flicked his tongue through his teeth, still baring them. He was determined to not back down. Another attempt to bring Raigo into a sort of crouched position or even lowered stance was made. Instead of lashing out with his forelimbs, this time he ventured to nip at the youth's elbow.</blockquote>
Played by Shadow who has 123 posts.
No Rank
Raigo Akreon

Had there been observers to the rank challenge, they would have witnessed a conniption, neither of the two males wanting to back down. The snarls they made were terrifying, and when he would think back on the event later, Raigo would be shocked to know he had made such noises. And it only seemed to be escalating. Borden wanted what he believed was rightfully his, and Raigo's pride would not let him back down in the face of an opponent that was bigger and more experienced than he was. It had not come to truly physical blows, but if it did, things would no doubt turn ugly, and do so quickly.

His forepaws made contact with the side of Borden's face, but his upright position made him vulnerable. He barely saw the raised tail, but merely raised his own straight up in return, not wanting to give an inch. But he felt the pain at his elbow, and he fell back down to the ground, head falling lower than Borden's as his weight shifted off of the slightly injured elbow. Aware that he could not remain low for long, he snapped upwards, towards Borden's chin. If he could get him in a muzzle grab, then perhaps this conflict would end. But the older male had gotten above him now, and in order for Raigo to get himself back on top, it was going to take a fortunate stroke of luck and maybe a touch of skill.

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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>The youth's teeth snapped at the fallen leader's chin; Borden had been a tad too slow to avoid it. Though a yelp escaped his throat, he was merely emotionally fueled, rejuvenated if only for a second, by the pain. He exhaled tiredly but as soon as he had caught his breath once more, he eyed Raigo. His pale, narrowed eyes were wild with fury, almost terrifying against the dark fur around his face. His stamina was beginning to wear out, however, and with a snap of his jaws, he curled his tail over his back. Blood from where Raigo's fangs had pierced the skin at his chin began to stain his ivory fur; saliva pooled in his cheeks and trickled down his lips. This couldn't go on forever...

He lowered his head, realizing he had left his neck unguarded only moments ago and hunched his shoulders forward as he tucked his scarlet chin downward. His muscles recoiled before he impulsively attempted to launch himself over the Second's lowered figure, his stocky limbs splayed in order to land on either side of his opponent's shoulders... his jowls open in hopes of clamping onto Raigo's pelt. If he could land just his move it could possibly give him the upper hand, to keep the youth where he was. <i>Under him.</i> Just like how things had been before he had left. It was his last straw; and, it would be the last desperate measure he would take. He had absolutely had it and found himself quickly tiring out after the energy he had hastily spent in intimidation.

If he was unable to temporarily oust Raigo from his role as Jaysyek's Second, he figured he would <i>find</i> a way. They had come this far after all and it had been an <i>exceptionally</i> fair fight; to rise ultimately as the victor could possibly mean that he deserved the title, to accept defeat would only give way to more scheming. At least he was no longer at the bottom of the hierarchy.</blockquote>
Played by Shadow who has 123 posts.
No Rank
Raigo Akreon

In hindsight, Raigo would realize the mistakes that he had made, and would spend his time trying to figure out how to regain what he had lost. But while he had tasted Borden's blood and spilled very little of his own, ultimately, he had been too slow to avoid the maneuver, and Borden had taken advantage of his lowered position. Before he found the momentum to adjust his position accordingly, the larger male's forelegs were upon him, and the tug on the back of his neck was unmistakeable. Raigo was still snarling, growling into Borden's stomach, but he was caught, the weight above him pushing him to his elbows. His tail was still lifted defiantly behind him, and the young two year old was still snarling, but he could not counter. If he tried to pull away, Borden merely had to tighten his grip. The pain and the effect would be instant, and as much as Raigo despised losing his rank, he did not want more blood to be shed, by either one of them.

He refused to roll onto his stomach and fully submit, and his golden eyes were still filled with rage. Shaking his shoulders from side to side, he sought to have Borden release him. "Let go. You won." No longer a snarl, but his voice was hardly complacent either. Borden might have earned Raigo's rank, but he had certainly not won his respect. That particular entity would be a much harder battle to win.

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