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taking a bow underneath the stage — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<blockquote><i>Daybreak; Clear — Current Temperature: 53° F/12° C</i>

He had been here before on the banks of the Swift River; seasons might have changed but the cool mud and smooth pebbles against his rugged paw pads were undeniably familiar. The last time Angier Lyall had been here was when Alexander had sent him on a sort of scouting assignment. His golden eyes drank up the scenery, his ears throbbed with the sounds of the River and all that surrounded it, the hint of footfalls just on the other side of the stream and the possibility that he was within moments of being discovered. He swallowed nervously then planted his nose to the ground, tediously searching the nearby hedges and saplings for a marker, anything that would let him know if he was just on the borders of the pack's territory.

After his encounter with Indru, Angier was determined to make sure he was more than capable of doing whatever he was asked. The leader had been generous back then to entertain the tawny male in the pack's status. He stalked around the roots of the surrounding trees until the scents of adult wolves tickled his nostrils and the sound of a snapping twig caught his attention. His eyes caught the face of a young wolf with fiery orange eyes and distinctive blue-gray markings on his face. The pup let out a startled gasp then scampered away towards what he could only assume was the heart of the packlands.

Just being spotted made the large brute instinctively walk backwards until he was several meters away from what he assumed was the 'outside boundaries' of the claimed soil. Out of nervousness his tail tucked up against his underside. Asking for entry into the Tainns' pack would mean the Lyall was about owe more than just his allegiance as he had initially offered last year. But, now, in the wake of Spring's arrival he was ready to accept the responsibilities he had been avoiding for so long - the duties of a pack wolf. Tilting his muzzle to the treetops he released a beckoning call in hopes of catching someone's attention.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 13, 2012, 05:48 AM by Angier.)

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Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
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Naira Tainn
<blockquote>As the yearling raced past startled, Naira's curiosity piqued. Something had disturbed the young wolfs early morning foray to the borders. She was yet to meet the younger members of the pack but thought it odd that one should be racing back to the heart of the pack lands at such a pelt. It was then that she heard the deep masculine howl on the borders and she picked up her pace, the hairs on her nape standing on end. Had the stranger caused harm to the young one the pain would be returned ten-fold.

As she approached following the young wolfs trail though, there was no scent of ill deeds and she attempted to settle her nerves. It wouldn't do to face a potential new pack mate with teeth bared. He was more than respectfully back from the borders which further settled her nerve. It would seem the rogue had manners.

While others would remain close to the heart of their lands at this time of year she felt no such need. She had a role to fill, and although she was in season she was loath of physical contact and would probably try to rip the head off any who attempted to get too close. A small smile crossed her face at the thought. The strangers scent was growing stronger.

Observing the large tawny male from the cover of the dense undergrowth, he seemed to have a purpose for his presence and while she could well guess, it was best not to make assumptions. <i>Not an ignorant yearling, that is a plus...</i> she thought to herself but most lone males would be held in suspicion at this time of year, particularly so close to pack borders. She deliberately rustled her cover as she emerged to take the man in. <b>"What is it you seek of the River wolves?"</b> she asked gently, remaining cautious. <i>She</i> would not be taken unawares.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 12, 2012, 04:08 AM by Naira.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<i>Lolz. Fenru is a n00b; guess Angier was a bit too intimidating compared to Arlette. 8P</i>

<blockquote>It did not take long for someone to arrive. The scent of the pack wafted in his direction and his limbs nearly collapsed underneath him. He crouched low to the ground and his ears drew back nervously as he met her eyes before averting them. Her question was simply wary and anything but <span class='word'>astringent</span>. It did not ease the anxiety building in his chest. He answered straightforwardly, <b>"I owe the wolves of the River my loyalty and request to join your ranks."</b> He flickered his eyes to her figure, blinking as he added, <b>"Indru would know; I was once the messenger for the pack on the Mountain but it has long since passed."</b>

<b>"I am in debt to Indru's generosity,"</b> he finally voiced, glad to have the sentence heard by someone who would at least somewhat hear him out. <b>"And I am here now to aid the pack should he need my services."</b></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 15, 2012, 06:08 AM by Angier.)

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Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

Another one?! You got to be kidding me. A frustrated whine bellowed in his chest, and throat. He snapped the air once for good measure, and growled his irritation out loud, at the call of another lone wolf asking for someone. New members were not entirely a bad thing, it was tedious how many over the past weeks had come, and gone. He hoped once breeding season was over things would quiet down. There was nothing like having pups around to put everyone's patience on the thin side, Triell was no different. What would this one want? A snort, he mumbled harsh cursing under his breath, and quickly trotted to the edges of the river pack. This one might be a male, he had yet to encounter an intelligent one of them either.

He unlike Naira had not seen Fenru blur past. It was probably could he did not, or already the loner's chance of getting it would have went from slim to nothing. What had happened with Hael, and that weird female he would have been greatly irked to see his other nephew run in fear. He would have likely done something he would have regret. As it was, he knew nothing about it, and continued at a steady pace hoping to get there to back up Cori, and any other River wolf, or see if this loner was worth anyone's time.

The scent of the male assaulted his nostrils, and his black mane crept up along his spine snorting out the smell of this wolf. Triell had matured physically now, and was much more aggressive then he had been without the sudden influx of testosterone. He was getting to understand why his brother's could be so grumpy, and protective when it came to things.

He turned a corner catching Naira's familiar aroma, and he wasn't sure if she should be alarmed or happy she had made it here first. He came to the conclusion it was a good thing she was patroling as well, and by her size a rogue man shouldn't be too big a problem for her. None the less he was here to support her, and meet this new fellow.

Their voices lead him straight where they were conversing, and he picked up on Indru's name, and the mountain pack. Then something that was odd. This wolf was in Indru's debt? Okay, we'll see about that buddy. He thought, uncertain if this was just a new line or the truth. His ears pinned back, and with his head lowered he prowled from the trees, into the open. He came to stand beside Naira, keeping himself respectful of her place above him, despite how he was taller than she. He did not offer her a greeting, he instead let his eyes cut into the man. "If this is true, then tell me what happened to the mountain pack," He spoke, his tone commanding. The mountain pack had left a mystery to the wolf, and he had tried to help Adonia figure out what had happened to everybody. If he could tell him the truth about it's disappearance, he would believe him about meeting Indru.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>She could scent Triell before he stepped up to her side. <b>"We must stop meeting like this..."</b> she whispered to the dark male with a smile. It was comforting to know back up was never far away. Her curiosity was piqued at mention of a mountain pack, it was a foreign concept to her, being only fairly new to these lands, less than a full season. It would seem there was a story here, and there was very little she loved more than a story. Her full attention was focused on the tawny man.

Her injured ear twitched in attempt to shake an itch, much like she would if there was a bug buzzing at her ear, even though she would love nothing more than to sit and scratch the thing right off. It was a tiny cut and she would just have to ignore it for now. This was not the time.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<blockquote>The appearance of a dark male in addition to the River wolf who had come to the borders to greet him made the tawny Lyall take a step back. His ears lowered even more, hoping that the two of them would hear him out and believe what he was about to say or reveal. <b>"The pack on the m-mountain, Midnight Plateau, they...."</b> he began, determined to not have the emotions related to the event resurface. <b>"They fell... They... There was a mountain lion that ambushed the den and Alexander... He..."</b> Just starting with those two points of the story was enough to bring back incident down to every detail. It took him a moment to realize he had stopped talking and his gaze filckered upwards into Naira and Triell's faces before returning to his feet.

<b>"He protected his children, the pack, even, by... taking the cougar down with him over the cliff."</b> His eyes closed tightly as if something sharp had been skewered into his side. When he reopened them, he gazed over the forest floor in front of him, not looking at anything in particular. <b>"I... I... I couldn't stay. We tried to fight but h-he had... already gone and... after we made sure the pups were well-looked after, I... I had nowhere to go."</b></blockquote>

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Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<i>Thanks for saying Alexander. Triell's gonna meet him and thinks he's a ghost xD</i>

    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

"We do,"he mumbled back with a grin to show his irritation was not for her. His grin died quick as his gaze had never left the male. His patience was rather non existent, and he did not loosen his stare even as the male took his frame back, lowering it. If he wanted in Swift River he was doing a good job proving it, Triell was bound and determined to know what had happened. It was not only for his own curiosity, but if he saw Adonia he felt she was owed the truth. His jaws clenched tight, eyes suspicious when the large brute started to tell his story. He could tell it was hard for him, and became more aware how this wolf was not lying. Everything Triell had scented up their seemed to confirm his suspicions. He did not understand why everyone else left. Wouldn't someone take over?

It was if the male was there, reliving it before his eyes broke shooting a River wolves a quiet look. Triell shifted uneasy by hearing more, but taking it all in. It made sense why everyone had left. No one had wanted to stay, no one knew what to do. Very slowly his black head bobbed. "I worried it came to that, I actually tried to help a female from there, Adonia, figure out why everyone had gone. I see now." His voice was almost dead sounding, the way his words took their time parting from his mouth. He let out a quick breath, standing beside Naira. He was silent for a time, his mind racing over the tragedy, as well as why Adonia had left again. He didn't want to think. His amber eyes flickered to the large male, soft compared to what they had been."If Indru has met you before, and you owe him any way maybe you'll have a place to be now." It wasn't much, if he could give the wolf hope, it would be something at least.

(This post was last modified: Mar 16, 2012, 07:32 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>She was more than happy to let Triell take over here, she was far too new to these lands to have known anything of a mountain pack begin destroyed by a cat. <i>So the alpha male went over the cliff for the sake of his pack... but where was their lady?</i> she thought to herself, concern clear on her face. <i>They had pups?</i> her heart broke a little at the thought. She looked to Triell hopefully and as he said his piece she relaxed a little. A small smile crossing her face at the hope he was offering.

But pups...? <b>"What happened to the pups? Why wasn't their mother there?"</b> she questioned confused. Somehow the story seemed incomplete. She wasn't to know the truth of the matter or how her question may cut, but the story was incomplete. She smiled reassuringly him, hoping to hear the answer to her questions but also understanding it may be too much emotionally. <b>"You don't have to answer now if you don't want to..."</b> she said with the sudden realisation it may be a little too much right now. <b>"I just like stories..."</b> she admitted a little embarrassed. It was so pup like and she tried so hard to be mature all the time.

She was hopeful this man would be accepted, he seemed like he would make a strong addition to their ranks. He was mature and had enough sense to not cross the border markers, he was polite and wanted to repay his debt. All they could do now was wait.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
<i>lolz. <3</i>

<blockquote>The dark male revealed that he had tried to help Adonia find out what had happened on Mount Dire and that he finally pieced together the puzzle. Upon hearing that he might have a place among the River wolves' ranks, Angier gave a solemn and grateful nod. <b>"Thank you,"</b> he glanced up to the two pack wolves now, trying to manage a small smile. It crept onto his face as an awkward and crooked grin which he instantly lost at the sound of the female's question. The one part of his story that was still missing made him wince upon being emphasized.

She made a point to tell him that he didn't need to answer and she asked for the sake of enjoying stories. This story, he was certain, she would not like. <b>"She... left,"</b> he stated evenly, his eyes averted again, darting to a stone beside his right forepaw as if the sound of <span class='word'>brisance</span> had startled him. <b>"<i>No one</i> actually knows what happened to her. I saw her take refuge in the den in the afternoon, come nightfall, she was gone."</b></blockquote>

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Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

He tried to offer a smile, but it probably looked more like a frown straightening out. He wasn't fond of showing pity, but he could show mercy, and sympathy. Helping Adonia, and realzing the fate of the pack had shaken him to a point he did not like the mountain. He was convinced it was cursed or something. At the words thank you, he solemenly nodded his head. It''d be up to Indru or Corinna if he was worthy to stay. Triell saw more promising in this wolf than he had most. There was something that seemed to say he wanted to serve. He had been the most sincere loner the young had come in contact with since meeting Naira.

Something was voiced he had not thought about. What about the mother? Some point he had probably wondered that, but he had assumed whatever had happened to the rest had been her fate too. Since Naira had asked the thought unsettled him. Where had she gone? Angier explained, Triell felt a cold shudder try to rattle his bones. He merely let his neck muscles twitch shifting his head downard was well to hide the motion. Damn mountain. He cursed silently, and could feel it looming above them, looking down on them. He did not know what to say to that. Eventually a sigh worked it's way from his lungs, and he rolled to his haunches. "Sad thing." His eyes appeared far off, a sad smile resting on his dark muzzle. Now they had to wait to see if fate was in his favor, or better if Corinna and Indru would accept him as a River wolf.

(This post was last modified: Mar 19, 2012, 06:11 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]