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born to the wild — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
Anyone of GH is welcome to join in this round. I understand if you have too much going on, or too many characters.

A top a white hill clipped with fresh frost Jaysyek beheld the sight of the caribou herd grazing among the berry bushes enjoying a quiet sunrise. They were migrating again to less harsher lands, and she was eager to obtain one again for the wellness of her pack. If all of them gathered they could easily take two. For now, since this would be the children's official pack hunt she wasn't ready to risk losing one, or any of them harmed. Though caribou were nothing too wild to hunt, they had fight in them and were use to the snowy conditions; the wolves above them in the food chain. If it were not for hungry bellies and cold she would have hated to disturb the harmony, but as she was a wolf it was time to ensue some controlled chaos to get what they needed. That was food, and a secure future.

Tail held high in a proud arch, and lips bared back she let a strong note rise from within her chest for the wolves of Grizzly Hollow to join her in this task. The caribou below tipped up heads, letting out worried snorts, looking for the wolf and wondering if already they should be worried. When minutes went by and nothing happened they settled to graze among the brush again, and Jayse waited.
(This post was last modified: Jan 05, 2013, 06:49 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
PPing bringing Ryvet and Renier, let me know if there is anything you want me to change Switch!

The peppered wolf had been attempting to keep the two boys out of mischief by pointing out different plants, what was poison and what was safe, when Jayse’s call danced in her ears. With an excited yip, she had begun dancing on the spot, unable to contain her excitement as she spun to nudge the boys to follow her. No words were needed. Their mother was calling, and how exciting for them it would be.

Long strides ate up the ground beneath her paws as the two followed in her wake, the more boisterous tawny Renier, nipping at her armpit, herding her along, while the equally excited Ryvet took occasional chomps at her tail. She didn’t mind though, they needed a practice run before the real event. Adrenalin was already coursing through her system.

She was sick of hunting hares.

The scent of the caribou wafted towards her on the breeze and she began to salivate. Nudging Renier away from worrying her armpit for just a moment, she managed to gather the pair beside her with a gentle ‘Shhh’ before she inched forwards, excited eyes falling on her leader as she all but dragged her belly through the snow, tail waving at a million miles a minute as her head tilted back to nudge her lady’s chin. A sign of respect and her complete devotion to the family over which the white leader ruled.

Moving back to allow the pups a chance to greet their mother similarly, her golden eyes glanced out over the herd below, the wind in their favour, for now. She hoped the others would make haste, before the conditions changed to the favour of the hunted, rather than the hunters.

(This post was last modified: Dec 08, 2012, 09:12 PM by Aniu.)
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Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sibyl Balik
A crisp, pure howl rang over the gentle slopes and snowy valleys painted in the rose hues of morning. The familiar voice reached Sibyl's cupped ears and already the little wolf was on the move. Wide webbed paws carried her petite frame easily over the snow, a tawny mark against expanses of white. Her leader's song as a cardinal point on her compass, she made her way to the blackberry fields. She was met by the tempting scent of ungulate herds, with some of her pack mates already detectable. The beginnings of excitement coursed through her. She had never hunted caribou before... But how different could it be from deer? It would be something new, but with her packmates to help she had no fear of novel things. Careful to round about the fields downwind, she crept up the snow brushed slope to meet the others. Tail wagging, she slunk forward to poke her nose under Jaysyek's chin, followed by a friendly brush against Aniu's side as she moved into position.

Sibyl wondered who else would be joining them for the hunt today, seeing that it would be the children's first foray in pursuing game larger than themselves. The women would have to wait for more of the pack to assemble before things could get started, and some sort of orders would surely follow. Sibyl stood waiting at the ready, all of her senses alert to her pack and the herds.

(This post was last modified: Dec 27, 2012, 10:12 PM by Sibyl.)
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
Winter's first hunt was upon the wolves of Grizzly Hollow, and so it was with whetted enthusiasm and a hungry belly that the loyal guard answered the call of his leader. He made his way through the rolling, snow covered fields dutifully, at times lifting his muzzle to the wind that carried the familiar scents of the others. In time he would come upon them as they gathered in the distance, the pack's most loyal ladies escorting two of the children, and Jaysyek perched regally upon a wintry hilltop. It was truly amazing how fast the young ones had grown, and now they would experience the hustle of the hunt for themselves. He remembered his first hunt with Trisden when she was but a blossom of a girl; she had done well, and he was sure Ryvet and Renier would be no different.

The dark man's pace slowed as he approached the group, offering an encouraging smile to the boys before nodding in silent salutation to Sibyl and Aniu. It was a shame he didn't know either of them better, and he would like to, some day. The silvers of his eyes would soften, like they always had, as his gaze turned upon the ashen woman for whom he held a fierce respect and sense of affection. She had come full circle from being the broken thing he'd first came across in this very place, growing to become a pillar of strength and shining example of perseverance. He looked for her mismatched eyes, dipping his head in respect and to convey that he was ready to take care of business as he took a place at her side.

Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

It was fortunate the silvery wolf found himself not so far from home today. His itching feet had taken him far and wide in search of recruits for Grizzly Hollow and so far he had returned with nothing. They were either too crazy, too needy or just too unreliable to bring home to a pack with young cubs to look out for. So when Jaysyek’s familiar call came dancing along the wind he would not deny her his presence. He was yet to really catch up with the leader who had given him his first real home since birth.

Of course, he wasn’t the fastest of wolves, his bulk moving smoothly, yet steadily through the snow. Catching the scent of what he could only assume would be their prey, he was courteous enough to move down wind so they would not lose their lunch before the hunt had even begun. He had been there for the first hunt of last years young, it surprised him to find that he would be here for the first of this years lot as well.

Two strapping young lads waited, if not patiently, the pale one fidgeting close to his mother, two ladies he was yet to have the pleasure of making the acquaintance of, Kade of course, who he threw a friendly smile before bumping shoulders with on his way to greet the lady he should have sought out the moment Borden allowed him re-entrance to the Hollow.

It was with a sheepish grin, his head held low and his tail pointed straight to the ground that the silvery wolf approached her, a quick bump to the cheek with a low wag that bumped from leg to leg. They would have plenty of time to catch up, but for now, he was sure that there was a job to do. Moving around to the other side of Kade, he too, waited for the rest of the pack to arrive.

code by bryony
(This post was last modified: Jan 04, 2013, 11:09 PM by Valiant.)
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Played by Grey who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Taima Lyall Avelin
i'll seek you out, flay you alive
one more word & you won't survive

Borden had scolded her. Not once, but twice... then dismissed her. Taima had had her best plan for the day to go awry. She had risen that morning to try and follow her father towards the eastern borders of their home. "Not today," he had firmly told her. A resounding "No" boomed back at her when she defied his words. "But Dad, I--" One look was all it took to make the preadolescent girl storm off, whipping her tail about in his face.

Ears held forward in contempt and tail carried level with her spine, she stomped through the forest. "No, nooooooo, Taima, not today," she mocked under her breath as she wandered toward the den. "Mom needs you and your siblings to help out today. Always no, no, no, no, NO..." Scowling, she stuck her tongue out. "Help out with what? Pfffffff. NO."By the time she had found a suitable place to sit down and grump, Jaysyek's call reached her ears. Taima's lips pursed and puckered for a second as she debated about heeding her mother or not. These days, with her interests splintering this way and that, even clashing with her trains of thought, figuring things out on her own or making her own agendas seemed much, much more appealing than being what one would call 'an obedient, heedful daughter.' And, truthfully, Taima was anything but.

Her muzzle wrinkled up on one side, slowly standing up before moving in the direction of her mother's howl. Help with what? the question echoed in her head, apparently having skimmed over the message in Jaysyek's wordless song. Surely Renier or Ryvet could do the job... But then they would get all the praise. She frowned and gave a snort before breaking onto a scene in which Jaysyek silently reigned. Taima eyed her brothers at first before letting her eyes fall onto the adults who had shown up. Aniu, Sibyl, Kade and a silvery man she had not yet met. Resisting the urge to lift her nose in the air and stride past the group to reluctantly greet her mother, she strode forward in a civil manner, ducking her head and touching her muzzle not just to Jaysyek's chin but to Kade's, Aniu's, and Sibyl's in turn. Withdrawing from Sibyl with soft sniff, she mentally collected herself. Judging by the eagerness reflected in each pair of eyes, the silence and unspoken understanding, something was about to happen. Something... big. But what?

She turned her head in attempt to catch Sibyl's gaze, but instead the landscape shifting in the distance snagged her eye instead. A gasp caught in her ribcage. The scent of the herd wafted into her senses, awaking within her the newfound, natural instinct to hunt and chase actual prey. Upon further inspection, they looked like deer and behaved like deer, but somehow altogether different. This distinction caught her interest and instantly her golden eyes shot to her mother's face, quickly adopting the group's shared enthusiasm. She had never caught anything before; maybe today would be the day.

template made by GINNYSAURUS. of RPG-D.
(This post was last modified: Dec 28, 2012, 07:48 AM by Taima.)
Played by Namara who has 148 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shadowstorm Slayer
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/ShadowstormTable2.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:300px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;">
Shadowstorm was once again on the move. the calling for the pack rang in her ears as she started to dart away. Her leg had been feeling better then ever since Nina had worked her magic on it. All the physical therapy and the herbs had helped to make it stronger then her other legs. Her icy blue eyes had become more vibrant and colorful since she had left Copper Rock Creek and joined the Hollow. She felt less stressed and determined that this here was better for her then anything at Copper Rock Creek had ever been. But one attentive thought pulled her back, herbs. Shadow had been helping Aniu as much as she could to heal Follko, had found it quite fun actually.

She wanted to talk to Jaysyek or Borden about the possibility of her leaving under absence with permission. Not forever, just a short while to seek out Nina for more knowledge. She felt like she was one of the last adults to arrive at the hunting start point, the gathering point if it may be. Sybil was already there and same with Ani. Two more wolves she did not recognize were also there. But the smell told her they were Grizzly Hollow. She gave a dip of the head and a lowered tail stance because her leader, Jaysyek was there already to. She should have been since she called the hunt in the first place, but that was besides the point. Taima was there which told her the pups were hunting today. "Greetings Jaysyek. Hello there Taima, Aniu and Sybil." She said greeting the wolves she knew. Her icy blue eyes gazed over to Valiant and Kade, unsure of who they were. Her eyes filled with curiousness. She knew that Follko would not be here today because he was still severely injured and that she'd most likely get to meet her other leader, Borden, today.

~ραяαησια ιѕ α tнєσяу, ι'м ησt ραяαησι∂, ι'м ιηѕαηє~

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Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
I will start the "instruction" round tomorrow, and then your wolves can get into the actual hunt. Siki if you still want/can just jump in. If not no worries.
The world of plants was quite interesting to Renier, knowing they actually had a purpose. It kept him entertained that was for certain, and though Aniu was a quiet wolf, he liked that about her. What was that? Ears perked, and nose to the sky he listened to the call. It was his mother, but what did she want? The excitement between his pupsitter, and brother were tangible. She had said all wolves, and Aniu seemed intent to take them. He eagerly rushed her along with Ryvet's help.

A place he had not set eye upon they crossed, trotting quickly through the wind clipped snow banks with what felt like a million scents teasing his nose. There tale of many a rodent, and some of dead plants that made his stomach ache. Then, something that would catch any hunger wolf's attention. What was it? A warning touch, he paused. What? He would want to ask, but kept his muzzle still. Aniu was telling them something, and he stuck by Ryvet trying his best to be silent. They continued, and he spotted his mother on the crest of a hill. Faint question he drew in line, giving Ryvet a warning to follow with a rise of his lip. He would respectfully brush his nose to his mother's throat, feeling he would soon pass her in height. Something he quite thoroughly enjoyed to think about. He was about to question what they were doing, but once again the scent brushed his nose. Turning his head he would see the herd of caribou, and it dawned on him. Something to eat. He was more than ready to play this game.
(This post was last modified: Jan 14, 2013, 10:49 PM by Renier.)
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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
They would come. Aniu the first, with her sons. Something that amused the leader, and pleased her. The small, silver lady was good at helping them stay busy, learning important things while striking their interest. Jaysyek offered a knowing smile, feeling their happiness and eagerness. She was as well. It was time.

Silently she would greet the three with her own tail moving behind her, finding they would soon have their answers. Sibyl, a wolf she grew fonder of every day by her loyalty and kindness would fall about the four with the same feelings. Jayse accepted her gesture, with a bob of her head, and continuing tail movement. Kade next, she tipped her muzzle to the silver streaked Guardian, meeting his gaze that spoke of readiness. Borden was not here, she was grateful to have him at her side. The same could be said for Valiant, he meandered his way, if knowing the things he should have done. It didn't matter to Jayse he was here, and she had missed the rogue. Something she hoped was conveyed in her smile she gave him. Her daughter Taima was next in line, and Jayse could only wonder what kept her. She would not ask, but watch her greet her elders respectfully. Maybe, they really were grown up after all.

Face relaxed she eyed their prey once more, wishing to see her youngest daughter, and eldest. It was time to act, and she would place her mind to worry on those gathered, and for a successful hunt.Eight wolves, three of them beginners in every way, she needed to decide the best way for them to walk away with full stomachs. Calculations of the different sizes, and strengths she had to place her pups first.

"Taima, you will go with Sibyl, Aniu, and Shadowstorm. The four of you will have to make a choice, and separate it from the rest." Her voice was no nonsense, looking longest to her daughter. Muzzle would point to the stretch of ground beneath them. "See where the brush is thickest, you'll need to push the target there. Valiant and Kade if you two want to get in position, I'll let Aniu send off the starting call when she's picked a caribou. Renier,Ryvet, and I will be somewhere in the middle to make sure the target has little room for escape." Waiting for questions,she looked around to each member. She felt no need to tell her children how important it was to listen, and be safe. They surely should know by now, and realize how serious this was.
(This post was last modified: Jan 05, 2013, 06:50 AM by Jaysyek.)
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Played by becuffin who has 62 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ryvet Borden Lyall
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c58/becuffin/Ryvet.jpg) top no-repeat; background-color: #2e4216;">

Ryvet had been less interested in their instruction from the silly wolf than his brother had been. He didn’t want to learn about plants, he wanted her to teach him how to catch birds from the sky... but apparently this was important. She told them what they could eat and what they shouldn’t but still, the pale boy grew restless, his mismatched eyes searching for mischief to be made.

Before he would have a chance however, his mother called and just as silly as she was the first day they had met, the sooty wolf yipped and danced in circles. Thinking it a game, Ryvet’s tail began to wave high as she raced off, her tail the ever moving target of his clacking teeth.

When she turned to shush them he was less inclined than his brother to do as they were told and yet he stilled as their mother came into sight. He wandered over happily to bump at her cheek with his brother before moving off a short ways to make way for the others.

Finally it was to begin and his mother gave the orders. He and Renier would be with her, a thought that sent his tail waving all over again. The animals below were much larger than birds, and he took a moment to wonder how they would taste. His mother had called them caribou, he stored the information somewhere under ‘food’ and moved closer to his brother. It was time to begin one of the biggest days of his life.

code by bryony