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On Death and Dying — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Namara who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Damayanti Abhilasha

Damay wandered the fire like meadow. It was full of red flowers that glistened like the sun. Her icy blue eyes lit up like a dancing fire, so pretty, but pretty was destruction. She had the faintest limp to her. Before she'd found this place, relic Lore, she'd gotten herself into an avalanche while crossing some mountains. But she'd made through it, she had so much adversity on her life that she'd hadn't taken to care the time of day or just the scenic beauty of it all. Her mind tried to leave it behind, for the most part it had been successful. However one thing she hadn't made it through. She had been abandoned. It made her feel like something was wrong with her. Like something was terribly wrong and she didn't deserve to live. Though in truth, her father was just an inconsolable bastard who had died shortly after he left.

Damayanti knew that her first and last name together was subdued desires, her mother hoped it was a blessing to keep her from getting a mate. She had no intentions of the emotions of love seeping through to her. She found it as a foreign language to her. As if it did not exist. She hoped it didn't, she wasn't about to accept the same fate her mother had. If she found a pack, her love would be to serve it and make sure nothing bad came to it. It would not result in pregnancy, and birth. It would result in loyalty and courage to those she swore her allegiance to. But a strong enough pack was yet to be found.

Her eyes swayed from side to side, her tail hanging where it wished, she had to push away her emotional feelings to be successful. She had to basically turn herself into a brick wall. She was looking for a pack, but not just any pack. A strong and large pack that she could disappear into. One that was in need of a fine hunter and adviser. Although she was young, she had many experiences with all sorts of things. She needed a place to call home.

(This post was last modified: Jan 05, 2013, 11:00 PM by Damayanti.)
All Tangled In the Roots of my past
Played by Chico who has 2 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Zar walks through the frigid cold of the winter day. He stumbles upon a meadow of fire red flowers. As he looks over to his left he scans the landscape and sees nothing but flowers for as far as the eye can see. To the right more flowers. "Come on! Why Me! Why does this always happen to me!” He half lays down and half falls to the ground in exhaustion. He lays there for a while before noticing how hungry he actually is. He tries to think of the last time he had eaten and realizes that it has been 2 days since he scavenged some meat off of that dead deer before a pack of wolves showed up and drove him out.

He stands up and smells something very faintly he looks and notices that there is a rabbit hole in the ground not 30 feet to his right. He quietly walks over to the rabbit hole with a new found lust for the blood of prey, preferably rabbit, and does what his father taught him when he was just a pup. That was just before he died trying to protect Zar's mother and his brother. Zar still has nightmares of that night. Ever since he has had the longing to live up to his fathers expectations. But Sadly he has no idea what thoughts expectations are. He looks in the whole and no longer smells the rabbit. But now smells a smell he has not smelt since he was drove out by that wolf pack. The smell of another wolf.
(This post was last modified: Feb 18, 2013, 03:55 PM by Zar.)
Played by Namara who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Damayanti Abhilasha

Damayanti turned the odd scent of a wolf stalking her. Her fur bristled as she started at him. Why was she being followed, it was creepy and weird. Her eyes were blazing with the icy blue anger they saw in her heart. Her ears were erect and her tail started to curl in dominance. “Why were you following me?” She demanded to know from the wolf. The wolf honestly had serious problems. The setting sun gave some sort of effects behind her, made her pelt look a bit darker by the way it was hit by the light. She examined the dark black wolf; he had a white underbelly and white around his eyes. He reminded her much of a raccoon.

He had amber eyes and was about the same, if not exactly, the same size as her and he was not as long as she was. She could take him in a fight no doubt. Though she could not tell his weight, she could tell that he looked a bit plumper then she was and that probably meant more heavy then her. She would take him if she needed to. The smell of him was lone wolf, so he had no pack to return to, meaning to consequences other than the emotion she thought no longer felt, which was guilt. She didn’t need guilt to guide her, she had her warrior heart and her strength. He had caught her in a bad mood, she had yet to find a pack and was frustrated about it.

She was feeling a bit stressed about it all, these new lands were not the kindest to her. She could almost taste the blood of the fight in her mouth. She narrowed her eyes. She made herself appear as large as she could, as a dominant wolf would do. She demanded that he answer her, her eyes gave him no room to not answer. This might end in a fight if he did not explain.

All Tangled In the Roots of my past
Played by Chico who has 2 posts.
Inactive No Rank
As Zar stared into the blazing blue eyes of the female wolf, memories of the day his father died came flooding like a rushing wind back to him. The wolf in front of him had the same blue eyes as the wolf that snapped his fathers neck. And after he was finished with his father he started walking to Zar but just before he reached him Zar's mother tackled him to the ground. She looked up to him and barked an order Zar had never been told before. "Run! Hide! And don't come back!". So Zar with tears welling up in his eyes turned and ran. Ran as fast as his little puppy paws could carry him. He ran till he could not run any longer. He looked for a safe place to sleep that night and came across a hollow log that just a cub could fit in. And ever since he has lived his life by running and scavenging. Along the way though he did pick up some useful traits like learning how to walk in the shadows and learning how to mask his scent but on this day he was way to tired to keep going how he had so he just laid down have wishing she would end him here.

"My name is Zar. I just showed up in this meadow this afternoon and now I am here looking at the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. These flowers are quite beautiful aren't they?" Zar may be tired but ever since he was a pup he has always had a since of humor. "Who are you and what is your name?" Zar asked now looking at the traits of the wolf that stood in front of him. She was a beautiful wolf with her blue eyes and the white around her mouth. Her slender beautiful body. He would never tell her that of course because he just met her but he did think it as she tried to make herself as big as she could. Obviously he would not say that under the conditions he was in right now. "I can smell your not with a pack. Nether am I maybe we could hang out for a wile before we make any rash decisions. I smelled a rabbit over their. If you want we could split it. By how skinny you look, I think you might be a little hungry." Zar turns around and starts walking to the rabbit whole felling happy that he may have just made a friend and he hoped she would stick with him. He look over his shoulder to see her again and then kept walking to the hole.
Played by Namara who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Damayanti Abhilasha
(Sorry this is late Chico)

Damayanti truthfully had no care to share one measly rabbit with the wolf. One rabbit would barely give one wolf any food, still. Some food was better then no food. There was weariness in her eyes as she gave a brief nod. She had no emotions of happiness to her, she was on high alert, yet to judge this loner because she had just met him, she was a bit weary around other loners and packs, not wanting to tread on tails of those pissy few found everywhere. She gave a half frown, half no emotion face. "One rabbit won't fill bellies much, perhaps a bigger source of prey could be found? Like perhaps a deer if we can find one." She told the male, Zar was his name and it was a rather odd name. But then again, she knew not the history behind the name.

Her tail was somewhat raised as a dominant figure, she was a bit picky over loner to loner dominance. She scented the air, she guessed that he was alright for now. There was barely a scent, this worried her, would she have to turn down the loners offer to hunt? Just then, the faintest scent of elk. ""Follow me, I think I found something." She whispered as she followed the trail, her eyes locked on where the scent trail she was following actually was. She followed it, and the longer she followed it, the stronger the scent got. This might be a winner, it smelled like there was only one, but she had no idea if there were more. She was not necessarily that skilled of a hunter.

All Tangled In the Roots of my past