<b style="color:#a51919">"I'm afraid you're mistaking me for our brother, Kanosak. Naira and Aniu followed him from home, and I remained behind." It was a decision he'd deeply regretted, but there wasn't much reason to feel any regret now. <b style="color:#a51919">"I have not seen any of my siblings in nearly two years." It had happened and there was nothing he could have done to fix it now. And he'd corrected his grievous error now. Though he had not found Aniu or Kanosak, he'd found Naira, and she was all he was really looking for. The rest of his family was deeply beloved by him, but none more than his sister. There was a gleam of concern in his pale golden eyes, but he said nothing further about the matter. This man was probably as in the dark as Chulyin was about the details of his siblings' journey.
His head bowed before the man, and the rest of his body slowly followed. It was a graceful motion, sweeping, and he rose up again, on all fours. His sister's consort. Chulyin was surprised to hear it, but it only meant now that he was bound to this man as well. It would please Naira. <b style="color:#a51919">"If you both will have me, then I am yours." With a voice, low and true, his head lowered again, eyes seeing nothing but the earth as he awaiting the final answer. <b style="color:#a51919">