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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
Random Event: Triell, the sky is falling! anyone is welcome :3
And I belong in the service of the queen
Winter was coming. He felt in his very bones, by the chill that sank with the sun, by its drifting light, and in this thickening pelt. The ground would be sprinkled in white, and it would continue to pile high changing the landscape. Winter was never his favorite, he didn't mind it as others might. Sometimes the high snow could make it easy to trap prey, and make it harder for them to kick. Even with the cloudy skies he had not seen a flake fall, and decided it was fine if it waited. He wanted to strengthen his invisible map of this side of the mountain. He wanted to be sure their caches were full. He had a family to feed this year, after all. One would think it should be no different from last, it was. He was at the head of the family now, and there were many bellies that would count on him to be full. Triell believed if he didn't feed them, they wouldn't be.

Deciding to head south away from Cold Water Creek's territory he had in mind to search for elk, or deer that would be battling for rights of breeding. He was reminded of the last hunt with his idols, Ruiko and Marsh, and his first love Volkan. The pictures of them were enough to make him start running, pushing himself into the arms of a forest of scarred pines. He recalled making a short route through here, finding the brook. Faded scents of prey greeted him, and he put himself to work finding where they were now.

Round, and round he put his nose to every surface of the forest, finding only more trails, and no game. A huff, he wasn't about to go back with nothing. They needed a hunt. They needed something uplifting, and something purposeful for the pack to do. The boys were at the right age to see one for themselves, and he forced his legs to keep shifting. Trying again, sniffing at a yellowing bush, a deer had brushed by it, and he was deciding how long ago. Then something pokey hit the side of his head. Muscles jerked him side ways, and his orange-yellow eyes shot around the empty forest. He saw nothing, but if he was looking up in the trees he would see a squirrel aiming another pine cone for his face.
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
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Cali Swiftpaw
It wasn't my first choice to throw her at OTB but I think It might be the smarter choice :)

Green eyes lite up in the shadows of the pine like forest. White was painted against the black shadows she lurked in. Coldness bit at her bones. Cali Swiftpaw was her name. Yet she felt more like Cali Weakpaw. Something had sparked in her after she left Oak Tree Bend. It was like a hatred but where it came from was unknown. Wait, that was a lie, it was know. It was sparked from the chains of events in her life. Something from her past had clung onto her. Maybe it was the death of her mate and unborn pups. That had to be it.

As she pushed on through the woods Cali felt the need to sleep. Yet she chose not to. She had to keep moving. Find a place to be. Maybe she could even go home. Sniffing the air she looked for any trail to follow. As if her wish came true a familiar scent came to her. It smelt like an Oak Tree wolf. It also smelt a bit like Triell. But she couldn't be sure. It had been a while sense she was able to gather the scents up and tell who was who. But taking the chance she called out softly "Triell? Is that you?" her head was tilted as she carefully moved to the scent. Making sure not to startle him if it was him. Though the emerald green eyes shone through the shadows she tried to hide in.

A twisting feeling started to grow in the pit of her stomach. Then reality hit her harder then it ever had before, why would they take her back after she left?

(This post was last modified: Oct 15, 2013, 02:40 AM by Cali.)
Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
And I belong in the service of the queen
Poke! The second crashed on the back of his neck, and his dark haunches whipped around. He still could not see where they were coming from, but his eyes were sky bound. What was going on here? He was too old to believe the sky was falling, but obviously something was. What could fall from high? Annoyance lingering beneath his bent ears, he continued forward, walking along the same brush that promised of a meal.There was steps, delicate ones that made him pause. Was someone following him? Dropping his head, feeling his shoulders hunch, he was about to conceal himself when he heard a voice. He thought he knew it, but had to think, had to remember. "Cali?" He replied, not hiding the bewilderment that etched in his deep voice. It surely couldn't be. Ice and Merlin should be the ones calling out. He made himself shake the thought. It was more than his mind wished to handle right now.

Gently shoving off his toes, he stretched, searching for her face to confirm what he heard. First saw was pair of green eyes, wrapped in a pale mask. Why was she cowering back? Was she worried? Afraid? Uncertain?"Are you alright?" He would ask, cautiously stepping closer. He wanted to know why she had left, but was more concerned with her state of being, of health.
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw

Cali was content to hear that it was in fact Triell. Holding her breath she walked out showing him her unhealthy drop in weight and rough features. It was unlike her to look so rugged and seem so broken. "I truly don't think I'm alright mentally or physically." Her green eyes didn't seem to shine like the once might have. They seemed dull and lifeless as they looked towards the ground. "Though I hope you and the rest are well." Making quick eye contact with the dark large male.

Her heart was heavy with guilt and sadness. "I'm really sorry about leaving, I don't know what got into me. I just felt a sudden anger and confusion about my life. I...I don't know what else to say, and I'm sure you wont want to take me back after such sudden vanish from you and the rest without a word." Without much though Cali sunk to the ground her tail tucked tight and only about as low as she could get. A soft whine escaped her in asking for an apology for what she did. Yet she knew that an apology would not be enough to prove she was still worth something. She awaited Triells' reaction of anger or confusion. Maybe even actions of his possible anger and confusion. Her green eyes looked for acceptance within his bright topaz eyes. There was still the very slight chance that she had a chance with her family. Just maybe she wouldn't mess up this time. Even though she looked weak and sad she still had the loyalty and fire that her heart was chained in.

Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
And I belong in the service of the queen
If it wasn't for the sweet voice he would not have believed this was Cali. Disfigured, and dirty. No glow, no brightness. It was if time had sucked it all away. What else? There had to be more. It didn't seem right for her not to take care of herself, to have left. Jessie was her sister, but Triell had never heard her thoughts on Cali's disappearance. He was not sure what he should do, what he could even say to her honest statement of her broken state. He did not glance away, fiery eyes remained steady. "We are fine, but we were all worried what happened to you." It was not in character, was it? Was she like everyone else. Leave when you wanted, and crawl back? "Ice, and a new member are out looking for you right now." There was coldness to his words he had not meant to escape. He was angry thinking what a waste of it all.

Eyes narrowed when she replied. He did not exactly feel she owed him an explanation, but shouldn't she have something better to say? Jessie and Corinna deserved more than that. This time he was not worried to come off too harsh. "You're right. We won't be easily taking you back. You'll have to explain yourself to the rest of the pack. Especially Corinna, and Jessie. It is them you'll have to seek forgiveness and understanding. " Ears flattened, and the hair between his shoulder blades bristled igniting a low growl seeing her sink down low, daring to whine. "Get up. If you want to go home then you best be going to fix it now." He did not add before I change my mind. He was keen to keep his word Cori and Jessie would be her judges.
(This post was last modified: Nov 12, 2013, 12:53 AM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.

Look Out!

There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity