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Letting go — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(OK I will be getting to her threads soon but I felt that she needed a thread about Tacoma.)

She ran, faster and faster. Over sized paws hitting the ground in a unsteady rapid pace, "Wait! Wait! I'm coming! Wait Tacoma! Slow down!" She yelled as loud as she could manage. Her muscles ached violently but she was relentless, she HAD to catch up with him. However the more she chased the father he was from her. Her eyes began to water as a burning sensation filled her noise. "Wait!" She said one last time before gasping awake. She was breathing heavy with a light sweat coating her. The den's floor had been disturbed by her obvious movement in her sleep. Green eyes peered around the den looking for him. *Gone* she reminded herself. As well as him it seemed she had yet again got up late.

For the last two months she had waited at the mouth of the den waiting for him at night. Not till Nina had called her to bed did she leave her 'post'. She had looked for him every morning to no luck. She knew he was gone for good yet she had been denying it for so long. It was time. She had to accept that he'd never smile at her again, speak to her, or anything. She slowly got up padding outside lifelessly. Her limbs seemed to gain weight with each step she took through the snow. It was midday and the sun barely shown through thick white clouds. After Tacoma's death she hadn't been outside often.

Fallowing her nose and using her memory she came to her destination; the place of his passing. She was quite as could be. It seemed she had frozen and couldn't move any part of her body. *Howl, say something, do anything! He deserves your prayer.* she encouraged herself. Within a few timid steps she stood closer sinking her body. It felt as if she weighed way to much for her legs to lift. Sucking in a dry breath she forced her maw up as tears leaked. 'I will always miss you brother, and hope you have found your place in the after life world or whatever.' The sound was puppish but full of meaning. The voice low and mournful. When she finished she flopped down onto the ground stretched out and laid there for a long silent time weeping.

It had been quite awhile but she stood walking back to the den site. She paused to look back thinking *Goodbye tan boy, the adventurous one, my dear brother, Tacoma.* before leaving. She felt lighter as she went, trekking through the snow all alone.

(Eeek this isn't as good as I indent but here it is. I can change it up a bit if it is unrealistic.)
(This post was last modified: Dec 09, 2013, 02:37 AM by Danica.)
Played by Pinn who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashton Reinier-Hervok
She was being watched even if she never knew. Ashton silently observed his sister, trek to Tacoma's resting place. Each night she did this, and every night he followed, silently. Ashton had been working hard to be a guardian. That is what the boy wanted now, No other pup or wolf should ever have to die like Tacoma did. So Ashton would be the best guardian, and arrive to places even faster than Hollow whom always seemed to be everywhere at once. Tired but strong, the dark male was always doing something. Ashton wanted to do that, be looked up to and admired. Trusted for his strength and loyalty, that was what Ashton wished for. But he would do this silently, words had lost their meaning mostly since Tacoma's death. But tonight they would be needed.

"He's never coming back Danica." Ashton called out to his sister and sat on hius haunches waiting for her to come back at him with some comment made of anger and sadness and loss. But he would not worry about it for she was grieving still, and likely would for some time. After all it seemed like she got the timid gene in the family. A trait Ashton was very glad he didn't have, he was born a fighter, and a strong wolf, so he never would cry for Tacoma for two reasons. First was that Tacoma would not with for it, second was because he could not, Ashton had felt hollow ever since.
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.

Look Out!

There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +7 Health

Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Instead of being mad she looked to him with shock,"He still speaks." Her enthusiasm was obviously fake. "I know he is gone, I just finished with him, Idiot." Her words came out encased in an icy cold and unforgivable tone. She seemed for once like she had a bit of a backbone. Her boldness didn't last long, "What is that awful stench? It is mingling with with the d-deer." She shrunk back from it in a cowardly way. Looking to him, her big brother, she fully expected for Ash to investigate before she fallowed the scent.

Danica found her patience short today and despite the growing fear she walked, unnecessarily slow. She wasted time to scope out her landscape too often. It had been a long sluggish walk, but none the less she came to the prey. She approached the kill and smelled the buck cautiously as if it were a ticking bomb. Hungrily her belly rumbled but she ignored,"Ashton, some one killed on our land. Worse of all, they were not even wolf." Her green orbs were wide and frightened. She had no clue if it was even safe to eat this meat.

She gave a oeillade to the surrounding thickets. Could this beast be hiding, waiting to attack two little pups? She sure hoped not, "Maybe we should howl for others? Safety in numbers; plus the pack needs food." She inquired in a shaky voice just as two yellow orbs matched her own. As if in a trans her body stiffened and wouldn't move. Whoever was looking at her, hidden amongst the bushes, was tall. Not exceedingly, but enough for her hackles to rise. "H-h-hello" She squeaked out.
Played by Pinn who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashton Reinier-Hervok
ooc: Will the yellow eyes go away or not? muahaha it seems big brother is being very confident there is nothing >:)


Ashton didn't recoil at his sisters words. His jaws opened Idiot?! He can't speak Danica he's dead, what don't you get?! Let go Danica! Let go we lost our brother, and our father was nowhere to be found! Get over it! But the words never got the chance to come out before the scent crossed his nostrils. Deer and Lynx, Ashton moved slowly towards the carcass, faster than Danica, but just as cautious. She was very nervous he could tell, and even though she was being stupid in his mind still grieving when everyone would die one day. He would still protect her with his very life if he had to, though secretly he hoped he wouldn't have to. Just because she'd cry about it forever and act like he was still alive.

He rounder to stand next to her and see what she was gazing so fearfully at. He sighed and gazed around looking for what she was shining about. Ashton stood tall, and set his stance forwards just as he had seen Hollow and Nina do so many times. "Whoever you are come out! This is our meal now and you need to leave!" Ashton had no idea if he was even doing this right, so he growled threateningly at the Thicket all around himself and Danica not attempting to look for the eyes his sister saw. "See Danica.... nothing." Ashton made a proud little yip and got ready to dig into the deer carcass, after all it was on their territory so it was theirs.
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
OOC: Ashton makes me laugh, and realize how crazy Dani seems...

Danica had turned to give him a 'shut up!' look for a moment, her emerald eyes were like daggers. She turned back to the orbs but...they were gone? "That's right, run from my big brother." She whispered quietly before approaching the meal. "What about the others?" She asked between bites. Soon enough she simply tore off a large chunk and laid down with it. She chewed the some what frozen meat, eager to fill her aching tummy. Her tail swayed happily over her back. All seemed to be at peace for the moment.

"What have you been up to lately? I haven't seen you about much." She asked taking a break from her meal. It wasn't long before her attention returned to the treat between her soft paws. After finishing her slab of meat she viciously ripped out some more, taking little time to enjoy the taste. Blood splattered onto her sleek silvery cream coat.

Now with a fully happy belly Dani watched her brother contently, before she heard it. A low warning growl, "Please tell me that was your stomach?" She took the moment to gulp hard and turn to face the sound. Nothing. Confused she looked around, but once again...nothing. A twig broke somewhere near by causing her to glance there. They yellow eyes were back...but there was two sets now. "I think we should get going, Ashton." Her voice was pitchy as she trembled in place.
Played by Pinn who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashton Reinier-Hervok
He ate, no nearly gorged himself on the other predator's kill. It was wonderful and while Danica spoke he ate Until he was prepared, he licked his lips and opened his mouth to tell her he was just doing things alone mostly. When he heard the growl, and Danica's panicked voice, time seemed to freeze and Ashton's thoughts were propelled into overdrive. What now? Were they going to die? what animal was out there that had just growled, probably the Lynx that had killed his deer. Slowly Ashton turned to meet both sets of yellow eyes. "Danica stay behind me." Ashton growled the words and snarled at the eyes. That was a mistake for both of the Lynx broke cover and stalked into the open staring threateningly into Ashton's mossy green eyes.

The boy was scared but wouldn't let the two vicious felines know it, he kept growling at them both. Until one ponced, Ashton leaped as well. He met the feline squarely and knocked it away. It was disoriented, the second however sprang and pinned the boy, it's claws poked him, though not deeply. That was not what terrified him, it was the way the felines eyes burned his as it's left paw rose from him and started on it's decent towards his throat. Soon, Ashton thought, he would be joining Tacoma, he would be dead too, all because he didn't listen to Danica. "I'm sorry Danica!" he howled the words as loud as he possibly could hoping that it's echo would drown out the sound of the felines growl. It's claws picked up speed, heading for the pup's throat.
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Hollow was moving full pelt through the Thicket, he threw his head back and howled for @Nina. He had watched the lynx kill a deer earlier and now Danica and Ashton were in the very same clearing he had followed their scent trails from home. Normally he would have dealt with the animals quickly but this time he had let them leave on their own. They could not afford any injuries in the pack. Now he regretted the decision for he began to hear growls come from the clearing where the deer lay. Ashton's voice loud and strong, trying to ward them away. Hollow put on more speed and broke cover just as Ashton was pinned by the second beast. He heard the howl of the young Reinier. Not today cats, you will wish you had never been born. Hollow spit a fearsome snarl at the cat as it's claws moved towards Ashton's throat with speed.

Time slowed as Hollow leaped for the lynx, he was carried over Danica and hit the lynx square in it's shoulder. His left paw shoved the animal down Hollow shoved his muzzle the face of he cat. "Wrong pups kitty!" the feline drew a claw across his muzzle, it's last act before his wide blue eyes turned steel and his teeth sank into its throat. A gurgling cry cut short signified the end of the cat's life. Hollow spun around and faced the other lynx that was now growling at him. His muzzle was soaked in blood and his teeth glinted red revealed by his lips which were drawn back tightly. Neither of these animals would live. Hollow would make sure of it. They had tried to kill Danica and Ashton, the worst mistake you could make. Hollow squared up and prepared to launch himself into the other cat.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

There had been no dramatic tragedies in Secret Woodlands as of lately, and it had been a relief to Nina, but she knew that soon, there would be something that would interrupt all of their peace. She had hoped that when something happened, it wouldn’t have anything to do with the pups…but of course, with her wishful thinking, nothing was going to go the way she wanted. She had been near enough to barely hear Ashton’s call, but it was enough to get her own her feet and sprinting towards where she was certain she had heard the call. Nina was unsure of where it had originated from, but when Hollow’s voice sang above the thickets Nina was sure she knew where they were. Letting her body and mind take over, the mother continued to sprint towards where her children and partner were, trying to ignore any twinge of pain that would shoot up her formally messed up leg if there were any. It was taking her too long and she clung onto the hope that her children were safe.

As she soared into the clearing she mentally took note of Hollow finishing off one of the felines, her single eye darting to the one that remained…close to her children, too close to her children. Snarling in anger, the alpha launched herself at the cat, her jaws automatically parting to get around its neck, as its attention was on Hollow. But she was a moment too late, for as soon as her jaws wrapped around the lynx’s throat, it knew she was there and clawed at her forehead, leaving four gashes in her forehead just above her eyes. Pain and anger coursed through her as she snapped the neck of the creature, before snarling in pain. Instantly thinking of medical supplies, she buried her head in the snow at her paws, hoping to fight any infection that would follow and hide her injury from her children. Perhaps Ashton might have been smart enough to know what had happened and Hollow would immediately know, but Danica, probably not so much luck. Snarling at her partner an order that she hadn’t bothered with in awhile, she said painfully, <b style="color:#008080">”Hollow, get them OUT OF HERE. And for goodness sake get @Ashanti.” Raising her head slightly, she let out a long, important call for her Healer.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna
Ashanti Aranna
[[Ashanti mind black activate!!!]]

Ashanti had been unaware about what had been happening until Nina called for her. It sounded important, so Asha immediately ran towards the source of the howl. Her eyes filled with confusion as to what her alpha needed until she got there. She was cats that were close to children, the cats being dead. She saw Hollow in front of Ashton who was in front of Danica and she saw Nina with her head in the snow. Shit... Shit. Shit. Shit. She had frozen when she got there, her mind trying to figure out what she would need. She couldn't see Nina's wounds. Ergot, lavender maybe..... umm, what else. Damnit Ashanti, what else? Hollow and the pups, surely they would leave.

COBWEBS TOO. She suddenly realized. "Nina, I'll be back... with the proper supplies." She said in a hurry as she took off again, racing to where she had a small store of herbs for the winter season. She grabbed the ergot, cobwebs and she wasn't sure if she would need it, but the lavender too. Her eyes filled with panic as she raced back. She had all the snow she needed fore the mean time. "I need to see the wound Nina." She whispered, her white fur was still matted with dirt. The white healer was turning out to be more brown than her mother's mother. That was saying a great deal. If its bad then I might need more ergot, but it depends on how deep... I think at least. Damnit, why was Nina the one to get hurt?

What I've done, to face myself.
[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]