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Wandering Eyes — Hollowheart Keep 
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Played by Silvia who has 57 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Myrrhis "Myrrh" Flint
(Anyone want to help Myrrhis look for some herbs. Though perhaps since they share the same job, @Couth could come along?)

It had been a few days since joining and Myrrhis decided to prove her worth in the pack and as a healer by gathering herbs and other helpful plants. It was easy to tell the leaders had recently had pups before her arrival and Myrrhis, who had no knowledge of the herb caches, decided to begin her own.

Yet it was getting harder to see the herbs that were needed to be gathered as her amber eyes focused on the plant before her, a frown marring her normally calm face. Details were needed to be sorted from plants in order to know which ones she was picking, because some plants looked awfully similar to each other. But while one could help the healing process, its more deadly brethren would hinder or even worsen the condition of said patient. Scents helped quite a bit in this kind of situation but not all plants had a distinct smell.

And because of that, there was no way she could not take her time in studying each plant before picking it or leaving it be. Already, there was a small pile of plants at her paws and once it was decided the small plant before her was nothing of use-at least for now-Myrrhis sighed heavily and gently picked up the plants at her feet. Her legs were aching slightly but there were no complaints from the elder wolf. Yes, she has been gathering plants all morning since dawn with little rest and it was mid morning now, perhaps even closer to noon but she was still spritely and stubborn enough to see her job through.

Turning on the spot, Myrrhis begun the trek back towards the spot she had chosen to stash said herbs. Small as the gathering was, Myrrhis was grateful for an excuse to be busy. Soon, she arrived at the base of the tree she had chosen, its twisted roots perfect for hiding herbs away. Not to mention its closeness to the den.
Played by PuppyThief who has 68 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Evann Atlas
@Myrrhis - SOMUCH Evann muse :3

The young wolfess had slept in this morning, something she seldom allowed herself. When she awoke, the sun was already high above the horizon, and the den area was quiet; abandoned it seemed, though Naira and the pups might be resting in the depths of the den. Not wanting to disturb them if that was the case, the brown-mottled female hurried out into the woods, heading nowhere in particular, but thinking she might take a round along the border, when an unfamiliar scent reached her nose.

Not completely unfamiliar, it bore the tell tale notes of Naira and Mapplethorpe, marking this as a wolf of The Keep, and Evann had noticed the addition of a new member not many days earlier. But she had yet to put a face to the scent, and deciding that now was as good a time as any, she followed the trail to its owner.

Despite her own best wishes, Evann's life in Hollowheart Keep so far had mostly been that of a recluse, spending no more than the briefest of moments with her pack mates, apart from the occasional hunt. It wasn't her fault alone though, as packs went, The Keep was rather antisocial, its wolves seemingly enjoying keeping to themselves for the most part. As much as the sable girl respected her leaders, and was grateful for their mercy in taking her in when she was at deaths border, she was feeling lonely. Loneliness and exclusion was her reasoning behind betraying her birth pack, but so far she had found little better, and in her lowest moments, she sometimes battled with the thought of doing so again. So far though, she was still hopeful, when the new puppies grew old enough to start learning from the pack, it might give her a chance to form more connections; Maybe they can help unify us...

Her gloomy string of thoughts broke as her chocolate eyes fell on the form of her newest pack mate, digging at the roots of a large tree. Evann stopped some distance away and studied the other for a moment before announcing her presence. It was an older wolf, female, and of the same color scheme as Sagacity, though her build was significantly larger; bigger than Evann too at the shoulders, though significantly thinner. For a moment, the plump lass was acutely aware of her resent weight gain, but she shook of the embarrassment; she was satisfied with her newly stored fat, hopefully it would prevent her from ever starving again.

Clearing her throat, she finally stepped out from the trees, eyes strained on the grey woman, but with a non-threatening gaze, and tail raised lightly, waving faintly. She approached the other with a friendly smile, hoping to make a new friend; "Go... Good morning."

Word count:464

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de
Played by Silvia who has 57 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Myrrhis "Myrrh" Flint
For a short while, Myrrhis was content in shifting some of the dirt away from the tree's roots to make a hole large enough for a decent sized cache. It was a little monotonous, the digging until she was satisfied with the hole so it wasn't hard to say Myrrhis became a little distracted in her own thoughts. At least, until she was roused from thoughts of whether she should head off to the den for a nap or find something to eat first. Lifting her head up, Myrrhis shook her head and focused her eyes at the wolf standing nearby with her tail wagging behind her. It was clear from the scent on the girl, even if it was a little faint, that she was part of the pack, which gave Myrrhis reason enough to welcome the company. Besides, the old dame was only thinking earlier on in the day about wanting to find a pack mate to speak with. Even if it was just to know she wasn't alone in this area.

There was a friendly smile, and an even friendlier tone to the greeting that Myrrhis couldn't stop herself from smiling right back at the young wolf. "it is a good morning isn't it?" The grey dame hummed softly in agreement, dipping her head in welcome and flickering her tail around her ankles. Yet something seemed a little off about the other and thinking the young one might be a little shy or lonely, Myrrhis continued on. "Spent most of it finding herbs and the like." Nodding towards the bundle that had been placed on a root nearby, Myrrhis wondered briefly if the hole was big enough for now. Certainly it would do for the small amount she had procured so far and it wouldn't take much to expand it when more was added.

Perhaps if The Keep had another healer, she could alert them to this cache? Just in case? And even ask them where any others were, if any had been made. Though she would have to ask if there was another like her who dabbled in medicine first....
Played by PuppyThief who has 68 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Evann Atlas

When her greeting was met with a kind smile, the young lass felt her shoulders relax, and her own smile grew. Though she did her best to be social, she had a natural shield up whenever she approached someone, ready to be attacked, almost expecting it; It's nice to be proven wrong once in a while... At least on this point. The waving of her tail became more rapid and she nodded back at the grey woman, her friendly tone further helping to ease the anxious girl's mind.

Evann hadn't noticed the plants before the stranger herself brought them up, then chocolate eyes shifted to the little pile of green, nostrils flaring to pick up their scent. Not that they meant much to the sable girl, she was no healer - and carried no ambition of becoming one either - but she was curious enough to wonder what was so special about these particular plants, what made them different from those growing in the underbrush around them? Whatever their purpose was, they smelled quite strongly, and she felt the odor tickle her nose as she turned her attention back to the older dame. For a second, she thought she had it under control, and she was just parting her lips to speak when the sneeze suddenly overwhelmed her. A rather loud sputter, making her eyes water slightly.

Shaking her head lightly, Evann blinked once. "I... I see." She muttered, looking at the thin dame with a mildly disgruntled expression. Wrinkling her nose, she resisted an urge to rub it, instead stretching out her tongue to lick it once, the offering a new, pale smile; a lightly apologetic note to it. "So... Yo... y-you're a h-healer?" She asked after a short silence, nodding in direction of the herbs, next to the newly dug hole between the tree-roots; Probably a cache... Another herbalist was surely more than welcome in The Keep. Evann flicked her ears, briefly wondering how @Couth would feel about the new addition; He might see her as competition... She hoped not, the woman seemed nice, hopefully she would fit in well.

Finally remembering her manners, the brown lady jerked her head slightly upwards; "Oh, I... I'm Evann b-by the way." She introduced herself, flushing faintly at her oversight; "And we... welcome."

Word count: 382

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de
Played by Silvia who has 57 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Myrrhis "Myrrh" Flint
Myrrhis laughed lightly when the other sneezed loudly, though it wasn't an unkind laugh. ”Bless you dear.” She offered the young girl, ears flicking upwards when not moments later, she was asking if Myrrhis was a healer. ”Yes, I am a healer. I have been one for many years now, since I was a yearling and was eager to learn so I could help others.” Shifting around so she could take the plants gently in her teeth, they were dropped into the hole, the strong smell that set of the younger not even bothering her. It had been a long time since strong smells bothered her, given her line of work where there were plenty of things that would otherwise send others into a coughing fit or feel inclined to upheave their lunch. And not all of them had been plants. Not properly cleaned wounds and infections were disasters, often sending those without the iron stomach and mind scrambling away from them in horror.

Nor Myrrhis, who trekked forever onwards when dealt such slights. Those wolves had been in trouble and she would have helped them, no matter what.

”It was something like a calling, really. Had a knack for finding things and soothing wolves when they were hurt. I could not see myself as a hunter or guardian, good jobs as they are, though others said I would make a good advisor if I put my mind to it.” She continued to ramble a little after dropping the herbs, happy to have the company after so long, only stopping when the other introduced herself. ”What a sweet name, Evann. And I am Myrrhis, though you may call me Myrrh if you find it more comfortable on your tongue.” The elder seemed to have a calming patience to her, not pointing out the other's stutter or giving any indication that she was even aware of it. ”Would you like to know about a few of the herbs I gathered? I was thinking of going for a nap myself but I think I would rather some company instead.”
Played by PuppyThief who has 68 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Evann Atlas

This woman was kind in a way the young wolfess had never experienced, her voice soft and warm, her words mild and friendly, and her entire attitude considerate and peaceful. To be honest, it made Evann uneasy; the closest she'd ever gotten to motherly love was a forceful nudge towards whatever goal was next on the list, and after joining Hollowheart Keep, she hadn't exactly come to expect any different. But this elderly lady seemed intent on treating her with grace; I don't really... The brown lass was reminded of the last time she was met with such open kindness; @Naia ... I hope you got through the winter well.

Evann shuffled a bit on her paws when the grey wolf began talking about her education, not really knowing what to do. In the end she sat herself down, the crooked tip of her tail tapping softly against the ground, while her chocolate orbs stayed fixed on the opposer, ears pointing forwards in attention. She watched as the slender dame picked up her herbs and stored them away, the stream of words only stopping shortly. Then she commented on Evann's name, making heat flush to the young lass' cheeks, and a tentative smile return to her lips. She nodded lightly in acknowledgement of the compliment, and then again as the woman announced her own calling; Myrrhis... The ring was quite different from what she otherwise knew of names, it might be a bit tricky for her arduous tongue, but it could be managed. "Myrrh." She murmured softly in response to the presentation.

In answer to Myrrhis ending invitation, the plumb girl tilted her head lightly, puckering her lips; "I... I-I'm not very i... interested in p-plants... Healing was never m... my calling." She smiled at the older wolf as she referred to her tale, hoping that she would not take the words as denigration of her profession; "But c-company y... yes! I've l-longed for some m... myself l-lately." With that she stood, smile wider, despite her mystification at this new pack mate's open kindness, she was quickly beginning to like her; It's nice to have someone to talk, or at least listen, to! She flicked an ear at Myrrhis; "B-but i... if you have m-more to gather, may... maybe we could w-walk together..?" She extended the offer, trying not to sound too hopeful, even though Myrrhis herself had said she'd like the company, you never knew; But it would be nice to patrol WITH someone, for a change...

Word count: 417

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de
Played by Silvia who has 57 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Myrrhis "Myrrh" Flint
"That's perfectly fine dear. Everyone is different." Myrrhis soothed with a smile gracing her lips. So she had been right in thinking that Evann was just lonely and wished for someone to spend more time with. And Myrrhis held no ill will towards the girl, now or for in the future. To get to know ones' pack mates, well that wasn't a crime now was it? "But yes, I would still like the company regardless. Perhaps you could show me where the nearest spot of water is first? I fear I have become quite parched during my gathering and a good drink should fix that right up." It was true. She hadn't really noticed between wanting to find the herbs and getting them to the cache, along with meeting Evann who had further distracted the dame from her dry throat. But it mattered little to her either way. And oh, she knew where the small creek that ran partially through the pack that was nearby but she felt Evann would benefit greatly from knowing she had helped her new pack mate.

If and when Evann would move off to the water source, Myrrhis would not be far behind, keeping her tail low and her attitude was kept calm. "If it's not too much trouble to ask, what are you interested in? My three children, bless their souls, all were gifted in their areas. My boy was a guardian, as shy and gentle as he was. Has the same patience I do, if I recall." Myrrhis chuckled softly as the memory of Rayne telling her, in as stern a voice as he could manage, that he wanted to train as a guardian. His sisters had already begun their training by the point, having made it clear what they wanted to do and were skilled in. "His sisters became a hunter and scout respectively. Oh, Senka was a fine hunter; could track things as well as someone twice her age! And Neoma..." Here Myrrhis faltered, her words trailing off as she thought of her dark furred daughter. How sweet she used to be, before some darkness had claimed her soul and left the yellowed eyes fae hating the world around her.

Sighing heavily, Myrrhis shook her coat out and tried to clear her mind. "I'm terribly sorry for dumping all of this on you; it's been some time since I last had company that could speak back to me so cordially. Just tell me to quiet down if this is all too much for you dear."And her words and tone beheld the truth. Dead carcasses offered no words and it was thankful they didn't; if the dinner she had been wanting to eat spoke back to her, it give her quite the fright to say the least! And any wolves she came across her either wary loners or stoic packs that wanted nothing to do with the elderly wolf and would send her away. But neither did she want to seem over bearing to the younger wolf so at her last words, the grey wolf went silent.
Played by PuppyThief who has 68 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Evann Atlas

Her tail wagged lightly at @Myrrhis' words, the elderly woman's kind manners warming the younger wolf's heart. At the question, Evann's ears twitched and she straightened up; Water? Sure! She could do that. Smiling at the grey dame, the plump lass nodded; "O... of course, right th... this way," She gestured with one paw, then turned to lead the way; "Th-there are q... quite a f-few small streams a... around the t-territory." The brown girl explained, weaving her way in and out among the trees, towards the nearest of those. She took care to keep a slow pace, making sure that Myrrhis, walking beside her, could keep up easily.

As they walked, the old lady spoke of her children, and Evann listened politely, content to let the other speak; it was so rare to hear another's voice in The Keep, and Evann did not mind lending a silent ear in the least. For her part, her stutter usually kept her sentences short and to the point - though she had learned to ignore the speech impediment and not stress about getting her words out, she was still aware of how slow her speech was and she didn't wanna waste other's time - all in all it didn't make her a great conversationalist; But I make a good listener... She smiled to herself.

So when Myrrhis apologized for going on like she did, the sable fae was quick to shake her head; "N-no, no n-need to b... b... be s-sorry, I don't m-mind." She turned her head, smiling warmly; "Y... you're proud of your ch... children, that's understandable..." As her chocolate eyes turned back to the path before them, their light dimmed; Proud... That was what every child wanted, to make their parents proud. She hadn't been able to.

They rounded another trunk, and stood before the trickling water, its flow still carrying some of the spring's urgency; though the sun had warmed it much more than the earlier melt-water. "H-here we are." She smiled at Myrrh, the grin not quite reaching her eyes, then she stepped aside, allowing the older wolf to drink.

Evann sat down on the brink, watching the other attentively while she satisfied her thirst. After a short silence, she gave a little sigh; "And as to m-my interests... I don't r... really know. I've been thinking about b... b-becoming a g... guardian, b... b... b-but I don't... I'm not sure I'm... st... strong enough." She looked down over herself, she certainly had the bulk, but the muscle? Shaking her head, the young wolf turned her head away; even with the stammer, she was sure her hesitation had come across clearly.

Taking a deep breath, the lass looked back to Myrrhis, asking a quick question to divert her attention and change the subject; "Y... your children... Where are they n-now?"

Word count: 475

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de
Played by Silvia who has 57 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Myrrhis "Myrrh" Flint
With a cheery smile on her face, Evann lead Myrrhis towards the water source, explaining that there were a few around. And the girl was polite enough to bounce her apology back at her, stating that it was understandable. Yet the dimming of her eyes caught Myrrhis attention, the mother in her ever attentive and wanting to ask what the matter was. But Myrrhis held her tongue. If Evann wished to talk about it, then she would be there to listen. She wouldn’t push the young wolf.

As they arrived, Evann moved to the side so the elder could take a drink and drink did Myrrhis. Dipping her head down , she let the cool water wash down her throat. The water soothed the dryness and curbed the growling hunger that made itself known just as they arrived. Perhaps she could ask Evann if she wished to go on a short hunt with her.

When Evann sighed slightly and answered her previous question about what she wanted to do, Myrrhis listened closely. Myrrhis frowned when Evann mentioned she wasn’t sure if she was strong enough to be a guardian. Deciding that the fae needed some help to boost her confidence, Myrrhis allowed her motherly side to show a little more.

“I am sure you would be a fine gaurdian my dear. You simply have to put your mind into it.” Myrrhis told her with an edge of what she hoped would be an uplifting confidence. “Nothing can be out of your reach if you simply try. And who knows? You might be the best guardian this side of the land. However, you will only know if you attempt your dreams.” Myrrhis paused for a moment, studying Evann for a moment. “I will tell you what I used to tell my children; never give up until you succeed and even if you fail, then know at least you tried. My son was a lot like you when he was young; shy and his strength had not come in yet. But he grew as he trained and let me tell you, the same will happen to you.” Myrrhis smiled kindly at her, her voice full of truth and strength. {b}“As for where he and his sisters are, I am not sure. They left our familial pack quite a while ago and journeyed to parts unknown. Perhaps they’ve wound up even here!” A small chuckle escaped her at the thought that perhaps her children were scattered around the land she currently resided in. What a thought!
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health