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May I join your pack? — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Amore who has 2 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Wisdom is Power
Brigid found herself aligned aside a towering rocky ridge. The breeze pierced her ebon pelt, cooling her from her arduous journey. Trees swayed in the distance while birds found refuge in their limbs. Refuge…what a sweet word. The young black female had only been a loner for a short time, but already she despised it. There was power in numbers and power meant safety. She was not ignorant to her vulnerability at the current moment. Sure, she was of large stature and had appreciable instincts. However this would not be enough if danger was to lurk. To be so young, Brigid had consumed a lot of wisdom. She was an observer by nature. Wisdom was a power in it's own. Brief longings for her birth pack pricked holes in her mind, however she choose not to dwell on such longings. She could have never made a life for herself there. Brigid craved wisdom and knowledge like one might crave the finest of meats. She had simply went as far as possible with her previous pack. Now she was out for an adventure.

Dusk would be upon them soon. The black female knew if she wished to approach the boarders of this pack, she had better find it soon. It would be reckless to approach an unknown pack after sundown, not to mention incredibly disrespectful. She might crave wisdom and see it as power, but she knew how to respect thoughts in command. With this thought in mind, she lowered her nose and sniffed the ground while her ice blue eyes kept watch about. Her large pointed ears swiveled restlessly, deciphering out the many sounds. On a nearby tree she found a marking of an obvious male leader. Deciding she had come far enough, the large female lowered herself into a more respectful manner now that she was on boundary line. She made herself as small and non-threatening as possible, while still not cowering. Now was the time to meet what hopefully would be her new pack. This thought in mind, the ebon female released a melodious howl that was carried on the breeze. It easily would reach within the boundaries of Oak Tree Bend. For now she would wait, alert and cautious with silent hopes.

@Triell @Nayeli

Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn
Hotei Tainn

He usually always found himself on the borders nowadays. He liked the solitude. He didnt really crave the social aspect of pack life that most wolves did. Mostly, he always seemed to be with Jessie whenever he could find her. And that was okay with him. Truly, she was all he needed. Forcing thoughts off his mate, he made himself focus on his current patrol. More often than not, he was on the borders at nighttime as well. Some would call it dedication. The truth? He could never sleep and the only thing that truly worked was exhausting himself at the borders so his body could easily fall asleep soon afterwards. Was it the healthiest method to battle his insomnia? Probably not, but it seemed to do the trick. A howl rang through the territory, though it was clear the wolf howling was outside of it. He usually stayed out of joinings, liking to be in the background of things with patrolling the borders solo. But today, he felt like doing something different. So, rolling his shoulders, the burnt male made his way to where the howl had come from.

The first thing he noticed was a lady of large stature, and she was a tad too close to Oak Tree Bend borders for comfort. She was not exactly crossing them, but it still urked him. He eyed her paws for a short moment, hoping she'd get the message, and then raised his yellow orbs to her own gaze. "And you are?," he questioned with a slightly raised brow. His tone was neither mean, nor kind. Sort of in neutral. He wasn't one for small talk, ever, but at least he could get her name before his brother made an appearance.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

As a Scout, Jessie was not usually one to be found around the borders. Occasionally she would do a run of them, to make sure everything was running smoothly but she truly didn't have any business being near them unless she was leaving the territory for a trip of some kind, usually upon request of her alphas, which also wasn't often, or if it was needed for her to go find a new trail for the hunters and what not, which also included herself. On this day, however, she was doing no such duties, so when a call from the borders ensued, Jessie froze in her tracks, her emerald eyes flashing in the direction of the call, asking for the alphas. Of course, she was no such thing, but there were children within the pack now and if the idiot at the borders wanted to try something stupid with the pack, which had happened in the past, Jessie would have no problem dispatching whoever was at their doorstep.

So with a tired sigh, the woman started towards where the call had sounded, her steps light and quick as she took a familiar path through Oak Tree Bend territory. Fortunately, she was not the first to arrive and was pleasantly surprised when she found it was her mate that had taken the opportunity to start the interrogation. She raised herself high, into the position of a high ranking member, as that was what she was, as she pinned her stare on the stranger in front of her. Curling her lip in disdain she bit out harshly, "What do you want?" The other woman did not smell of any other pack that she knew, which wasn't very many, but Jessie was accustomed to the smells of the side of the mountains they were on. Unless they came from Red Fern Forest, her mind reminded her. Hopefully this transaction would be quick and Jessie could be on her way.

Dawnthieves.de, somestock @ DA & candyhorse @ DA - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Amore who has 2 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Wisdom is Power

Brigid fortunately did not have to wait long before someone responded to her call. Staying in the submissive position for too long cramped her muscles, but she would remain in position until it was safe to come out of it. She could hear him and smell him before seeing him. Obviously a male by the scent. The sun was lowering, but she just made out his dark frame of same hues as her own. His expressions seemed void to her, making it difficult to read him. From his position, he was not an alpha but held rank within the pack. As he came closer, she noticed him looking at her paws in an almost disdainful way. Was she too close? She thought she had put herself enough distance from the closest marked tree. However, she didn't want to cause tension so she lifted just enough on her hind haunches and backed up a few feet. As she did so, she listened to his rather blunt question.

Having placed herself back into the submissive position, the black female was just about to answer his question when she caught sight of another wolf approaching. She had not heard her approach until she was closer due to her focus being on the male. This one definitely held herself in position, but Brigid wasn't sure of her rank. As the female curled her lips and snapped out her question, Brigid dipped her head in response. Could they not see that she was of no harm and giving them every respectful submission possible? However, if they did not let up soon Brigid would find somewhere else to call home. She would not be dominated for no due reason. She could understand if she had just come trotting in or showed no manners. However, she sucked up her pride and responded to them both at once. I am Brigid, I am looking to join the pack if you are accepting. She knew that more interrogations would ensue, mainly about her talents and what she had to offer. However, she decided to be blunt and only reply to their questions of the moment.
Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn
Hotei Tainn

His face was still void of emotion as he watched her take a couple steps back, but his tense body relaxed slightly. But only a little, barely noticeable. Only one with a very well trained eye would detect his barely recognizable movement. Hotei watched silently as the woman opened her maw, but before she could give him her name, a familiar feeling drifted down his spine. Jessie was close. The hairs on his back would lift, like electrified, whenever she came close. In less than a moment, the emerald eyed beauty bounded up to them, harsh words escaping her maw. Hotei wasn't surprised. His mate wouldn't win the 'Nicest Wolf' award any time soon, but that didn't mean she was a woman incapable of being kind. She just got annoyed easily -- like him. He let a small smirk of amusement show on his muzzle before it was quickly discarded. "Don't scare her off too soon, Jess," he rumbled in a taunting manner, his words spoken so softly that only she would be able to catch it.

He knew she hated it when he intentionally riled her up, but the idea was always too tempting to resist. Especially since his mate was already pissed and annoyed to begin with. His gaze rose to the lady in front of them, and he opened his maw. "Our alpha will be here soon," was the only thing he stated. He wasn't a man of many words. The interrogation would soon begin, all they had to do was wait. @Triell would make his appearance soon.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
I live for those I've lost along the way

The mountains began to shadow over the Bend as the sun became closer to slipping away from Relic Lore. The dark leader glimpsed at the bright orange sphere, but he longed to see it go. The summer wasn't extremely hot, but uncomfortable just the same. While they had a creek, it was not large enough for a proper swim. He craved to return to the lake, dreamed of the lands to the west where there was falls, the river, and the lagoon. Gone were his days of free wandering. The pups were still young, and bad things happened to the leaders who slipped away from the pack. Least it seemed they never exactly returned. Sighing, he stepped into the creek, dropping his head to get a drink. Perhaps when the children were old enough he would take them all to the lake. For now he would just await for Drestig to come back with some news.

Lapping the water, eyes upon his muddled reflection, a feminine howl rang through the lands. It seemed to be just the kind of call for him to answer, there could only be few reasons for it. Clearing his lips with his pink tongue, he slipped from the waters and made his way to his borders.

It was only as he drew near the loner's location he was aware Jessie and Hotei were already on the scene. He was happy to see they were on alert, but it was hard to decide what they thought of the female asking for acceptance. (As that was the only thing he happened to hear before Hotei's mention of him.) With tail held high, and crown erect he looked her over with a pensive stare. She appeared rather healthy to be here just for food, and she was past being a yearling. There were some things he wished to know, he walked closer to her. While his posture was of dominance, it was not hostile for the time being.

"Welcome to Oak Tree Bend. I'm Triell, this is my brother Hotei, and Jessie who is our best scout." He was tempted to add loyalest member looking to the silver cloaked lady, but did not. Instead he turned his head back to the stranger. "So, if you join us what is it you plan on doing to be of use?" He inquired with a quizzical shaped brow.

Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

Her piercing gaze remained on the loner, her gaze narrowing as she spoke, the idea that yet, another potential new member was making a new appearance irked her. She already knew so little about her current pack mates and she found that it made her extremely uncomfortable. The Scout didn't even know the wolves beneath her, at least on the female side of things. Her tail flicked uneasily above her head, a soft growl of annoyance rumbling in his chest at Hotei's words. She silenced her response quickly though, for the presence of Triell weighed heavily in the air, and Jessie was quick to drop her dominance on this female down a level. It was not her place to precede with questions any longer. Perhaps if it had been Ice, she would have participated, but they had worked well together and were close friends. Jessie knew little about Triell, but still respected him a great deal.

And because of that, she was quick to leave her mate's side and loop around to meet the dark leader's side without hesitance, her emerald gaze not looking towards Hotei and instead focusing on the loner. Briefly, she placed a respectful bump to the large Tainn's shoulder in greeting, huffing softly as she waited for him to speak. And when he did, she dipped her head a fraction in thanks to his kind words to her skill. She had worked long and hard to acquire the title that she had been given and knew that she had literally worked her ass off for over a year to get to where she was in the pack now. She listened to his questions for the girl and it seemed that he was following standard procedure for the time being, so Sie was content to stand by and listen to the answer that Brigid was sure to give.

Dawnthieves.de, somestock @ DA & candyhorse @ DA - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Aug 10, 2014, 11:05 PM by Jessie.)