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be ourselves — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn

Kite moved after the woman. Kite had to think quickly after all of that; the adrenaline was gone, and exhaustion was quick to come. Initially Kite had disagreed. She is strong, she thought... but Kite equally understood that mental stability was important, and if Ashanti, who was strong, believed she was for any reason not fit... well, Kite respected the woman enough now to believe it. Kite moved after the woman, and she could now feel the pain ebbing in her shoulders. It was a dull throb, and Kite grit her teeth. She imagined it would hurt worse tomorrow, but she was strong in that she would survive this. It was temporary, and the reward was well worth it. Kite had hoped to earn more than a position; it would seem that fortunately, she might have.

The Tainn followed her nose and Ashanti tiredly. She was worn from the good fight, and Kite could not help but grin. Oddly enough she was glad for the loss, humbled. Her ambition for the moment seemed to level. You are an amazing fighter, too, Kite at last says, having been quiet. It was evident in the way Kite at last held herself that she had accepted Ashanti's words. But her words displayed the respect her heart felt. So, are you an aspiring medic? She queries, truly curious. Now, Kite felt better prepared to get to know the other, personally. They had gotten their business out of the way, and Ashanti knew plenty about Kite based on her actions. Kite, too, could deduce much about Ashanti.

She liked the things she presumed to see.

(This post was last modified: Aug 21, 2014, 02:53 AM by Kite.)
Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna

The woman had followed her back to the den where she kept all her herbs and slept. She made a habit of keeping it tidy so she didn't have to worry about herbs scattered across the floor because they were all stored and organized. The woman complimented her fighting skills as Ashanti had done to hers. "Thank you. I got my training from the best back in Ipsum Falls." She stated with the faintest smile as she remembered her adoptive father teaching her how to fight like a warrior despite her seeking out the healing role. They were good times, peaceful times. It was back when she had no idea that she was not born and raised in Ipsum Falls. That had been one hell of a bombshell to drop on her when she had already been going through so much with the death of her adoptive father. At the time, of course, she had thought him to be her true father.

The woman who was now above her in rank asked if she was aspiring to be a medic and she shook her head. "Depends on what you mean by aspiring. I've got full medical training but no title to prove it. I used to be a healer I think, from my understanding, back when I had joined Copper Rock Creek as well as when Secret Woodlands was first formed." She was slowly divulging information about herself to the woman. Ipsum Falls and now that she had been a founding member. Kite must have so many questions for her. Ashanti noted that it seemed like Kite was getting to know her better.

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn

Ipsum Falls. Kite hadn't the faintest idea where that was, but she made note of the name. It was important to Ashanti and so now, important to her. Kite cared for all of her pack mates, even with her ambition. She would never wish anything ill upon them. Her only desire was for the success of the pack. Kite could feel it happening even then, as their own relationship began. It was early days, yet, but already they were putting together the Woodlands more in their new bond. Kite listened on, and was surprised to hear that she had been from Copper Rock Creek. She didn't know why; it would seem many of those wolves had migrated to here. But she had nearly missed the fact that Ashanti was uncertain. Kite was still coming to grips with what exactly the pale bear of a woman had meant by being mentally unfit... was it her memory, or was it a lack of conviction? She doubted it was the latter; Ashanti had fought too hard to lack it.

Well in that case, let me rephrase... do you plan on obtaining the title? She supposed names didn't mean everything to everyone, but if you had the skillset why not? Kite was indeed curious about this, but wouldn't press. And then she continued. Copper Rock Creek, too... so do you know Mirren and Nina well? Kite knew the woman had come from there, and also her mate. She did not have the past of being from the Creek, and so did not know who else here had their origins there that had come here.

Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna

Kite rephrased it and so Ashanti turned to her with a grin. "Definitely. Now which ailments I gues you could say do you want me to start with first?" She asked before Kite rattled off another question about Copper Rock Creek. "I don't think I knew Mirren well because I was only in the pack for a short amount of time before it fell. Nina has always been there for me, like a mum. I guess that pretty much sums it up. Mother daughter as well as healer patient." She tried to explain as she thought about it a bit. That was definitely the vibe she had gotten from what she had started to remember of her past. She had gotten more of a healer and patient thing from their last encounter though.

Ashanti began to go through her herbal stores, picking out what she would need and what she would not. Arnica, Black Hawthorn, maybe Hellebore. Goldenrod for sure. She ran through a mental checklist as her subconscious wondered what Kite would ask her about next. "I'm basing everything about my past off of what I know. I.. About 7 months ago I lost my mind and ran away from the Woodlands. I was found dying on the borders of Ipsum Falls with no memory of who I was. I didn't even know my own name. The wolves there still know me, to this day, as Celestina." She divulged a little bit about why she was unfit for the position to the wolf she had just relinquished the spot to.

(This post was last modified: Aug 24, 2014, 04:37 PM by Ashanti.)
Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn

Ashanti's question gave Kite pause for a minute. And then she gestured to the shoulder that bled the most, the one that she had shoved into the jaws of Ashanti the first two times. It would bruise and it bled the most, although it wasn't grizzly. Still, it was wise to prevent infection. Kite was glad Ashanti had offered to help her after their battle... it told the Tainn a lot about the others character. Kite was proud to be within the same pack as this woman. Kite had no doubt that Ashanti was a great woman, even if she was not sure who she was yet. Kite listened further as she responded to her question. Mirren, her mate and husband, not so well... but Nina she knew better. Ah, okay. Mirren's my mate, she informs the pale woman proudly, so she would be aware. In some way, Kite felt that this somehow further connected them. As to how, she was trying to process that in her head. Nina was a very maternal woman. She was the matriarch of the pack, and although by proxy Kite respected Miccah it was Nina who seemed more regarded. Kite held no bias. Mirren had not divulged to her his feelings on the man, but she had never asked. His ambitions she knew of, and could even relate to.

Ashanti then explained her situation to Kite. The tawny female was surprised by it, and appeared as taken aback as she felt. I—wow... Did... do you know if anything brought that on? Or if it just... happened? Kite wondered if memory loss could just up and happen to anyone. She had known a cousin of hers had literally lost their mind, but that was due to rabies. Could it be a genetic thing? Does... does your head hurt? How do you feel?

Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna

Her information helped clarify with Ashanti why she wanted to be higher up. She wanted to be next to her mate probably. Ashanti gave her a small grin as she thought about Miccah who she was slowly starting to remember. "Congratulations! I had no idea... he's a lucky man to have you." She would tell the girl as she started to work on her shoulder. Ashanti went on placing a poultice of various herbs on the shoulder to prevent infection as the woman was clearly taken aback by Ashanti's confession. "A very terrible event caused it but it took almost a year after it happened before I lost it. I've been slowly getting my memories back. At first it was small glimpses but I can remember a lot of my childhood with Miccah now." She expressed as she dwelled on the happy thoughts.

"These events left me with a son but I haven't a clue if he is still in Secret Woodlands or not. I mean, I was told by Aideen that he was still here but I think I would have found him by now..." She was going to leave it at that, not mentioned what had happened to her with words as she tried to banish the memories from her mind. It had taken a toll on her before she had lost it but now it seemed like a recurring nightmare that never happened but never went away. Perhaps that was best. Perhaps that was the only good thing about what had happened with her instability. "I can assure you I feel fine. Confused more than anything."

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn

Her pack mates words were kind. Kite smiled, wondering if it were true that Mirren were lucky to have her. Well, if it was, she was lucky to have him too. Kite could not help but flinch slightly as Ashanti began to place a salve on her shoulder. The scent was acrid but really, she could not tell yet if it burned or not. She knew some herbs could. Kite's eyes were sharp as she observed Ashanti, wanting to learn... though her attentions went more into listening to the woman speak. Ashanti mentions Miccah, and her eyes move away from her shoulder and now onto the pretty woman in front of her. Kite couldn't tell if Ashanti was keen on Miccah from those words alone, but being in the throes of romance herself, Kite hoped for the best. Miccah. You have been friends very long? Since before arriving here? She is more curious about Ashanti's origins than she is prying about her feelings. While Kite was naturally curious, she didn't think it appropriate to delve into that then and there (though when was she ever really appropriate?).

A son...! Kite this time put a great effort into not looking taken aback, but she imagined the thought of forgetting her own child. The turmoil the woman before her must have went through! Kite could tell Ashanti did not want to speak more of it, but Kite felt some kind of duty to acquire at least one more thing from that: What is his name? If you want him found, us scouts have a good way of finding things out. Kite offered her help in that way. Kite did not miss the hopeless note in the others voice, but she'd be damned if she did not try to help the other. It would ail her like a sickness.

Kite was glad the other did not feel pained by the loss of memory. The mere idea of it caused her own temples to throb... and Kite grimaced.