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Pretty Tied Up
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Played by bcmuffin who has 49 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC Note


In the pre-dawn light an unremarkable brown wolf slinks through the early morning fog. Even now she expects them to come after her. Even with @Vespertio’s scent on her fur. You can see it in the slump of her shoulders and the tuck of her tail, plain face sweetened by the ears folded down to her neck. Skin and bones already broken, belly dragging in the snow with nobody in sight, a polymathy of punishment etched into her very soul.

The trees crowd around her eerily, leaves dancing to an invisible breeze bringing the evergreens alive with ghostly whispers, the rustle of a bird overhead makes her flinch, too large head swinging over stick thin shoulders, eyes wide, expecting death to descend on her at any moment. It is an ingrained loyalty that forces her down from the mountain in search of scraps to drag home for her new master. Still to weak to hunt she will do all she can to make him happy.

Security assured her black nose falls to push through the snow for any sign or scent that might lead her to buried treasures. She snorts to clear the ice from her snout and begins to scrape away the snow, a prize in her sight. More feathers than flesh she scoops up the frozen sparrow, careful not to crush it in her jaws. This was not for her, it was for him. A small fire already lighting in her chest at the thought of being able to present it to her new master.

psycho killer teen dream action film
(This post was last modified: Feb 17, 2015, 02:23 AM by Samhain.)
Played by Becca who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank

He need a break from them if even for a day. The squealing voice of Ainashi, the booming complaints of Garmr, and the absence of Skadi. It was a bit too much for Vali at the moment. Leaving his high throne on the hills he traveled down into the valley full of filthy beast. Yet the scent of one of those creatures drifted into his nose. A pack wolf for sure, alas not many scents of multiples hung onto the scent. Snorting he saw it as another sign of weakness that these animals had. No purity (unlike himself), no power.

Creepy onto her Vali took in her every appearance. She seemed so weak and fragile, skinny body, slumped shoulders, and tail tucked. This would be too easy. A bit of sweet talking and perhaps he could lure another into his spider web. Of course he needed to know if she was good enough for his time. "Excuse me miss, you seem to need a bit of help." His smile was soft and caring like a father to a son. It was his first disguise to bring in her pretty little face. "I can be of help, I'm a healer. Allow me to take a closer look at you dear.." Vali's words slithered off of his tongue like a snake. It didn't help his body weaved through tightly sewn trees. His paws leading him closer in to her left side. Vali's amber hued eyes seemingly sparkling with some sort of invention to the she-creature before him.

i guess i can’t blame you
but i hate you all the same
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by bcmuffin who has 49 posts.
Inactive No Rank


As the voice reached out to caress her ears she fell to the floor, legs splayed to her front, chin tipped to the side almost offering the stranger her throat while the tip of her pink tongue poked between her clenched teeth. Her eyes squeezed tightly shut dared to open a peek and her heart stopped. The wolf before her may not look (nor smell, nor sound) anything like Rhysis to anyone in their right mind (his build, his eyes, his drawl), but sanity and sense had fled the girl long ago. M-m-master! her mind screamed while her throat whined, the tip of her tail tickling her stomach as she tried to inch forward.

Every fibre of her body sang like the beaten dog she was. Only he had ever looked at her with care in his voice, even if it never quite reached his eyes. Only he had known. The next noise to leave her mouth was a barking cough, followed by more whines of supplication, the sort of song an anxious puppy sung to appease its parents, and still she crawled forward with her belly in the snow, her starved and frozen sparrow all but forgotten behind her.

As she finally drew close enough her nose strained to reach his toes, a wrist, anything she would be able to lavish her devotion on. As always she would expect the harsh bite of teeth, weight pressing on the back of her neck, a vice like grip around her snout… But she didn’t care. He had come back for her, just like she always knew he would.

psycho killer teen dream action film
(This post was last modified: Feb 17, 2015, 03:27 AM by Samhain.)
Played by Becca who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Her beautiful face didn't match right with her actions. She dropped to the ground and practically squirmed to Vali. A bit in shock at the act the female was putting on he allowed himself to stand still and watch her. Her face slowly getting closer to his paws. Allowing her to do so he felt a sense of pride. She had accepted his invitation so daringly and he would use it to his advantage.

"My dear, you're so ill. You need my help don't you?" His voice cooed out as he lowered his own nose to hover right above her head. What would he do? He could easily grab a hold of her scruff or even comfort her in his effort to keep her close. Deciding the second option his nose was pressed lightly upon her own crown. This was almost too easy for him. Like stealing a bone from a pup.

It was hard for Vali to decide how far he wanted to take this. While in his years of destroying others life he learned how to switch appearances on the drop of a leaf, but something inside him whispered to take this. This would be his chance to make himself even with Garmr. Such a sweetness he longed for. Even an old healer got lonely sometimes. "You'll be fine now." Pulling his lips back a bit he nibbled softly on her upper forehead. This would be it. She could and would be his chance to make something of someone. Garmr had Nayeli so Vali would take claim on...this poor creature.

(This post was last modified: Feb 17, 2015, 03:49 AM by Vali.)
i guess i can’t blame you
but i hate you all the same
Played by bcmuffin who has 49 posts.
Inactive No Rank


The voice continued to caress her ears, soothing her desperate whines down to anxious coos. The gentle touch to her crown sent a familiar shiver though the girl, the gentle nibbles strengthening her sense of security enough that she managed to bring herself up into a slouched seat, her teeth reaching out to gentle comb the chest of this strange males chest. Of course in her mind she had known the male for years, but reality and fantasy often seemed one and the same to the poor broken wretch, her desperation for belonging and a lifetime of abuse had driven her insane.

“Fine now.” She parroted back under her breath, her voice hoarse from disuse but still carrying a gentle musical tone. “Haine fine now.” she reaffirmed, clearly child like in the development of her speech. Her forehead gently leaned into the dark male as she took in his scent, allowing it to fill her completely. Yes, master had found her and now she would be alright, even her cursed companion had nothing to say on the matter. She had been quiet for a while now. Maybe she had lost her when she finally decided to ascend the heights?

Turning her head first one way, and then the other, it was difficult to see the mountain through the web of trees, a small break in the canopy afforded her a view of the side of Dire Mountain. Reporting to her master had always been difficult for the girl, her body language rarely enough but she knew her tasking and she wanted to make him proud. “Home. Two.” she told the wolf before her, still convinced he was the saviour that stole her away from her birth pack. “Home.” she muttered again with a small nod. She had found a pack, a small pack, up there. She had found a pack for him.

psycho killer teen dream action film
Played by Becca who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank

The woman had gone from an anxious wreck to something a tad bit more organized. Vali watched as she sat slouched slightly. As strange as it was to the male he allowed the physical contact to come from her. Anything to keep her trusting him for long enough. She was slowly and slowly becoming more important. Going from a pawn to a knight.

“Haine fine now.”

There it was. A golden piece of information. A name, it was like a key to the ultimate gate. "Good Haine." Her name was spoke so pure and light off of his tongue. As if her name had the uttermost value to him (which it did). Yet then things got rather strange. Haine spoke of a home and of two. What did she mean? Two homes? Or perhaps...oh no. That wasn't good. He couldn't just disappear from his family to follow this woman. She wasn't of purity, that he was aware of, and that would leave him ultimately banished from his family. While he usually couldn't care less about leaving his brother, sister, and nephew behind he figured it might be in his best interest to not piss of Garmr while he was already in a bad mood.

It took some thought but Vali couldn't bring himself to say no. The male had said no so many times but he couldn't do it now. Haine was becoming so valuable and perhaps even manipulable that he wanted to go with her to keep this act rather real. "A home? You've done so well my dear, so very proud of you." His words would float easily into her ears. Yes, Vali had found his pawn. Haine the pawn to his game of chess.

(This post was last modified: Feb 17, 2015, 04:38 AM by Vali.)
i guess i can’t blame you
but i hate you all the same
Played by bcmuffin who has 49 posts.
Inactive No Rank


The sound of her name on his lips causes a satisfied sigh to leave her chest. To her way of thinking she couldn’t possibly be wrong about this wolf being Master if he knew her name, never mind she had just provided it to him. Small facts like that easily slipped past her simple mind.

Simple concepts she could grasp. Her last clear instructions were to find a small home, a vulnerable home, and to wait, to be loyal and not bring herself under suspicion and to make herself valuable. Valuable was not a state she had ever seen herself as possessing but she guessed with the absence of other females in the pack she was ‘important’ to a degree. She just hoped she was making him proud.

Now he knew she could allow herself a momentary wave of her tail against her belly and a bump of her nose against his pale chin. She didn’t expect him to follow her now, she never thought to question his orders to her in the past and knew she wasn’t nearly clever enough to comprehend the intricacies of his plans, all she could hope is that one day he would come, and that was far more likely if he knew she had found him a pack, their pack.

To think her father had only ever called her useless.

psycho killer teen dream action film
Played by Becca who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank

She was so easy to please. A sigh coming from her lips that caused him to smile the slightest bit. Perhaps if she was so willing to listen to his praises and previous words she would be able to take a simple command. Just maybe..

Leaning forward to brush her cheek softly Vali pulled pack. Standing tall and rather bold, the easiest way to get his message across. "Haine, I need you to listen to me very carefully," He cocked his head curious if she would get his words of needing her attention. "I will come home but I need to go see someone first. When I'm done I'll return to you." It was a loose promise, perhaps it would be filled but perhaps it wouldn't. Honestly he wanted to go talk to Garmr and Skadi about Haine first before simply disappearing. They had came here to find Nayeli and he would put that mission first though. Maybe when it was over he could go "home" with Haine. Be with her and use her to his pleasure. Simple enough idea.

Letting his tail wag behind him slightly his eyes offered the same invitation they had before. This time he wanted something though. One more touch before the two parted ways for who knew how long. Vali needed to know she felt secure with his promise. Something to seal the envelope so to speak. A binding between the two souls. He could help her and her issues but she need to give in. Allow herself to be his as a whole.

i guess i can’t blame you
but i hate you all the same
Played by bcmuffin who has 49 posts.
Inactive No Rank


Listening very carefully was something she was very good at and for the first time her ears turned forward, even if her eyes stayed trained on the snow between their paws. His directions were clear and she allowed her ears to fold back down against her neck with another simple sigh. It was easier to nod her understanding than to try and find words to convey her compliance. Her nose tipped up once again to brush against the underside of his chin, her tongue daring to snake out and lick at the corner of his mouth, a promise that she would wait obediently as he requested.


Finally peeling herself away she slunk back towards her abandoned sparrow. Picking it up gently between her jaws and turning to look over her shoulder with a small wave of her tail. She had waited this long and she would wait as long as it took. He had no reason to fear she would knowingly betray him.

She felt recharged and rejuvenated. Despite her hollow sides and brittle fur she felt warm and filled with purpose. She had a place to go, and he knew that he could find her there. She would do all in her power to achieve a few simple words of praise. It would be a long walk back to the Lost Lake but it would pass in no time at all. The brown wolf was already walking on air.

psycho killer teen dream action film