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Shadow Puppet — Kingsfall 
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Played by AshBash who has 12 posts.
Dorian Gray
For @Absyrtus | Thundery outbreaks in nearby

“I knew nothing but shadows and I thought them to be real.”

Shadows. These were the life long companions of the nomad. Their opaque darkness offering the young man protection from the world around him. Camouflaging large robust frame from unwanted eyes when the scent of others became too close. Dorian Gray couldn't risk being seen. A ghost of the shadows he was to remain. Never seen. Never heard. Oh he couldn't only imagine the horrors that awaited him if another was to spot him. Lowly the sound of thunder rumbled in the distance announcing the oncoming approach of yet another spring storm. The loud booms covering any noise his large pads made against the mud slickened earth and debris riddled floor of the strange forest he now found himself traversing. Heavy clouds dreary in color that once brought light drops of rain in the form of a drizzle now assaulting the earth and its inhabitants with a pelting force. The poor Dorian Gray soaked to his very core.

Pausing to take a breather a quick shake was given to free his coat of the excess weight the rain had bestowed upon him. Ears in a flash facing forward then circling about to ensure he was alone in this dampened place. Only satisfied with his surveillance after allowing the single green optic nestled within his mask to absorb every mark on the trees. Every disturbance in the brush. One could never be too careful. Accepting that all was clear did he finally acknowledge the hunger and thirst that clawed at his innards, the throbbing that inflamed his pads and limbs from constant traveling. Lightly washed out face lowering to lap the pink of his tongue delicately at the surface of a pool of water that had collected at the base of a tree. The first proper drink in what felt like eons. Paranoia pushing the young one eyed lad on further and further. The risk of what could happen if he stopped too long enough to let his emotions win over rational thinking. He couldn't risk it.

(This post was last modified: Jun 22, 2015, 04:44 AM by Dorian.)
Played by Adopter who has 11 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Absyrtus Selk Lycus Slayer
Saying Absy would still be a lone wolf when this happens @Dorian

He traveled through the land on nimble paws. His pace was well kept so far but his paws were becoming sore. The copper boy's stamina was running low and not even pure mental strength would let him keep running. Panting softly he stopped to shake out his fur. Drops of water flew out around the form of the yearling male.

Hearing something move in the distance Absy froze. His ears dared to lean back against his crown, tail down but the end of it swooshed up a little, his neck craned out with a low and heavy woof. "Who's there?" Absy was all about looking out for himself. He lacked the height and muscle of most males; not to mention he lacked the protection of a pack. Peering through the rain softly, he lifted his paw slowly ready to make a move. "I won't hurt you if you don't hurt me." It was a deal he was willing to bet. Even if he couldn't exactly see who he was barking at.

A roll of thunder collapsed over the skies above the woods. Maybe even a flash of lightening would appear but one couldn't be sure. The scent of fresh rain let the Lycus-Slayer yearling know that a heavier rain fall would happen soon. A relief from hot summer suns but certainly not the most pleasing weather. In fact at times he wished that the sun would warm his copper pelt over having the sky water weigh him down by drowning his fur.

Absyrtus Selk Lycus-Slayer
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by AshBash who has 12 posts.
Dorian Gray

A voice rings out. Sure enough the peaceful fantasy around the young Gray came tumbling down like shattered glass. The voice like a bullet that was shot right through the piece of art, forcing the panic stricken lad to hug the dirty ground with his body. His thoughts were so otiose in thinking he was Scott free of his pursuers. Surely he had to have known they would catch up to him eventually. Why didn't he cover his tracks better? Used more plant oils to mask his scent from the demons on his trail. It was too late now, though. Someone had found him. 'If I just stay hunkered down and don't make a noise, maybe...maybe I can crawl out of this situation alive. Yeah! That outta work.' Dorian rambled about his plan in his mind. Slowly inching forward on fear shaken limbs.  

Too busy with his eye trained on the direction the strange voice had come from there wasn't enough time for the light coated wolf to notice the twig approaching his awaiting claws. A loud snap resonating under the pressure of his paws as it broke the deceased plant life in two, freezing the young lad in his place. Eye widened a few degrees and heart thudding heavily in his chest loud enough to drown out the roar of the thunder, Dorian ceased all motions. Even his lungs only inhaling half way in fear that that too would blow his cover. "I won't hurt you if you don't hurt me." The stranger called out again. 'Of course you won't. That's what they always say before jumping for your throat.' He wheezed mentally. Body beginning to shiver from a combination of the chilled rain and fear cooling his blood. "I'm not coming out!" Dorian shouted. Unbeknownst until it was already out of his mouth that his words were not reverberated within the safety of his mental walls. Crap. 

Played by Adopter who has 11 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Absyrtus Selk Lycus Slayer

"I'm not coming out!"

Well that was certainly rude. Perhaps if the yearling had been bigger he would have made a show. Exposed his strength in hopes of chasing out whoever decided to be a grump. Of course he wasn't bigger. The boy was rather small and willow like. He could take care of running out of trouble but running in to trouble? That was nothing he was ready to do.

Huffing he paused allowing the storms above to roar before he spoke. "You know I bet I'm a whole lot smaller than you! I'm trying to protect myself more than protect the both of us!" A paused biting his tongue. Why'd he say that? Now whoever was being a grump knew he was smaller and likely an easy target. Whining softly he back up slowly with a hint of fear. "I-I was just ki-kidding! I'm really re-really big and scary!" Well that was a definite lie and the fear in his voice more than likely showed. The Lycus-Slayer would have no choice but to run if this other came out. Unless by some miracle he was talking to a bird or mouse the yearling would be dead meat.

Lighting flashed above them and the copper toned male couldn't help but yelp. Running at an awkward left angle to hide in some bushes. Crouching down in the flora he wondered if the other beast was gonna take an attack on him now. He was about as defenseless as a baby rabbit.

(This post was last modified: Jul 13, 2015, 03:03 AM by Absyrtus.)